May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

i think they are there on monday ill be 39 weeks then so ill pop down and ask them. midwife seemed quite hopeful so hopefully they will say yes

im not enjoying the heat today ive been all hot and bothered lol
I really feel ready to pop lol braxton hicks are getting stronger today after a day off yesterday. But I have been more active today again lol.
Glad you can have a sweep nikki. I hope it works!

I'm having my nails done tomorrow first time I've ever had gels on. I'm slightly nervous I just know people will be wanting to take like photos and stuff on baby and I don't want manky nails on key photos. But likewise I can't be arsed spending the time to paint my nails! Hence my friends have talked me into gels. Lol. I'm dreading them filing my nails and I'm hoping I don't freak out if the cut or file my nails. The main issue I have at the moment is what colour to go for! Maybe a dark purple? Dark red? Grey to match my new rooms :rofl:? Blue? I don't want anything too girly or too flirty (red for eg) it will need to go with lots of different clothes so not orange or green lol poo choices and decisions. I'm used to doing nail art when I do my nails so swirls and designs and gems etc.
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I'm feeling pretty disappointed. Just seen my midwife and explained I was worried that labour wasn't going to start naturally for me this week but I really wanted to avoid an induction.
She tried a sweep but said the cervix wasn't open enough to do it properly.
Then she rang the hospital trying to arrange induction for 42wks, but they said it's their policy to book at 41wks now so I'm booked in for next Monday.
I think I just cook them longer so I really doubt anything will start before then.
I'm quite angry with the hospital and their policy because it seems to me they are more worried about their statistics than the mother. I'm a low risk case so I don't see why they have to force things so early. I thought it was supposed to be my choice.
It is your choice hun.

You don't have to be induced if you don't want to.

You could ask for a scan to check placenta and cord function though as an option for monitoring if you decline induction.

its definately your choice hun if you want to wait id tell them you wont have induction till 42 weeks. they cant force you to do anything you dont want to
You don't have to do anything Pebbles. Full term is anywhere between 37-42 weeks. If your baby is still in there at 41-42 weeks, that's normal. You can decline induction after that too. I don't know why they try to rush things. Also during labour. It can be a very slow process!
im feeling very fed up today. im exhausted, feel sick, got a headache and toothache and just generally feel rubbish!
Pebbles, if you don't want it then ask them to do daily monitoring instead. My understanding is that they induce due to placenta failing after a certain amount of time but with regular monitoring they can watch out for that xx
What the girls have said pebbles! You don't have to do anything you don't want to. I read about a lady who had her babies at 43+5 and 44 weeks! You can just request monitoring instead, to put your mind at rest and make a decision on when you get induced based on that. Xx
Eeek...getting pretty regular pains. About every 4 minutes and about 40 seconds long...only started an hour ago though, straight after dtd like my last labour. Dunno if I'm just getting over excited though! Might go for a bath in a bit and see what happens. Xx
Exciting missy. Hope this is the start for you!

My belly is tightening at times, but no real pain with it. Some discomfort in my side and back. I'm assuming these are bh. I haven't really felt them, but stomach was getting rock hard.

I'm officially on mat leave now. Excited to not have to get up and make that long commute into work tomorrow. I do need to finish organising the 2nd bedroom. Is better, but not finished.
OMG missyeovil how exciting! You might squeeze in before Lisey then!!!!

Pebbles please don't let anyone force you into something that you don't need or don't feel ok about. As everyone has said it's your choice and the nhs have a duty of care to adhere to that and look after you no matter what you decide. In all honesty I'd be livid if they tried to force an early induction on me with no medical grounds :/ xx
Good luck missyeovil. Hope this is the start for you.
I am not sure if my waters went earlier. I was in the bath and heard and felt a whoosh of water. The thing is, I was in the bath so who knows lol.
Called and I just have to monitor, obv being induced in morning anyway so guessing they will check xx
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Thanks everyone. I'll sleep on it and see how I feel tomorrow. It feels like in theory they say I can opt for monitoring but in practice they're making it awkward.

Missy, that's exciting! I hope this is it for you.

Lisey, again, that's exciting! Maybe you can avoid your induction!
Thank you ladies. Still going. They're relatively ouchy, like borderline having to breathe through them so fingers crossed its time! Bath didn't stop them anyway. Going to try and sleep now but we'll see.

Good luck for the morning lisey...or maybe before if it was your waters!! Xx
Thanks ladies. Missyeovil, this must be it for you, really sounds like it. Hope you manage to get some rest xx
I'm up at 5am thinking about cornflakes and Lisey and Missyeovil, after my fifth toilet trip of the night. Looking forward to updates from both of you today, will be thinking of you both xx

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