May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

Awesome. I can still go to work then.
Just been sick though :(

I didn't lose my plug at all with my son x
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Ery, I really wish they did more geeky things with mum/mummy on it. Same thing with sports. So much is daddy related. Although this outfit has both I love mummy and I love daddy on it, so progress.

My dw and I are both pretty geeky. She comes from a games design background, then into UI/UX design and now on track for Chief Product Officer at the AI company. She does a bit of everything. For me, it's always been something on the side- I loved building gaming PC and making old shitty laptops work again with a little speed by installing a version of linux and customising it. We're quite the pair, her postgrad is in programming and creative industries and mine in neuroscience, so we both read a lot about different areas of AI.

I'm disappointed with Marvel/Disney at the moment. I would love some Guardians of the Galaxy outfits, but can't find a thing except on eBay, etsy and places like that. Other than Star Wars, they don't seem to do much for baby's from films that don't include cartoon characters.
Awesome :) I too enjoyed building and repairing laptops and pcs.
I did a bit of both with my degree it was mostly programming but we had a few modules on neuroscience to give us a background of the "eventual aims" very basic though there was even a philosophy of a.I. discussing the moral implications which really got my interest! (My husband being a philosopher we had some interesting debates!)

I sorta miss utilising my degree now but I can't deny my natural flair for sales it was easy money lol. And much less hard work!

Yea they really should have some baby groot outfits at the very least! Little rocket racoon tops lol
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I know. I really want a baby Groot one. I may cave and buy one from eBay or one of the others. They have onesies with I am Groot and it's the baby groot. But I really want an outfit or a sleepsuit.

I know what you mean. I've tried other fields, hell, even my education has been all over the place. I started as a double major in biology and chemistry and ended up with a degree in English with a minor in creative writing. I then started training as an accountant, which was just not something I enjoyed (understatement of the year) and then went into education. My neuroscience studies was based more around education, although I love the genetics of development module and any topic on memory and development. As much as I love it, I realised I don't enjoy the research side of it. I much rather read the research and use it in a practical way. Plus, I hate the politics of academia. Not keen on that aspect in a mainstream school either, but it's more manageable.

I thought about sales. I've done a little of it in the past whilst I was at uni. I just love working with people, but after doing quite a bit of tutoring and coaching, that I really wanted to work with kids of any age.
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Yea I fancied being a teacher a maths teacher but after seeing how things are going in schools now I'm not sure.

I'm trying to get through to triage now as I've had nire brown discharge and to be blunt it smells weird so gonna see what they say.
Hope everything is OK hun. Probably just old stuff working it's way out but good idea to call for reassurance.

39 weeks today for me and.... Nothing exciting to report! Would do love for her to arrive early but I just know she's going to be late. Still, she's moving well this morning which always helps me to feel better!

Bumpy pic...



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Ery, I don't blame you. That's why I'm out of mainstream right now, although I may go back to teach primary after he arrives. Hope all is okay.

Emily, cute bump. If only we could accurately predict their arrival. It's the waiting game that is the worst. Of course I'd prefer sooner rather than later, but knowing an exact date of arrival would do a world of good.
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Glad it's nothing to worry about ery xx
You ladies have eventful and interesting working lives. I have only ever worked in childcare. From training at 17 to now!! I wanted to be a writer though, that was the ultimate dream xx
Ooo Ery that's good! How many days at work have you got left now?

I've worked in hospitality and as classroom assistant in pre school, primary and secondary but I'm not actually trained in anything. I went to uni to study music but I missed my now husband too much so came home after 2 weeks and had babies instead! I would live to train as a midwife now but where I live it is impossible so it's in the back if my mind for the future. I will probably do an early years qualification in a few years when the kids are older so I can get a job when they're in school. Xx
Well I was supposed to have 4 days left but my boss has just called and said I'm not allowed to work due to health and safety :( so I guess my mat leave starts now! Terrifying!!!!
Happy maternity leave Ery!!

I've worked in a rescue centre for the last 12 years. It's the only proper job I've ever had really.

Thanks hun. I don't know what to do with myself now! Still convinced she will be late lol
This is the position I've been in for weeks!! I'm so ready and prepared that I'm literally twiddling my thumbs! Freezer is stocked, my laundry basket is completely empty, I've just had a quick whip round and tidy up and now I'm just watching TV. I might repack mine and babies hospital bags just for funsies! Lol!!

I've still got no signs of anything happening at all. Could bounce on my ball for a bit I guess but I'm just not really feeling it. Not allowed to DTD to get things going so I guess there's nothing for it but to put my feet up and have a cuppa RLT and wait....

Yea it's such a weird time. I'm Currently getting a few tightenings which are keeping me on my toes I need to repack the bags too. Slippers are so huge lol
3 of my friends have announced this week they are pregnant the nutters!! Lol
Me and my OH are fairly geeky too. His degree is physics and computing, mine's in Maths. We met training to be Maths teachers. He still is one but I decided teaching wasn't for me. Now I'm training to be an accountant and love it so far (one year in).

Happy maternity leave Ery!

There is more tidying and sorting that I could be doing but like Nikki says, I just can't bring myself to do it.
I need to pack a few more bits and pieces for hospital. Maybe baby is waiting for me to finish that before they make their appearance!
Yea I feel that I've got to tidy and put things in the bag that are currently on top of the bag but I can't very bothered I think I may nap instead lol

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