May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

Eeek Ery! Hope things get going quickly for you!!

Nothing to report here!

Aye. I hope every baby is here soon.

Ive put my 2nd to last baby clothes wash on then just have a normal wash to do. Then i need to put it all away then i need yo start tidying back room mess then put my old pram on ebay.... going to start at 10 after breakfast lol.

And i agree it could still be weeks away. Hope not though as i heard you cant take a bath on e its gone so i erm dont know what to do as i cant shower lol. Surely a bath is better than nothing at all? Or well a flannell lol
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I think you can have a bath after the show, just not after your waters break, unless it's the bath for a water birth.
Ah the site I read said the mucus plug is the heavy hitter against infections. So you should refrain from "intimicy" swimming and bathing but showers were OK. Maybe it meant bubble bath for the thrush chances? Mind you I've never had thrush in my life!
I wouldn't take a bath with anything in it, just warm water. I'd say it's better to be clean than not. And maybe make it a quick one rather than a relaxing one.
Sounds like a plan!..... a boring plan but a plan nonetheless lol
Yeah, I'm not really a bath person, not for getting clean anyway. I only like a proper relaxation bath and then I shower after.
I used to loathe baths but then about 2 yrs ago I felt faint everyone I took a shower now I love a good stew in the bath lol
This is getting ridiculous. I'm running to the loo at least 3 times an hour. That's every 20 minutes. I'm drinking water, but not that much water.

At least I got the last load of his laundry done. It's just hanging up to dry now. Still need to finish going through things in the 2nd bedroom and organising that space. Just feel so tired and the grey skies and rain don't help any. Need for find the motivation at some point.
When I lost my show with son they said I could still have baths but was 200 years ago so things may have changed xx
When I phoned triage they didn't say anything but then they also didn't tell me to avoid sexy time either :p I think as with every other thing in pregnancy you can find opinions on both sides. Luckily I had a bath yesterday so if baby hurry's up....... lol but the contraction feeling I was getting yesterday have all stopped grr lol
Also I'm pretty good I have a crazy immune system I hope baby gets that too and not her daddy's crappy one!
This is getting ridiculous. I'm running to the loo at least 3 times an hour. That's every 20 minutes. I'm drinking water, but not that much water.

At least I got the last load of his laundry done. It's just hanging up to dry now. Still need to finish going through things in the 2nd bedroom and organising that space. Just feel so tired and the grey skies and rain don't help any. Need for find the motivation at some point.

I know how you feel hun. So much to do and I'm just not feeling it. Baby is probably resting on your bladder too not making it easy!!

I've been staring at this pram all morning all I have to do is nloody photograph it but it seems like this oi much effort lol
im still cleaning today i cant stop lol does anyone wake up every morning feeling a little bit disappointed that they havent gone into labour? lol
Lol for some reason I really wanted to hit may. But now I think I'll get dissapoihted each morning lol
yeah i didnt want her to be an april baby lol but for the last week ive woken up disappointed every morning lol think im hormonal
I don't want to go into labour in the middle of the night, I want sleep lpl. First thing is ok though :) xx

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