May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

this baby is really hurting me tonight! i can feel every limb she sticks out amd shes constantly on the go!
Ooh, it's got exciting in here!

Congratulations becsy, he's gorgeous.

Good luck Snowbee. It sounds like things are starting for you!

That knitted dress is adorable.

I've been trying to take my mind off the baby because I'm getting too impatient for it to come! So I haven't been in here for a couple of days. I check in and it's all go!

I've started to get a lower back ache and more discomfort down there... It could just be because I've been overdoing it the last couple of days and I'm not used to it. Since I finished work I haven't been doing much walking then yesterday I walked to the hairdressers and back (30 mins each way) then today I took my 2 year old to a hospital appt and all that pushing the pushchair had taken its toll.
Plus here's my 39wk +2 bumpie.


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How did they discover you had it Nikki?

Lovely bumps ladies! That blanket is amazing! Mine is only half done. I want to make him yoga trousers now.
Baby is hurting me too! He seems to be kicking my ribs and hips a lot now. I still can't believe there's a real baby in there!
at my midwife appointment i had high bp so they sent me to the hospital to be monitored and i had protein in my urine and then they knew they had to deliver him asap
That blanket is gorgeous and the bumps are gorgeous!

My phone has flared up feels like I have something lodged in my pelvis..... well I guess I do lmso!

My reflux is Killin me lol

I'm looking forward to tidying tomorrow though!

It's all go in here I wonder how snowbee is getting on the fact we haven't had an update.... I'm thinking it's all go!

Oh and just found out there is no evidence the type of washing powder you use bio non bio etc has any effect on baby's skin so I'm sticking with my daz. I've been worried anllbout it as I'm allergic to pretty much every non bio washing powder I've ever tried!! But NHS says I can stick with my usual yay! Obviously if it looks like babyish getting irritated I'll stop.

Oh and there's lots of offers on baby stuff at tesco at the moment.


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I was hoping for an update too lol ill be stalking this thread today lol
i was addicted to this forum yesterday and ill be on it all day today now seeing if shes updated! lol hope shes having baby cuddles. i was having tightenings last night but they went again when i went to sleep lol
I had bad tightening's yesterday at the end of work hut it's all stopped now.

As promised though here is my naked bump pics from 32 weeks a dc38 weeks


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ill try and get one later i havent taken a pic in a couple of weeks lol
You can see that it's dropped Ery.

I'm not sure why I bother going to bed at the moment. I just spend the entire night in pain :(
Love everyone's bumps xx

No news from snowbee? This is too exciting! I'll be checking back all day! Xx
I thought that in the edit dovekie!

Sorry you're so much in pain!

My nausea returned this am.
So, I've been a bit lax with taking my fibogel. NEVER AGAIN WILL I MISS A DOSE!! I almost hope my little lady stays put for a good while longer to give my poor bottom time to recover from this morning!! I've had enough practice this morning that I'll be a total pro when it comes to pushing!!

Awww sweetie! They say constipation can be a labour sign too.... as can looser stools.... lol

I'm very surprised I've gone the looser route considering my ibs used to mean I went once a week lol
Aw no Emily, poor you :( I think I overdosed on fibre yesterday haha. They gave me iron tablets so very paranoid about getting constipated but it was very much the opposite yesterday!

Hope all is good with snowbee...Hopefully baby is well on the way! X
I'm in panic mode. I have midwife at 9:40
I'm either in head fog mode or need to do something panic stations.

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