May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

Glad bleeding has stopped Emily! That must have been very scary :(

I am super annoyed right now. For mother's day hubby ordered me a new pink lining changing bag from precious little ones. They sent it but when it arrived it was missing a shoulder strap so he contacted them and they contacted pink lining which apparently they got no reply twice. So I emailed pink lining myself who replied after a couple of days to say they would send me the strap if I sent proof of purchase which I did... then today I get an email telling me the company is going into liquidation so they can't do naff all and we're now outside 30 days for precious little ones to give us a refund so no doubt they are going to be difficult. I just want a bloody strap for my bag!!! Grr xx
It was very scary! I've struggled enough with anxiety throughout this pregnancy so seeing blood this morning really shook me up.

I'm just taking it really easy today and trying to rest as much as possible. It was probably just the varicose veins getting irritated but I'm taking today at a slow pace none the less.

I really could kick myself for not taking my fibogel! Caused myself such pain and worry today :cry:

I just want hubby home from work to give me a cuddle. I've been feeling a bit clingy and vulnerable these last few days and my emotions are all up and down. Hormones getting the better of me I think!

Glad the bleeding has stopped Emily, that must have really freaked you out :( won't we all be so glad when our babies are here xx
Glad the bleeding stopped hun it can be terrifying having a bleed i hope its just a popped vein x

I'm having a quick break from sorting put the pantry.... hubby is doing yet another tip run! We must be on 70+ bin bags chucked now! Still loads wood in hm garage yo get gone too.

Just found a load of dead beetles now I'm super paranoid but at least they were dead! Had mw this am got my next one booked for 40+1 argh! Her head is just above my pelvis but she's not engaged.

But I have got my birth plan written down
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Glad you're ok Emily. I've been really busy this morning and have had lots of baby-brain moments. I've broken things, burnt a pan of food and forgot to put some of the ingredients in. It's been productive though!

That's not a very nice thing for him to say Leigh. I'm giving my boyfriend another chance. Hopefully we've had a breakthrough, as he's realised that I need more affection and I've been getting it! Still no sex, but it is getting quite awkward :/
i think he is joking when he says it to me, but he doesnt realise saying it to someone who has/had eating disorder is the wrong thing to do

never mind - men hey! im going solo from now on and wont even try it on with him, then he will be scared cos im not trying it on with him lol

still no news from snowbee?
If he's being a tool then sort yourself out and leave him to it!

Hubby has commented on the size of my bump but he'd never call me fat! That's just mean!

Yea not the wisest to tell someone with your past insensitive comments like that. I mean I joke shout how I'm "fat" all the time but I'm quite body confident. But id never say it to someone who was insecure!

As for intimacy my libido has vanished as I'm just so uncomfortable all the time we still do stuff but we've planned a good shag for weekend lol. (After his pub visit which is waddling distance from my house lol) I'm. Just trying to get horn enough to commit lol.
I call myself fat and my oh does sometimes too - I don't take offense in the slightest as I've not had any issues for years, plus it's true as I've put on way more weight than I should have- 3.5 stone and I was a couple of stone overweight to start! I know I'll lose most of it fairly easily though so not too worried.

I'm literally going to explode if we don't hear from snowbee soon! She must have been induced to have gone so quiet right? Xx
I've no idea what I weigh now. I don't own scales and used to use the dog weighing scales at work but obviously I'm not working now! I've had a few comments from people on my size but mainly to say that I've not put on weight anywhere except for bump. I don't mind those kind of comments!

Yeah, I reckon Snowbee must be having bubs. She would have updated us all otherwise I'm sure.

OK, so Snowbee next and who after her do we think? I want my little lady here now! I'm so done with my nether regions being massacred!! Lol!!

I have no idea how much weight I have gained. I don't want to know!!

Had appointment today. Induction booked for Wednesday. Also had sweep, 1cm dilated but cervix still long so she doesn't think am quite ready yet. Very achey since the sweep but doubt it will do anything. Count down is on now xx
Induction booked for Wednesday!!!!! Eeeeeeek!!!!!

All these babies arriving so soon!!!

I just know I'm going to go over and she'll be so late! I could end up being one of the last!!

I don't think you will Emily. I think it will happen for you soon xx
Really hope so!

Despite how mangled everything is downstairs and I know it'll get worse during childbirth, I just want her here now. My anxiety has spiked since the bleed this morning and I just want her here! I'll deal with the bottom situation after!

Ooopsie! My midwife appointment was today at 2.20 but I thought it was tomorrow! She just called to rebook it for Saturday. Hopefully I won't forget by then!

Could have done with an appointment today after bleeding this morning!


All went well with the scan today; however, with him growing along the 95th percentile line and the polyhydramnios, they don't want me to go beyond 40 weeks. So I have induction booked for the 10th May at exactly 40 wks. The consultant seems to believe labour will start before then, and I hope so. They think the deepest pool is above the 8cm because of the distribution from how he's lying in there as the total fluid is within normal range. The fluid in his left kidney is minimal and we could see him swallowing in the scan, so there is no blockage to worry about.

I'm really hoping I go into labour before my induction. I'd rather let it happen naturally, but with his size, I couldn't see me refusing induction and possibly going 2 weeks over. Since I have an induction day, I'm thinking of making Tuesday next week my last day at work. Maybe some relaxation will help me go into labour by the end of next week if I do.

Lisey, so exciting. Not long to go now!
Emily, glad all is well and the bleeding wasn't anything serious.
Snowbee, hope you're doing well and you have your little one in your arms.
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Glad all went well Kabuk and not long for your induction either :) I would start mat leave if I were you and take advantage of some relaxation time before baby arrives, esp of they think will be before induction.

I had a scan today at the appointment today but couldn't see much as so big. Apparently lots of fluid around baby and she is back to back. Hoping she turns as back to back is supposed to be more painful xx
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Ooopsie! My midwife appointment was today at 2.20 but I thought it was tomorrow! She just called to rebook it for Saturday. Hopefully I won't forget by then!

Could have done with an appointment today after bleeding this morning!



Oh no, how annoying. If you feel really anxious then give them a call, I am sure they would be happy to monitor you to make you feel at ease xx
OMG all your babies will soon be here!

ive only put just shy of a stone on so far but fear i will balloon soon! i just look odd ive never been this big before. xxx

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