May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

My little lady is very much staying put it seems! Not really sure why I'm expecting anything to happen just yet as it's not my due date for another week and a half but I just want her here so bad!!

I'm just settling down to watch last night's OBEM with a cup of raspberry leaf tea! Can't believe I'll be doing this one day soon!!

One of the ladies at work who is due 5 days after me had her show already. I'm like, come one, I want my little ready to come out. He needs to not be so comfy. I'm felling lots of pressure and movement very low in the pelvic region, but no show yet and I still don't feel the bh, although I can tell when I'm having them with the tightening. He's so big already and I'm so tiny, surely that small space can't be that comfortable. I'd so want out.

I almost forgot Monday is a bank holiday. Well, it doesn't seem like he'll be arriving tomorrow, so I'm hoping for May the 4th- then I get to see Guardians of the Galaxy and get paid for the bank holiday.
i watched last nights obem it was good :) makes me so emotional tho!!

just bought a baby carrier off of someone i know thought it might be easier than keep getting the buggy in and out the car for school runs!
I'm hoping to walk to school a lot more once baby is here. I think the fresh air will do me good and the exercise will help me get back into shape. I had PND after Cam so I think getting out each day if I can will be good for me.

I think mine is imminent. I've been leaking fluid all night and this morning had a lot of clear/pale brown cm, which I guess is a bit of plug. I've not called the hospital as I have a midwife appointment anyway at lunchtime so will see what she says. No contractions or anything but every time I stand up or move I lose more fluid.
Sorry to hear so many of you are struggling.

I'm still working, running around after cattle (although some days it is more waddling after them and hoping I can get out the way fast enough). As long as I can get a regular sit down I'm ok at the moment. I do struggle to get in and out of the tractors now, plus as I'm short I need to sit so far forward getting the bump under the steering wheel is interesting. I've had to give up feeding calves as I can't pick up the milk drums anymore, nor reach over the gates to feed them.

Nearly finished putting the house back together after the builders have gone, just waiting on the carpet fitter to do the last two rooms then I can put the furniture back. Little ones room is ready though! All I would like to add is a clock as I'm hoping to feed in there so would be useful to know the time. Has anyone got a cot mobile? Wondering if it is worth getting one or not.

Wow u r doing amazing to be able to do all that Hun! I hope you are getting to rest a bit before baby comes along! Xx
I think mine is imminent. I've been leaking fluid all night and this morning had a lot of clear/pale brown cm, which I guess is a bit of plug. I've not called the hospital as I have a midwife appointment anyway at lunchtime so will see what she says. No contractions or anything but every time I stand up or move I lose more fluid.

Aaaargh!! How exciting!!!!!!

I think mine is imminent. I've been leaking fluid all night and this morning had a lot of clear/pale brown cm, which I guess is a bit of plug. I've not called the hospital as I have a midwife appointment anyway at lunchtime so will see what she says. No contractions or anything but every time I stand up or move I lose more fluid.

Oh wow! Keep us posted xx
Thanks :) I'm a bit worried this is too soon and I've still got my mother here helping me put the house back! Still waiting for the carpet fitter! I don't want to sound ungrateful for her help but I would much rather she wasn't here for the actual event, but I feel mean telling her to go home (nearly 3 hours away). She has gone out for the day today so has no idea it might be happening shortly. I will wait and see what the midwife has to say, maybe I'm wrong and I'm just peeing myself! I feel totally normal, if it wasn't for all the wet I could quite happily work and crack on with stuff.
I think mine is imminent. I've been leaking fluid all night and this morning had a lot of clear/pale brown cm, which I guess is a bit of plug. I've not called the hospital as I have a midwife appointment anyway at lunchtime so will see what she says. No contractions or anything but every time I stand up or move I lose more fluid.

Eeek! Exciting! Hope this is the start for you :) xx
eek snowbee! really hope this is the start of things for you! how exciting! we might have another may baby soon!
Thanks :) I'm a bit worried this is too soon and I've still got my mother here helping me put the house back! Still waiting for the carpet fitter! I don't want to sound ungrateful for her help but I would much rather she wasn't here for the actual event, but I feel mean telling her to go home (nearly 3 hours away). She has gone out for the day today so has no idea it might be happening shortly. I will wait and see what the midwife has to say, maybe I'm wrong and I'm just peeing myself! I feel totally normal, if it wasn't for all the wet I could quite happily work and crack on with stuff.

If it is your waters, I think they will start an induction after 24 hours if you've not gone into labour yourself due to risk of infection.

Snowbee, so exciting. I don't think wee would keep coming when you stand up, does sound like waters xx
Hi ladies , Iv not posted in a while but have been trying to keep up to date reading through things most nights! I had midwife today and she has booked me in for a growth scan tomorrow as I'm only measuring. 33 weeks at a push and I'm currently 36+3 . Any of you girls had this and the scan been fine? I'm not overly worried as he's still moving about etc but still a bit anxious. Thanks :)
I haven't had a growth scan but when I was measured once, she said they allow 3 weeks either side on measurement and you are just under that. A few of the ladies have had scans though and all been ok, I am sure they will post to reassure you xx
I had a growth scan and then an AFI scan too. Growth scan because I was only measuring 25 weeks at 28 - baby slightly smaller than average but within normal limits. Then AFI as she had jumped centiles and this showed slightly lower than average fluid levels but within normal limits.

Better to get checked out though hun and try not to worry which is easier said than done I know.

I've had regular growth scans, I'm measuring the other way though a bit big. My midwife isn't concerned, I have a short body and I was a bit chubby to start with. On the scans little one is consistently just under the 50th centile. One of my friends always measured small, she is tall though so her little one had loads of room without having to pop outwards! Hope it all goes well, it is nice to see your little one on the screen again.
How exciting snowbee. Hope the appointment goes well. Keep us posted.
I've been in to work this morning. Every time I bend more comes out. Nice. I thought it would just all come out and be done with! Having an early lunch then off for my appointment. Hopefully I'll be able to keep my only pair of jeans dry!

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