May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

Awww sweetie! They say constipation can be a labour sign too.... as can looser stools.... lol

I'm very surprised I've gone the looser route considering my ibs used to mean I went once a week lol

Well I've had both this morning! Lol!

I'm uncomfortable down there now :-( need to see what treatment is safe for hemarroids in pregnancy because I need these sorted before I labour! I'd literally turn my are hole inside out if I had to push out a baby right now!!

im on iron tablets too and im struggling evetytime i go i bleed and the tablets have turnedi t green so disgusting lol
I'm bleeding but it's deffo not from my back passage, it's coming from my vagina.

I've got varicose veins in my vagina so I'm hoping it's that but I'm going to call triage now.

Fucking terrified.

Got to put on a pad and check it in half an hour and if there's any more bleeding then I've got to go in.

just take it easy hun hope it stops for you
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morning Girls!

no update from snowbee i hope she has her little man in her arms :)

emily i hope you get sorted and its just a vein which has popped

sick of the nausea and the uncomfortableness but im on countdown too

having a down day today, upset my mum yesterday as i told her i didnt want her to come to the appointment yesterday and now thinking about it i dont want her at the birth either but she has sorta invited herself. i just wanna go in and get it done, feel like ive done everything else this pregnancy myself bar the conception lol i just wanna get to the end and do it myself too.

OH not helping either im horny as anything and keep trying it on and i just get told no, hes not bothered and its getting to me dont feel good enough.

anyway sorry for my moaning.

i will keep popping in to check

ive given up on my oh leigh hes happy to dtd to satisy himself but wont go anywhere near me to satisfy me! t

as for your mum its your choice and she has to try and respect that even if she does get upset its up to you hun and what you want
he wont even dtd to satisfy himself! calls me fat and says i used to be so slim in one breathe then tells me he will love me no matter how i look in another. just duno where i stand and feel its me, spoken to a friend and they think its the time of his life he is 44 and im 26 maybe i do ask for it too much and should be grateful for what i get lol.

think ill just take to doing it myself! quicker and easier! lol

i know just dont wanna upset her and tell her no. just feel ive done it all myself ive had countless appointments and ive done the majority of them on my own.

just got my head stuck up my arse today and ive got the health visitor which i think is pointless as im moving areas in 2 weeks!
I've not had any further bleeding so triage have advised to rest and call them back if anything changes.

Got a MW appt tomorrow so I'll have a chat with her about what I can use to help make my poor bottom better before baby comes.

My gp did say when I saw her about the swelling in my vagina, that varicose veins can bleed so I'm hoping that's just what it was.

Me too!

I was so freaked out when I saw it! Bleeding and pregnancy is just a recipe for a giant panic! Everything down there is just aching now. That's total lesson learned though - I'll be making sure I take my fybogel religiously from now on!!

I would be the same. I had some bright red blood the day before I was due to be induced with son. They never figured put what caused it but was scary.

And Leigh, I say do it yourself. If my OH called me fat, he wouldn't get it anyway xx
Hi ladies so iv done it here he is born 25th April exactly 2 weeks early weighing 8lbs3oz wasn't due until 9th may. I was induced due to my severe PGP/SPD. I'm in love with him so much my little rainbow miracle :) xx

Congrats Hun he is gorgeous! Xx
Snowbee I hope all is going well! Emily I am so glad it's settled, bleeding is scary!

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