May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

Ooooo lisey that's a good sign too. Argh it's like a very slow action movie in this thread like.... watching a snail race hahahaha
Hope all goes well with the mw Emily.

Ery, can't wait to see Guardians. We are heading to the 2.15 showing here. I'm also going to do a last shop and stock up on my M&S decaf coffee, Hema's coffee creamer and a few other items that I can't get from my typical grocery shop online.

lisey, really does sound like your body is getting ready. Hopefully labour will start before induction.

I'm not even feeling any bh, but I guess that is normal for the first. When I am up and about for while, showering, cooking, or watcher, my stomach tightens, but it relaxes again when I do. He's still moving about in there, somehow finding some room. So looking forward to the cinema, both the film and popcorn.
We're going to the 12:40 showing x x

I get the tightening's too but recently they have been accompanied by more intense feelings too.

I missed picking up my prescription so I'm noq out of heartburn and heart pills. I got told to stop them before the labour anyway. And I gad gone down from 2 to 1 pills a day due to early sleeps. Fz I won't need them.

I'm loving having a decent cleavage in my new dress lol hope it stays after the birth and bf lol

I may be ready to meet my little girl but Im not quite ready to say bye bye to my lady bumps lol.
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I would've gone to the one around 12 here too, but my dw likes to sleep in and have a lazy morning, so booking one after 2 was a must.
Lol.let her enjoy her lie in whilst she can.... my son is 8 now now...... I've not had a lie in in 8 yrs lol
I'm a bit envious. I just can't sleep past 7 and that is a struggle. That was even before being pregnant. My body clock because of crossfit and work has be waking between 5.30-6.30 every morning. When I try to sleep in, I just can't. It's her birthday weekend too, so she'll have her down day tomorrow and I've got all her favourite foods for feast on, including a lovely apple pie.
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Im about to run out of heartburn pills too! Can't decide whether to just buy some or organise another prescription on Tuesday. Hopefully won't need them much longer...!

Hope mw all goes okay Emily :)

Ooo lisey surely that means your pains are doing something even if it's very slowly!

My daughter has woken up poorly idea what's wrong with her as so far it's been a tummyache, headache sore mouth and a sore leg that woke her up screaming! She's got a temp so definitely something going on...just hoping she gets better quickly and I don't get it in time for labour. Xx
Enjoy the cinema ladies :)

Hope your little one feels better soon missyeovil x

I am feeling very crampy again. We are out for a drive and it hurts on every turn and bump xx
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Other than a bit of spotting this morning which was a more browny colour and very minimal, I've got nothing exciting to report at all.

I visited my mum yesterday and weighed myself while I was there. I've gained 1 1/2 stone (12kg) which I'm happy with. Hopefully little miss isn't too late so I don't pile on the pounds going overdue!

oh sorted my hospital bags for me last night im rubbish at packing and thought id have to take another bag!

i wanted to get the whole house sorted out this weekend ready for baby but i literally cant be bothered to do anything
All good at MW appt. Growth is perfect, HB good and she's still 2/5 engaged.

MW said to abstain from sex due to the spotting and to call triage at any time if I'm worried about anything at all - more spotting, movements etc.

She was really sweet actually, especially as I started crying! I'm still not 100% convinced I'll get a baby at the end of all of this and I'm just so ready for her to come now.

Awwe hun you will. It's not long now til you see her. In the article above it talk's about spotting bring now oral at the end of pregnancy. Another wonderful hmww (however many week wait til the main show kicks off) symptom!
The film was brilliant. One of my favourite from Marvel as it's quite different from anything else they do. I love Groot.

Emily, there's a little one in there who you'll meet soon enough!
Thanks Ery, that article was a good read.

I haven't really had any symptoms myself. Even the braxton hicks have gone away. I'll be gutted if I start getting those pains and is a false start! You girls with symptoms must be being really fed up!

I've just had enough now. I just feel slightly unwell all the time and now I'm starting to feel a bit down.
I'm hoping my mw will be able to do a sweep at my appt on Tuesday and it kicks things off.
Oooookayyyy..... just getting ready for my bath and there's a brown discharge in my knickers. I've had a prod inside and that's all "normal" I'm not 100% sure where it's come from. I'm thinking front end but I can't see any other signs. As it's brown it's no need to worry though right?
I know I know I've been telling Emily it's all normal :wall: so hard you take advice from your self though lol
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Sounds as though it could be a bit of your show? Give your MW a ring if you're worried though hun.

My next MW appt is at 40+5. MW said previously they wouldn't usually do a sweep for a second baby until 41 weeks but seeing as how I'll only be a few days shy of that when I see her I might ask if she can do one for me and see if it gets anything going!

Worth asking for sweep. She just offered to do mine and that's at 39 weeks. Going for another on Tuesday.
Ery, I read it's a sign that you are beginning to dilate. Give them a call if you're worried. Maybe avoid sexy time though as that's what Emily's midwife has advised too xx
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It varies so much as to what they will and won't do.

I'm sure (hope) she'll do it as I'm past 40 weeks and actually only a matter of days until 41 weeks then.


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