May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

ive had a few scans mayday and everything has been fine my friend was measuring 3 weeks bigger but when she had her scan baby was bang on the average line. hope everything's ok x
Snowbee has it got a scent? Waters smell sweet I think although I've never had the chance to sniff mine haha!!

Mayday I was measured at 33 @ 36 weeks. Had a growth scan the following week and when they plotted that measurement I was back bang on the line I was originally following. Things like having a different midwife measure you or baby being in a different position can make all the difference for fundal height measurements so try not to worry too much xx
I have anothre growth scan tomorrow. Part of it is for above normal deepest pool, but he was also measuring 2 weeks ahead. He's always been more bang on but in the 85th-90th percentile and now he's in the 90-95th percentile and bump is 2 weeks ahead. We'll see where he is at tomorrow. I still don't understand how he can be that big and still finding ways to move about in there.
Hi ladies so iv done it here he is born 25th April exactly 2 weeks early weighing 8lbs3oz wasn't due until 9th may. I was induced due to my severe PGP/SPD. I'm in love with him so much my little rainbow miracle :) xx


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aw becsy hes gorgeous!! what a good weight aswell for 38 weeks! we were all wondering how you were doing!
Thankyou he's absolutely gorgeous was a pretty quick labour too I had my waters broken at 4.05am on 25th nothing happened so at 6am I was put on the hormone drip and he was here at 9.17am xx
What a precious handsome little guy. Congrats bescy.

That weight at 2 weeks early is freaking me out a bit as my little man's estimated weight was 8.5lbs at 37+1.
Congratulations becsybabe! How exciting! And snowbee OMG! Please update us asap! I am literally living my life through this forum now I feel like it's a reality show I'm totally hooked on lol!

So I think my waters might have gone a bit too! My dog has been really naughty today and I had to pull him off another dog and he pulled me over and I fell hard on my bum, then I thought I'd wet myself but I don't think it's wee :O just waiting for the midwife to call back and see what they say! It didn't seem like too much fluid though but I don't know how it works whether just a bit can come out and the rest stays in?! :( xx
Hope you're ok Betty, always better to check with them. I think once it starts coming then it will all come eventually as I assume it means to sac has split? I could be wrong though xx
Awwwww huge congrats Becsybabe! !! What a fantastic weight!!!

Oops snow I hope it's happening soon
You must be right, I can't imagine how it could not all come out then. I'm resting and nothing else is coming out, the only time in my life I'm hoping I've wet myself!!!!!!!!! Xx
They can trickle out if the break is more of a small puncture. Once it starts, the rest should leak out as well. This will happen even with an empty bladder. They suggest emptying your bladder and putting a pad on to see if any fluid comes out then. If so, it's likely your waters trickling out.
They say it can trickle out.

I've just put my foot down to working bank holiday sat. Lol. I had some sharp foof pains d pressure earlier followed by a wet sensation but I think it's still just cm for me. She's squiggling a lot and I've list my appetite. Which is unusual!

I'm hooked on seeing who's next!!!

2 babies here safe and sound i need to properly update the front page after work.

My hubby nearly fell off his chair this morning I said something I've not said in the 15 years we've known each other "I can't wait for tomorrow so that I can tidy up on my day off!" Lol
these babies are making me so broody and impatient lol

betty i think sometimes your hind waters can go but not your main waters its worth getting checked out tho with my eldest i was losing my waters slowly i didnt even realse just thought it was discharge and then he stopped growing because i didnt have enough fluid
becsy congratulations he is gorgeous!

I'm still losing fluid. I can't see that it smells of anything and it is clear. I've seen the midwife, she has sent me home to collect my stuff and then I've got to be checked at hospital to see if it is waters.
It must be waters if still coming away. Keep up updated. This is so exciting :) xx
Ooo it's all go in here! Snowbee good luck I hope this is it. Becsy he is beautiful!

So growth scan today measuring 5lb2 booked in for another scan in 2 weeks and my first sweep on 4 weeks when I'll be 38+5 I hope I'm a May mummy! Xxx
I think my 34 week scan show my bubs was 5lb 2 as well!!
But that's bang on the 50th centimetres for me x

Snowbee arrrrgggghhhhhhhhhhh I sooooo think this is it for you!!!!!!!!! Omg good luck hunny! !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh Becsy congratulations! He's gorgeous!

Eeek! Snowbee this is so exciting!!

My grandma knitted this for little lady! Literally function when I saw it!! Sooooo cute!!



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