May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

glad all the scans went well and im so jealous you all get more scans, im going to book a 4d one i cant wait until hes born to see him.
Just had my scan she is still a she lol. She's measuring on 50th percentile. Everything seems good and normal. She is breech though aegh lol hope she turns lol
no willy hiding? hehe im sure she will turn, my boy is breech also has been since day one.

ive just booked my 4d scan for the 15th march!
I don't know what position my bubs is in. I assume it can very easily change at this stage anyway.
Exciting leigh :) I loved the 4d scan xx
there is plenty of room for them to spin round, my little brother was breech and they had to manipulate him a week before he was born as he kept spinning back, they dont like to do it tho as the babies nails can scratch the inside of the womb.

we had a sneak 4d peek at the 16 week one - but thought id treat myself again as so far im not having any extra scans, next midwife appointment is in March also for my 28 week update
Dovekie why are you sleeping in seperate rooms? I would hate that

The break away might do you good you never know. Oh keeps planning loads of stuff which is annoying me, nights out and weekends away. I just keep asking him not to plan anything yet till nearer the time so we know whats happening with baby but hes so stubborn and i have to like it or lump it basically

I moved there after an argument a few weeks ago. Then I moved my stuff there after another argument! I'm starting to get a bit paranoid he's cheating now. I think it's because he hasn't initiated sex for so long, and he's disappearing to random jobs (he's self employed).

Nice pic Emily!

Anyone applied for maternity allowance yet?
whats maternity allowance? i dont know what im entitled to etc

im paranoid my OH is cheating but thats because ive been cheated on in the past and im scared he will do the same, promises me he wont and he loves me but doesnt stop the worry i just need to trust him a bit more.

we barely DTD maybe once a week, he works long hours up at 4am bed by 8pm and is 44 so doesn't have the need and want like i do anymore! i dont initiate it as its usually on his terms when he wants it haha i dont mind tho! im just a bunny
Dovekie, I would be upset about being in the spare room too. You have moved in be together. Maybe just move in to the main room?

I won't get mat allowance, I will get stat maternity pay so not sure how maternity allowance works. I need to hand in my form next week xx
i would just move back in one night - wait until hes asleep or go to bed together.

if me and my OH argue he goes in the spare room but i cuddle in next to him and tell him hes being silly
Yes, I would just say 'ok, I'm in here now!'. I wouldn't ask.
We don't have a spare room so nowhere to escape apart from the bathroom lol. We don't really argue though, never to that point. We bicker over silly things and that's it. I won't put up with being shouted at or being mistreated and OH knows that. I don't think he would regardless though as just not his way. A couple of my exes got horrible in arguments with swearing and shouting which was horrible, think that's why I won't put up with it now, I am annoyed with myself that I ever did but I was young xx
thats what i put up with lisey, only when hes had a drink tho - he can be two different people, abusive and argumentative or emotional and nice.

i will probably look back and think why the hell but until i grow that backbone i should stop moaning and just get on with it!

i would deffo just move back in dovekie!
My oh will never raise his voice to me in person but he does swear at me over messages if we argue about something which i hate. I barely ever swear mainly because of the kids but i wouldnt swear at him i think its disrespectful. He seems ok today so will see how he is when he gets home

Im having massive problems with my youngest hes really aggressive and his behaviour is really bad. Im not sure if its because of his dad, he was abusive to me when we were together and i hope hes not making my son be aggressive aswell he says horrible things and always kicks and.punches if he cant get his own way :(

I really want a 4d scan! The other scans just arent quite the same lol
whats maternity allowance? i dont know what im entitled to etc

I know that if you're at a job but haven't been there long enough that you submit you MATB1 form and then HR will give you a letter stating that you don't qualify for SMP. Then you use that letter and your form to apply for MAT allowance instead. Best thing is to have a read here:
I quit my job when i was 12 weeks, but had been in employment for 26 weeks before that so i could get maternity allowance but i didnt earn enough to pay national insurance so i would only get about 27 pound a week
Leigh, that's what my ex was like. Drink changed him, was horrible. If it carries on then you prob will just have enough one day. For me, it was once my son arrived. Something just clicked and I thought there was no way he was going to be around that. There was someone way more important to me that him (my ex) and that was it. I hope it gets better for you xx
i feel the baby will be the make or break also, atm im giving him the benefit of the doubt and asking him to change, if he cant i wont stick around its not fair and i wont bring my son up thinking thats the way you treat girls and the people you love!

some days he is great its when he has a bad day at work he takes it out on me.
Sorry to hear so many of you are still having oh problems, I hope they all pull their fingers out and get more supportive and excited as you get closer to baby arriving.

Great news about all the scans! Lovely picture Emily. Mine was head down at my scan last week but I'm sure he was rolling about yesterday and today so not sure what he is up to now. My kicks are often quite high (I'm assuming they are feet and not hands doing it). A couple of nights ago he gradually stuck his foot right out just above my belly button, that was fascinating so I hope he does it again!

I should get SMP, like kabuk says on my form it says give to employer and if you aren't eligible they will give you a letter for you to apply for MA, not sure what you do if you are no longer employed by them or if you are self employed. Not had my letter from work yet but as there is no such thing as payroll everything has to wait to go to the accountant for them to reply, so could be a while.
She was head down yesterday. Where she sticks her little bottom out at the top gets really tender to touch and the sonographer gave it a really good poke yesterday to try and get her to move! I was like owwwwww :shock:

My growth scan is at 4 today so I'll update when I can once we're home.

Ery, my bump has felt really tight and a bit sore over the last couple of days. I think he had a growth spurt. He went quiet for a day and ever since his kicks have been more powerful and my bump is bigger. Maybe they do go quiet during growth?

You might be entitled to MA if you're not entitled to SMP. I haven't been working since December, but they base it on how many weeks you've worked within a certain time period (a test period). It's something like 13+ weeks, which I have done, thankfully. MA seems to equal SMP, if you get the full amount.

I was just rejected by my boyfriend again. He said it's his colitis flare up causing him pain. It's just hard to believe at the moment as last week it was a bad cold and the fact that we'd been arguing and he just didn't want to be near me like that. I wasted my time shaving then!

That's getting difficult now too - bathing and shaving. I really struggle to get up when I'm in the bath. I can really see my belly change shape as I use the muscles. My midwife told me not to get up like that.
your meant to roll onto your side to get up not sit straight up so i was told!

i hate having a wasted shave haha! i asked my OH if he would shave me he just laughed

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