May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

Darn it was looking forward to sexy time :cry: my me offered me a sweep at 40+1 so hopefully they will Emily.
Hi ladies it's all starting to happen in here, thinking of u all and sending baby birthing vibes your way! Emily anxiety is awful and I found mine was worse the further on I got, I guess it's anticipation too, keep pestering triage or your midwife whatever puts u at ease xx
Ery it could be the start of your show? The old blood coming away first?
Leigh sorry u are fed up, honestly Hun it's all worth it trust me!! It's tough but worth everything when u gaze at that little innocent face u created xx it's amazing!

Hi all, hope everyone is ok, I've had a quick skim through but will grab a better update later.

Our little boy arrived on the 27th, I got home this afternoon. I'll update further when I can but dashing off for my tea now :)
Ahhh yay congratulations!!! Cannot wait to hear all about it! Hope you are both doing well xxx
Snowbee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yayyyyyyyyyyyyy we've been waiting for that news!!!!!!! Hope your both doing well
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Congratulations Snowbee!! We've been eagerly awaiting news of his safe arrival!! Looking forward to hearing the details and hope you are well.

yay snowbee! so glad to hear your both ok! weve all been waiting for an update! lol congratulations :)
Cant wait for more updates snowbee. We have all been waiting to hear from you. Huge congrats xx

So think my OH is nesting, he has been to the tip twice, sorted the shed, mowed the lawn, sorted some stuff in room and cleared the kitchen cupboards. He is on a mission xx
Congrats Snowbee! Can't wait to read your story and see pics.

I've been offered my first sweep at 38+5 so I hope they give you one soon xxx
Congrats Snowbee. A little jealous I really wanted my little boy to arrive on the 27th. Glad you and he are home and well. can't wait for the update.

I just had an epic fail with dinner. Made chorizo burgers and went to cut into it and my entire meal ended up on the new carpet, red grease everywhere. All I could do was cry and leave the room. I might have lost it otherwise. Thank goodness my dw just cleaned it up and got on with things. I so miss having a proper table to eat at and our makeshift coffee table of a storage bench is just too narrow to keep things on it and use it for dinner. I managed to eat the potatoes, my least favourite part of the meal, and that's it. So I had ice cream instead, but so want a hot fudge sunday and no mcdonalds seem to do them here- just toffee/caramel or strawberry. Still hungry and trying to figure out what to eat now. I don't have anything proper to fix quickly and I don't want to cook again.
lisey i wish my oh was nesting our house is a tip but he cant get motivated to do anything and i havent felt like doing anything today either so now its going to be left till tomorrow lol
i was kind of hoping my midwife might give me a sweep on tuesday but ill only be 38+1 so think its a bit early
My OH is very good with stuff like that but he has gone to town today.
Kabul, I would have cried too, glad it was able to be cleaned though xx
Well, decided to have a treat instead after that. Gone out to get a hot fudge Sunday.
and me please lol

feeling sorry for myself tonight. exhausted, hot flushes, feel sick and these contact braxton hicks are driving me mad. oh is watching the boxing im going to go to bed soon lol
It was the most sinful hot fudge sunday. I haven't had a treat like that in years. It's not something that I would've even considered over the last couple of years as I got super healthy. Damn it was good. I'd send you ladies some if I could. It was a bit too much for me though. I couldn't finish it. I'm not even big on chocolate normally, but it seems to be something I like in this final weeks.

nikki, I've been getting hot flushes, or just feeling very flushed for periods of time when no one else does.

The little robot outfit arrived and I'm so disappointed and annoyed with myself. I didn't see it in the image, but the trousers 'I love daddy' on it. No daddy here. Looks like it'll be a gift for my dw's boss who is expecting a boy in Sept. The robots are very fitting as his company is and AI company. Although not really robot related AI, he's such a geek and will appreciate it.
Aww that's a shame. There doesn't seem to be much in the way for geeky mummies my degree is in A.I. too. Though I'm so out of touch having not used it in years but still keep am interest in it. Maybe it's a line of clothing someone should start to make! Could also have a section for sane sex partners too I love my mummies and I adore my daddys etc. I must admit I haven't looked but also I haven't seen any whilst doing make own shopping!
I'm nervous about work tomorrow if I have lost some of my plug and I think I may well have done. I don't know what I should do. I am getting false? contractions just very few and far between at the moment they are gradually getting more intense but at the rates they have been intensifing I've got a few days left yet!
Eryinera I lost my plug the Friday after my sweep on the Thursday and it did nothing :/ they said it could be hours or even a week after losing it anything could happen xx

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