May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

Lol I asked my bump yesterday if she would rather sleep in the moses basket then she could stretch out and not be upside down all day lol
Hooray for your last day kabuk!

I'm wearing panty liners permanently now. I haven't had any hip pain in bed for a week!!!!! I seem to have found a good position that allows me to stay mostly on my left side all night.

Good luck lisey!!
And this morning sickness argh I thought I was done with this! How's yours Lisey?

I have felt quite sick on and off in the last few weeks. I wonder if there is something in it with the hyperemesis? Xx
I keep talking to him and urging him to make his appearance, ery. I've been sitting a the comp getting things in order and he was bouncing away in there- was getting a little hopeful that maybe he's trying to break my waters- that's how powerful those movements were.
Lisey my friend with hyperemesis told me to expect it to return at the end of 3Rd tri I laughed it off saying nahhh that won't happen..... lol

Kabuk. My lip miss has gone a bit lazy the past few days I'm still feeling her but she feels a bit 'comfy' then she'll have an active half hour or something lol hope your little man does try to make hia way into the world soon!
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oh has been talking to her every night and poking her in the hope she will get fed up lol this next week is going to drag!
Hopefully Betty, unless induction takes 5 days!!

Betty, does your OH have any paternity leave booked? If so then I would get him to help with the nights as it can be a shock to the system. The sleep deprivation is hard at first. My OH will be helping during pat leave. I plan to do the night feeds once he is back at work but will be in same room. My OH is tired even after 9 hours sleep, I don't know how he will cope but he will have to get on with it xx

He's a contractor and contracts generally last 6-8weeks. He was supposed to be working through the last couple of months so he could take a month off when baby arrives but it hasn't quite worked out that way. He works hard and brings in the money at the moment so I can't ask him to get up in the night when he has to leave for work at 6am :/ before my surgery I was only sleeping 2-3 hours a night max so maybe I have had an early intro into sleep deprivation?! Xx
I did all the night get ups with my other 2 since my husband obviously had to get up for work. He would quite often keep baby downstairs while I went up to bed a bit earlier and just bring them up when they got hungry so it meant I would get a couple of hours undisturbed. Sleep deprivation caused by babies is strange...I find it much easier to deal with than sleep deprivation by pregnancy for example! Maybe it's just cos you don't have a choice,baby needs you! X
My oh is still working (he is a dairy farmer so has to, plus I'm out of action and the third person we work with has been on annual leave so my oh has had to do absolutely everything on his own this week). Last night little one slept for an hour in his basket, other than that it is tag team time. I go to bed early, then when little one wants his next feed my oh brings him up to me and goes to bed himself. I then have him to about 4am, then my oh will get up and take him downstairs so I can sleep until he goes to work. It isn't ideal but I assume he will gradually sleep more on his own.
Yea he'll start sleeping better... until teething starts. Just tidyed the front room looks much better. Steam cleaning was hard work it never normally is! I can feel Lil misses spine down my front so I think that's why I'm not feeling her as strong today feels like she is tickling me rather than kicking me if that makes sense. I'm half tempted to dit on my ball but I'm not 100% sure where it is lol
Managed to get the ball up nearly fell off it if I hadn't been wearing a skirt (dress) it would have been a you been framed moment!
But after a few mins I felt a pressure down low. So I think it may be helping.
ive been on my ball this morning i think it needs pumping up more though lol got midwife in an hour so ill see wnat she says! hope babies engaging lol
Yea the instructions on how much to pump it up are very wishy washey lol.
I've pumped mine up and then put in a bit more.... Then a bit more.... Lol!

No idea if there's enough air in it or not!

I really should sit and bounce on it more. Cam has had a great time playing on it though! Lol!

my 2 have great fun on mine lol think they get more use out of it than i do lol
Lol my son's not seen it yet but I'm sure he'll love it!
I just burst out crying at junior masterchef... daft hormones!
ZOMG!!!!! I just found an unopened large tub of celebrations left over from Xmas! I must have tidied it away and forgot about it. I'm so so happy lol.
haha id be happy aswell ery! midwife went ok. she said i could go to the drop in midwife clinic next week and see if they will give me a.sweep befire my section to see if that will kick things off naturally as a last attempt lol
Glad midwife was good nikki, that's good they'll give you a sweep!

I am so glad I'm about to pop. The heat today is killing me, so glad I don't have to be pregnant through the summer!


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