~ * May and June 2015 Babies * ~

We are having a food battle at the minute too Karen. Mainly only evening time though... we have found we just have to wait him out and he will give in eventually. He is also much better behaved eating with me than his dad as he let's him get away with it.

I am loving the toddler stage... he makes me laugh every day and seems to do something new every day.




I'm loving this stage too. Were currently struggling with her allergies and naming sure there's no milk in her food after spending the end of last week in a and e due to my mum giving her something with milk in. Were getting there slowly though xxx
Gorgeous bubbas.

I started back at work this week on a 2 week course in Manchester. So hard being away but back home tomorrow for the weekend, missed my girl like mad.

Marcie took her first couple of steps last week and her first, yes First tooth cut through at last... Lol...she is a real chatterbox, says mum, dada, peppa, cat, ta, bye bye, doggie, quack, duck, ding, I'm sure I have forgotten a few too. Got her birthday card sown on CBeebies too,
Ahh lovely pics everyone!

Well Hayden finally took his first steps on Wednesday!! Hasn't done it much since though, lazy baba!

He's more fussy than he used to be too, struggling to get a variety of veg down him. He loves sweet potato though so I guess that's some veg for now. Hopefully it's just a phase ha! Xx


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