May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

Awww that's so adorable. Really wish I could knit xx
She's done loads of cardigans for her. Just not sure how much wear she'll get out of them as it won't be long after she arrives that it'll be summer! Still i guess evenings may be cool enough for hermto need a cardi? Regardless, i think I'll request that little dress in a bigger size in red for Christmas though!!

Congratulations becsy!xxx

Snowbee it really sounds like your waters! I hope contractions come on naturally for you soon :)

Betty hope all is okay. I think if your hind waters go they can kinda stop as babys head gets in the way? Sure I read that on here somewhere.

Emily that is flipping adorable!! I almost finished a blanket last night. Just need to sew in the ends. Will post a pic when it's done :) xx
I started a blanket for her when I found out I was pregnant but I've not done it for aaages so it's nowhere near ready! I've just not had the inclination to do it and pretty much running out of time now!

Yep so I've just had a pad on all day now and all I've had is some cm, as nothing more has happened I don't need to go in. Hope snowbee is ok xx
Glad you're ok hun. Bubs needs to cook for just a bit longer!

i constantly feel like my waters are leaking!

really hope snowbee has started off and we will have another may baby soon! its all go today!
I don't think she was quite ready though bless her! It's so exciting though!

I haven't even had an increase in cm yet so something has changed today. Baby definitely needs to cook for at least another week or two. I've got a dog trainer coming tomorrow to help! Xx
Thats really pretty!

Im going to sort out the clothes for the hospital bag tomorrow with all these updates i got the cutest little hedgehog teddy from a lovely couple at work for baby. Its sooooo sweet ive named her mrs Tiggywinkle of course!
I am loitering again, but cannot believe how much activity there is lol
Congratulations Becsy, he is adorable.
Looks like some more appearances will be made before the month is out!!
My due date has changed, as she is footling breech am scheduled for C-section on the 10th!
Blimey! Has she been breech the whole time? I can't remember if I said anything but mine was head down at the scan yesterday after being breech. Maybe she will get in the right position before then xx
Oooo not long now!! That's my due date lol. Ice added it to the front page hun good luck x
Congratulations Becsy - He's gorgeous! I was shocked to see a baby picture when I arrived here. How's it going so far?

Snowbee - Exciting stuff!!

Emily - the dress is really sweet :)

I've been having some of the painful movements low down. Is that the type of pain you feel during the birth? I'm getting a lot of movements.
My due date has changed, as she is footling breech am scheduled for C-section on the 10th!

You still had a month to go? Isn't there time for her to move? I'll probably find out on Friday which way up this one is.
Hmmm, I had a headache in bed early this morning and later when I got up, I coughed, and my vision went strange. I could see shooting stars around the edge of my vison. I then vomited. I've been ok since, but I'm just reading about the symptoms of pre-eclampsia, which are below. It also says some women don't have any symptoms at all!? Anyway, I'm wondering if i should be worried. I feel ok. I wasn't overweight when I got pregnant and my blood pressure was low.

  • bad headaches
  • problems with vision, such as blurred vision or lights flashing before your eyes
  • pain just below the ribs
  • vomiting
  • sudden swelling of the face, hands and feet
I would mention it to your midwife dovekie. It could have just been a migraine but for the sake of getting your BP and urine checked it's better to be safe than sorry. Pre-eclampsia can affect anyone xx
I've finished my blanket!! Woohoo! I actually had two on the go but I dunno if I'll finish the other one, I've kinda lost enthusiasm for it.

Also, since I've finally managed to get my phone upload photos to here thought I would attach a pic of my bump from the weekend. Xx


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I will be 38 weeks at time of CS, cannot manipulate her easily as I have an anterior placenta and she has been in that position permanently for at least the last 4-5 weeks. She has her knee bent just left of by belly button which feels like she may stab through when I sneeze lol, I obviously do not have a good pain threshold ;)
They will scan on the day just in case, but also with GD she is only just within the normal parameters for growth and fluid so she may also be getting too big to turn easily. She has the fattest cheeks on the scan I have ever seen, not sure if its a baby in there or a chipmunk!!
I keep getting reminded that the midwives are always there if there is any uncertainty or worry, its their job and would far rather be bothered if you have any worries dovekie :)
dovekie i had no signs with my pre eclampsia i felt fine. id get checked if your worried just to be on the safe side

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