May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

I've updated my journal.

Hopefully there will be babies coming thick and fast now May is here!
So excited and love seeing the progression! It's everyone's month and potentially mine! Xx
I'd be quite happy to go into labour at any time! I'm expecting that I'll either end up being induced or my labour will start with my waters popping tsunami style in the middle of my son's classroom when I drop him at school! Lol!

I'm actually starting to really worry about labour and how I'm going to cope. As each day gets closer that's all that's on my mind.

I am also worried about the exploding waters and knowing my luck it will happen. Just hope o make it home on the 24th after my sweep lol xxx
Don't stress over labour hun. You may cope brilliantly, if not then get yourself some pain relief and just have what you need to get you through. I was on the drip for a lot of my labour so I'm not sure how I'll cope with a natural labour. But I'm going into it with an open mind and I'll see how I go and take it from there.

I'm actually starting to really worry about labour and how I'm going to cope. As each day gets closer that's all that's on my mind.

I am also worried about the exploding waters and knowing my luck it will happen. Just hope o make it home on the 24th after my sweep lol xxx

The NCT course I went to at the weekend really helped to ease my mind about labour. Also, the hypnobirthing book I've been reading.
I'm eager for labour to start. I'm keeping an open mind on pain relief, especially if I don't go into labour before induction. It's mixed, but induction can sometimes lead to a more painful labour as you can go from nothing to full on, and then I'll gladly take some meds if need be, but I'm hoping to go naturally and that gas and air will be enough.

I don't really think much about the pain of labour. My anxieties are in regards to how things can go wrong. I know they rarely do, but that's what worries me most. I'm so ready to have him in my arms and for us to both be healthy and making our way home.
I'm terrified of something going wrong. Absolutely terrified. Just reading Snowbee's story and the knot in the cord has really shaken me up!

I'm still not convinced that I'll get a baby at the end of this pregnancy and I'm just so desperate for her to be here safe and sound.

I'm disappointed when I wake in the morning and I'm not in labour, Nikki. I think it would be better overnight since I don't sleep well anyway, DH could get some sleep while I get the early stuff out the way then he could take DS to nursery before taking us up to hospital. Perfect!
I'm not too worried about the pain from the contractions but I feel so unwell from bloating and reflux that I'm worried I'd feel too sick to cope very well.

I'd really like to avoid being induced because that's what happened last time and I'd like it to go differently this time. I know there's no point worrying about it because at the end of the day it'll be out of my hands but I still worry hoping I'll get my way.

I'm looking into acupuncture to help start things cos my massage therapist works with an acupuncturist.
Plus I've got mw appt tomorrow. Hope something starts soon.
I considered some acupuncture sessions to start things off too as I had acupuncture all through IVF. From what I read it is rarely successful before 40 weeks and I am being induced then so haven't booked it.
I am not too worried about pain really, it's going to happen regardless so just going to go with it. I am open minded about pain relief too, if I need it I will have it, esp as induction can make it more painful. That happened with my son. Was having contractions that should happen right at the end and I wasn't even 3cm. Tbh, the pain was manageable at that point, I wasn't screaming for pain relief, they advised me to have it as son was getting a little distressed and think they were anticipating a potential c section. Didnt let on at the time though xx
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cant believe your 40 weeks pebbles. are you having a sweep at your mw appointment? these babies really need to start coming soon! i know shes not.going to come before my section date, none of my others were early but im still trying to keep up hope. ive got midwife tomorrow too
That was sneaky of them lisey :) still, it would have been better to have the epidural in place already if things did end up going that way.

I hope so Nikki! With my son they couldn't do the sweep at 40 or 41 wks because baby wasn't engaged enough. I was 4/5 two weeks ago so I hope it's progressed since then.
That was sneaky of them lisey :) still, it would have been better to have the epidural in place already if things did end up going that way.

I hope so Nikki! With my son they couldn't do the sweep at 40 or 41 wks because baby wasn't engaged enough. I was 4/5 two weeks ago so I hope it's progressed since then.

I think it was not to panic me. I was 18 at the time. I was very calm but maybe they thought I would freak out. As soon as they broke my waters, he was fine xx
So lovely to read your update snowbee xx

Happy Edd pebbles xx

I feel so behind compared to you all! But I'm so done already! If I go overdue I could have another 5.5 weeks to go!!!! What?!

Can you feel it when baby engages? Or is it a surprise when the midwife tells you? Xx
My bubs has been 2/5 engaged for a few weeks.

I only knew she was starting to engage as I was a lot less breathless and I get a pain right at the bottom of my bump when she moves. Other than that I didn't really know and I've not really noticed a change in my bump or anything. Hubby said this evening he thinks she's dropped though but I can't see it myself.

That was sneaky of them lisey :) still, it would have been better to have the epidural in place already if things did end up going that way.

I hope so Nikki! With my son they couldn't do the sweep at 40 or 41 wks because baby wasn't engaged enough. I was 4/5 two weeks ago so I hope it's progressed since then.

I think it was not to panic me. I was 18 at the time. I was very calm but maybe they thought I would freak out. As soon as they broke my waters, he was fine xx

I think there's a lot they don't tell you at the time, so as not to panic you.

I had a labour debrief as part of my post natal depression treatment and found out a few things I was totally unaware of at the time. For example they were concerned about my blood pressure throughout and they took blood from Cam's head and if those results were unsatisfactory then they would have taken me for a c section right away.

If you panic or stress it can slow labour down so I guess they only tell you what you really need to know when you really need to know it.

Yeah I think it's sensible. No point telling us until we really need to know.
My bubs has only been 1/5th engaged but they said it doesn't really matter and can engage right before birth. My baby is back to back, I wonder if that affects ability to engage more xx
Yes mine is too and so I am beginning to wonder, not that it's a problem for me right now. Just wondered if it's an obvious feeling xx
I've heard that second babies sometimes don't engage until labour sometimes so it's not always an indicator of how close labour is.

I don't think back to back is the best position for a baby to be in when it comes to labour and delivery as I think it can slow things down as babies head can't press down on the cervix as well. Maybe spend plenty of time on your hands and knees for the next few days to try and get her to swing round a bit?

Wow I didn't know that. I'm happy in my ignorance bubble about things like that lol. I think though if anything was amiss with my son's birth they wouldn't have let me labour in the pool. I was taken out at the end but that was a scheduled dilation check bit like snowbees experience. I was knackered by that point though in think the extra gravity of not being in the water allowed him to.... shall we pretend... "fall" out lol.

Can't believe we are approaching the last few days (possibly weeks) oof pregnancy I keep trying to savour it but I also really want her here now.

At my last appointment she still wasn't engaged she was about in the right sort of area and position. And my bump has dropped. It will be nice to walk without getting out of breath. But I will miss my little kicks! It's about time we start looking into hubby's little op too.

I am a bit nervous now about everything but I'm sure all will be grand just hope it's not too long and my son is OK through it all. He doesn't like it when either ne or his dad aren't there and we're both not going to be there :s

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