May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

Happy mat leave ery. At least you don't have to worry now if she does decide to come. Take advantage of some relaxation time xx
Maybe try some reflexology. It's suppose to help bring on labour, or so they say. My sister had it with her third and went into labour the next day. I think he was the only one she wasn't induced for.

Lisey, you can still be a writer. You don't need a degree for that. With the ability to self-publish and sell on amazon so easily, if you can find the time, you can make it happen.

I did some more shopping today, stocked up on laundry detergent, washing up liquid, snacks for the house and snacks for labour. I ended up getting those fruity porridge breakfast pouches, fruity protein pouched, fruit pouches, slight soreen loaf and electrolyte water. I only tried soreen for the first time a couple weeks ago and I'm hooked, plus great energy food, but went with pouches that can be slurped mainly as I've read that it tends to be easier to handle something that doesn't need chewing, plus chewing can be tiresome. Hopefully that's enough.

The tommee tippe sangenic start kit arrived yesterday, as did the swaddleme, so all is packed now.

Just resting a nit now, but need to finish organising the kitchen, which I'll do later. I have to do it because if I leave it to my dw I won't be able to find anything. Since I'm the cook, it's important that things are organised well. Then we have to finish organising the second bedroom so it's ready for when my in-laws arrive. Everything else is ready to go. Will book a cleaner for the end of the week as the in-laws arrive on the 8th. I've missed having a cleaner.

I still have laundry to do, but because we don't have a drier, I can only do one load a day. I'm well passed the point of taking it to the launderette to dry things. All sheets and towels got done, so just a couple of smaller loads, some I'll leave until later in the week.
Pebbles, I completely understand, although I'm opposite as I love teaching and hate accountancy. However, I do believe part of the reason I hated accounting so much was that I fell for the Big 4 spiel and then got stuck in financial services audit. I wish I could've just for on with things and just see it as a job that would be well paid one day, but I need a connection and there was none. I begged to audit pensions because that had a little more meaning for me, protecting someones future retirement. I actually enjoy bookkeeping and budgeting, but couldn't stand audit. If I ever did something a bit more techy again, I'd go back to e-learning. I did that in between accounting and waiting to find out if I got accepted and then start my PGCE.
im forcing myself to sort the house out today lol im in alot of pain tho and its the last thing i want to do but ive only got this weekend and next weekend so really need to clean it and tidy. doing upstairs first, downstairs might have to wait till tomorrow i dont understand how the house gets so messy!
I know, you are right kabuk. I used to write all the time. Was told by few people that I had a real talent for it then was talked out of pursuing it by a careers advisor!! She said too hard to get into. It's a shame really. You never know, one day maybe.
Sounds like you are well organised, we need to do a shop for some hospital snacks and some quick foods when we get home with bubs. Cutting it a bit fine really xx
Online shops ftw esp for after baby us here! Lol

I just had a nap and feel a bit more refreshed.

Kabuk.... im a qualified bookkeeper too lol. Weird how we are so similar I guess one geek is much like another :rofl:

And lisey go for it my oh has got his book on amazon every no and again we get some royalties it's a nice surprise.
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Ery, it's always nice to meet another female geek. Once of the biggest downsides to being an English teacher in a mainstream school is that you're usually surrounded by women who have no interest in tech beyond social media and no interest in sport- two very biggies for me.

Lisey, we have no meals prepared and frozen, but as my in-laws will be here, I know cooking will get done and food will be left behind. Right now it's lots of easy meals so I'm not standing around in the kitchen for ages cooking. It's quesadillas tonight!
Phew. It's not just me then. My OH does most of the cooking anyway but I know the first few weeks are hard with sleep deprivation. There's always takeaways and can pop to the shops to get pizza etc xx
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I did a load a bulk cooking so I've got various stews, casseroles, chilli etc in the freezer plus a couple of really quick easy cook from frozen meals. Probably got enough for just over a week but it'll help take the pressure off when we first get home. I want a takeaway the first night we're home though. We were in hospital for a week when Cam was born and I was an overwhelmed emotional mess when we eventually brought him home! I'm hoping it'll all be a lot more straight forward this time round and I can enjoy the whole experience more!

Hopefully it's easier this time Emily x
People are already planning their visits for next weekend, by my calculations that will be 'baby blues' time and my son is being quite difficult last couple of days. Hope it passes as I feel so stressed out.
I did a load a bulk cooking so I've got various stews, casseroles, chilli etc in the freezer plus a couple of really quick easy cook from frozen meals. Probably got enough for just over a week but it'll help take the pressure off when we first get home. I want a takeaway the first night we're home though. We were in hospital for a week when Cam was born and I was an overwhelmed emotional mess when we eventually brought him home! I'm hoping it'll all be a lot more straight forward this time round and I can enjoy the whole experience more!


We did that Hun and it's been really useful! Dinners sorted helped because the days fly by and there doesn't seem enough hours in the day but then we are new to this! X
Hopefully it's easier this time Emily x
People are already planning their visits for next weekend, by my calculations that will be 'baby blues' time and my son is being quite difficult last couple of days. Hope it passes as I feel so stressed out.

I hope your son settles down Hun and you get some chill time before baby arrives xx
Hopefully it's easier this time Emily x
People are already planning their visits for next weekend, by my calculations that will be 'baby blues' time and my son is being quite difficult last couple of days. Hope it passes as I feel so stressed out.

I hope your son settles down Hun and you get some chill time before baby arrives xx

Thanks Lou, I hope so too. He goes through phases of being fixated on things. When he is fixated he repeats himself constantly and is not happy unless you agree and repeat it back. It becomes quite tiresome. I am actually drained today. Hopefully tomorrow will be better xx
Hope he settles down before baby arrives.

My Hubby's family have been talking about visiting but I said to hubby that if they are coming to visit I don't want them here until at least the second week after bubs is born. When he spoke to them today though they were talking about the end of May which should be fine. I don't mind visitors but because they live so far away they would have to stay over and I don't want to have to feel like I need to play hostess with the mostess just after having had a baby.

I had terrible baby blues on day three! Cried nearly all day! Hopefully it won't be so bad this time around!

ive cleaned the whole house today im so tired. just got to keep it sorted and tidy now till baby comes. left oh to do dinner but hes stressing out lol camt wait to have a soak in the bath and get into bed but wanted to get it all done today so i can take my.youngest to a.fete tomorrow
Hopefully you'll find it easier to keep on top of now that it's sorted. I make sure I get all my chores done first thing now and it takes less than an hour to sort the whole house from top to bottom and that's if I've let it slide a bit. I whipped round today and it only took me about 20 minutes.

thats what i used to do but with how bad my spd is not alot has been done this week and no one else knows how to do housework in this house so its just been piling up lol ill try and do it everyday now to stay on top of it for when baby comes
Congrats Snowbee! Looking forward to your update.

I've just done a two day NCT antenatal course. It was really good! I feel like I know so much about labour now and what to expect, and also what to do afterwards! I definitely feel more confident about it all.

I don't like sport much. By that I mean watching it on tv, which I hate, but I'm good at keeping fit. I'm not a fan of technology either really. I find mobile phones and computers are really invasive and addictive, especially social media and games. They've caused a lot of arguments here! I'm worried about how my son might respond to these things, especially as his dad is glued to them!

My interests lie in the natural world and, to be fair, my boyfriend loves it too. I'm an ornithologist, but we both like to watch birds. We like to identify plants. He likes hill walking a lot and has an allotment, which I can't wait to show baby (there are a couple of other young babies there when we go). I intend to give him green fingers! I also like to read about spirituality, psychology and like making things and most of the crafts.
OK. .if I was in doubt about my "show" yesterday Im in no doubt now lol looks like my lady bits just sneezed :sick:

Though one thing is for sure... it's not a show I'd pay money to go and watch lol guardians of the galaxy was more more interesting :p
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Hopefully labour is imminent for you, although I've read that the show doesn't necessarily mean that and labour could still be 2-3 weeks away. Crazy. Hopefully not.

I'm beyond ready for his arrival. I'm so tired of waking and not being able to comfortably make a fist. The swelling is so bad in my hands in the morning. It takes awhile to go down, but it eventually does.

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