~ * May and June 2015 Babies * ~

I'm not sure if it's the same stuff as haven't been to the supermarket yet but sainsburys do stars and alphabet pasta. Will be interesting to see the size of the pieces. x
I never thought about baby pasta you know! I buy fusili as my son loves his pasta.

First day back at work was good. I still don't want to go back tomorrow though. I kept busy whilst there but the thought of being there makes me anxious. Only 11 weeks and 6 days before I can look for another job if need be hopefully will have settled back by then xxx
Thanks Coletteypie! I now have two bags of baby pasta haha x
:-) you're welcome. My baby isn't too keen on pasta yet - she prefers to feed herself bigger pasta rather than be spoon fed the smaller baby pasta. She's a bit of diva ;-)
Nothing major for a lot of you I would think but twice in 5 days my little man has slept through. Once 7 till 5 and then today 7.30 till 8.30 . I so hope this becomes a more regular thing as I go back to work in 4 weeks time and not sure how I will cope with the lack of sleep. X
Lily's become a terrible sleeper again. On Monday night she didn't sleep at all. Just whimpered all night bless her. I went to work like a zombie but managed through and finished and lunch time as managed to book the afternoon off as they are doing a phase return as I'm not settling back well. So I'm finished early again today. She slept through last night thank goodness as I was shattered.

Glad your little man's starting to sleep through baby scotcher xxx
Casey I presume the change in routine might be unsettling Lily and causing her sleep to be a bit off? Hopefully it settles for you by the end of the week or by next week.

Well done babyscotcher! Is amazing when they start sleeping through. Best feeling.

Mine is usually an amazing sleeper but we both have the cold so has been 3 horrendous nights in a row so far. She's napping okay during the day - is the nights that are causing issue :-(! Hopefully it clears by the weekend! X
Perhaps that may be the reason. She's sleeping better since her first day of nursery so thinking it's tiring her put a little xxxx
Hope it keeps up babyscotcher! We've just come through a cold and sleep regression here but things seem to be back on track.

Alex Hayes sleeping in the house during the day, does anyone have any tips? He will nap for 20mins in the house and needs bounced to sleep through hysteria. If we take him out he can have a good hour or so.

Also how much milk should he be taking? Pre weaning he was supposed to take 35oz a day but usually took 25-30oz. Now he takes 21oz a day (3 bottles) and has baby porridge in morning and a meal at night x
Great news babyscotcher.

Belfa, I have a playpen in the lounge, it's a graco sport pack n play, had to buy second hand as no longer made but got a nice blanket and my old pregnancy pillow in it, when she dozes off I place her in it but hold her arms still for a few seconds as flapping her arms seems to wake her up. Our LO also needs bouncing to sleep as fighting the naps big time but this way I'm not far and she seems happy there. I heard they should be on 500-600 ml I think, I've changed the feeds slightly as she was only taking about 3oz at 10.30am, ive now delayed that feed to an hour or so later as she has baby porridge too, and a meal in the pm with 4 bottles in total but bigger bottles.

We are teething I think, our girly is so grizzly, but almost to the point her cry is a pain cry. It's almost upsetting seeing her distressed. We are on night 4 in her own room and is sleeping until around 6am.

Colettypie hope your LO better soon x
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We have our first tooth here!! Quite a grizzly baby to go with it!! Received my first bite whilst feeding with tooth and mannnnn it hurt!!!
We have problems with naps during the day. He will have his nap in the morning on my bed while I am getting ready and will sleep fine in the car or buggy if we are out but other than that he fights his naps like anything. He will go to sleep on me but won't let me put him down. No chance of him going down in his cot as he just ends up rolling over and playing with his slumber buddy or his muslin. I don't get it though as he self soothes fine at night.

He starts at a childminders 3 days a week in the new year when I go back to work and hoping she gets him into a routine that I can then continue with.

Doing great with the self feeding now. He is making himself gag a lot less and wants to eat everything we give him. Was naughty today though and gave him some shortbread that I had made and it went down a bit too well. X
We also have trouble with daytime naps also. We have to either bounce her to sleep or make our bedroom pitch black and put the white noise app on as sometimes if she's overtired that's all that works and she usually falls asleep in 5 mins or so. I found alot if lily's issue are being too cold she sleeps best if she's really wrapped up. And sleeps for 20 mins or less if cooler.

We have no teeth yet but I'm sure ones on the way as she's so teary and mardy and clingy atm. She's also biting constantly on the one side of her mouth and has been launching her mouth to my face and clamping her mouth on my chin lol. Think I may invest in bickie pegs as Sophie the giraffe gets launched after 3-4 mins so don't think it's hard enough for her.

She's finally cracked sitting up! And starting to babble properly she's constantly saying dada now. Don't think she is far off crawling but she doesn't tolerate being on her tummy for long before crying so I think that's what's holding her back. She gets around the floor a little with rolling and pushing her head down and sticking up bum up and sliding face first everywhere lol xxx
Caseysmummy that sounds so funny, sliding her face everywhere!!! Sophie hates being on her tummy so not sure she'll ever crawl, she'd rather be on her feet!

Have a fantastic first Christmas with your new babies everyone!!! Xx
You never know karen she may bum shuffle instead. My nephew was a bum shuffler rather than a crawler.

Were crawling backwards atm which is usually the step before forwards. But lily has had a huge leap this last 3 weeks and I'm sure it's because she was ill. My son was the same would be ill then have a development leap. She climbs out of her bouncer onto the floor now. She's had 2 teeth come through on a week it's been madness and she's turned into a very smiley baby which compared to a couple of months ago is like a shift in personality as she was always grumpy. The reflux has finally packed it's bags and were no longer on medication for it too!

Merry Christmas to you all. Hope your babies have had a wonderful first Christmas. Lily's had lots of board books and teddies and development toys! Her favourite so far is coda the smart cub her grandparents bought her xxx
Merry Christmas everyone! That toy looks great, she's so happy with it :).

Hope everyone had a great day yesterday. I feel like we didn't spend the day with Alex much at all. We were hosting for the first time so DH was cooking all day and me and my parents were cleaning and getting the house in order whilst passing Alex about. His routine is wacky today too so goodness knows what time he'll be up at tomorrow!

Wee Crimbo pic:

Happy Christmas everyone! Hope you all had a fantastic day :)

I've unfortunately had a rough time last few weeks and been diagnosed with post natal depression. Battled through yesterday but so excited for new year when I will start to feel like myself again :) here's a pic of our gorgeous little man yesterday...


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