Maybe try some reflexology. It's suppose to help bring on labour, or so they say. My sister had it with her third and went into labour the next day. I think he was the only one she wasn't induced for.
Lisey, you can still be a writer. You don't need a degree for that. With the ability to self-publish and sell on amazon so easily, if you can find the time, you can make it happen.
I did some more shopping today, stocked up on laundry detergent, washing up liquid, snacks for the house and snacks for labour. I ended up getting those fruity porridge breakfast pouches, fruity protein pouched, fruit pouches, slight soreen loaf and electrolyte water. I only tried soreen for the first time a couple weeks ago and I'm hooked, plus great energy food, but went with pouches that can be slurped mainly as I've read that it tends to be easier to handle something that doesn't need chewing, plus chewing can be tiresome. Hopefully that's enough.
The tommee tippe sangenic start kit arrived yesterday, as did the swaddleme, so all is packed now.
Just resting a nit now, but need to finish organising the kitchen, which I'll do later. I have to do it because if I leave it to my dw I won't be able to find anything. Since I'm the cook, it's important that things are organised well. Then we have to finish organising the second bedroom so it's ready for when my in-laws arrive. Everything else is ready to go. Will book a cleaner for the end of the week as the in-laws arrive on the 8th. I've missed having a cleaner.
I still have laundry to do, but because we don't have a drier, I can only do one load a day. I'm well passed the point of taking it to the launderette to dry things. All sheets and towels got done, so just a couple of smaller loads, some I'll leave until later in the week.