~ * May and June 2015 Babies * ~

Ok, today she was taking even less so thought I'd try the blueberry and banana purée. She loved it and ate the lot, well the tiny pot full. I think our girly prefers purée with flavour rather than bland, made carrot with a tiny bit of Orange, see how that goes, might try pea and mint as heard that is good too.

Our LO is also sitting up completely on her own now, prob the longest is about 20 seconds but very chuffed how well she is doing. Funny thing is she still hasn't rolled, guess every baby has their own little milestones.

Colettypie, hope you had a better day today with your LO x
Well done to your little one for sitting up on her own Lucy. They definately do things differently. My LO can support himself for a little bit but tends to go sideways after about 10- 20 second. He loves being on his feet at the minute and only needs us to hold onto his hands yet my friends Lo who is 3 days older is looking like he will be crawling soon but can't really stand very well.

My little one had pea and broccoli puree tonight. It smelt absolutely disgusting but he wolfed it down. It is so sweet that he gets all excited when we put him in his highchair.

Today was the first day that we did 2 'meals.' He had yoghurt for breakfast too.

I would recommend the Ella's kitchen pouches if anyone is wondering on what purees to use. They are a lot better than most of the others as they contain very little if any added ingredients. I have found them good to mix in with my own stuff too. X
Yeah I've heard Ella's Kitchen are good and also, is it Goodies?

Alex also dropped right down Lucy his teeth are really causing him issues. I do think his puree helps as he seems to be more keen to take a full bottle afterwards.

It's his christening tomorrow!! For some reason I'm quite nervous lol. Typically he scratched his face today, even though I clipped his nails to avoid him having war wounds tomorrow.

Oh on movement, he's obsessed with his feet and they're always being pulled to his face but this also helps him poo so he's pooping all the time and I've had so many explosive poops when out shopping this week lol x
Lily can roll really well. It took her a while to do it but she's mastered it with lots of practice even though she hates being on her tummy. She can sit up sometimes and is getting better but tends to fall to the side after a few seconds if not instantly occasionally. She's starting to try to crawl. She puts her head down and tries to push her knees underneath but she is still a while off yet. I'm dreading the day she does but it may make her happier if she can get herself about but it means I've going to have to baby proof! Stair gates and cupboard locks and corner protectors. Babies get into everything!

I'm heading your little girl liked the blueberry and banana puree. Lily likes her sweet more than her savory although the hv told me off for starting her on fruit. My little boy was the same and he will eat most things you put in front of him now the little piggy he's not a fussy eater like the hv said he would be,he loves all vegetables and most meats and chooses a vegetable and mash dinner over junk food! He does like his sweeties but what children don't?
I might try the Ellas kitchen stuff. I like to have a few bits in for either when we go out or I've not got too much time to make something in advance. The hipp organic stuff is very good too. I used it with my son and have been using a few jars with lily mainly for the sweet as I've not been sure how to do them myself. I can't believe how big my girl is now, she's still a tiny dot but so much bigger than she was, I'm a little sad as she's my last baby and she doesn't want to snuggle into me as much anymore or fall asleep on my chest. I never thought I'd say it but I miss my tiny baby


Sweet pics.

I think we defo have teething starting, she literally hasn stopped crying even when we were out, she never cries in the pushchair. Gave some calpol and bongela which hoping will help. No temp, just wants mummy and typically hubby up in London with work so won't be back until late so I got to take the brunt of it. Only positive thing she is loving her purée, today enjoyed carrot and orange, for tomo I've done sweet pot and pear x
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How are you coming up wit these combos Lucy? I need to get Annabel Karmels book I think!
Oh dear Lucy. Hope the calpol does its job soon. Grumpy teething baby isn't fun. I hadn't thought of using any citrus fruit. Good idea.

We have had a day of firsts today. I love this stage, they learn or do something new almost every day.

Today he has started rolling properly all the way over. Before he was getting his arms stuck.

He has also tried finger food for the first time... mixed success. He liked chewing on the Cucumber and had a good chew on the bread but did get a bit that was a bit too big that made him gag.

Also had my own proper homemade purees today. Banana and Apple mixed with a little bit of porridge as it was a little bit thin. Made some batches of stuff and froze them last night. First time he has liked the porridge too as don't think it had enough flavour for him before. X
I find lily won't eat bland stuff but I thought to myself neither would I? The health visitor also told me babies love flavours especially strong flavours. Ive had a productive day today. Got rid of my sons highchair as I got it out the loft this morning and it was covered in mould! So just took it straight to the tip! Going to buy a new one next week on payday! I'm thinking the pesto pear as it's on offer in argos half price and you ladies have given great reviews of it! I've cleaned top to bottom, I've chucked 2 bin bags of my clothes and clothes that no longer fit my son and donated the good ones. Gutted my hallway and I'm shredding old paperwork I've had for years! I've decided before I go back to work and before Christmas we need to gut the house of utter rubbish and stuff we don't need or use anymore. Ive been on pinterest and got lots of inspiration for storage and organisation so I'm getting started this week! If I babe to do tip runs everyday so be it! My sons away for the night tomorrow so I'm going to start on his old toys!!
Lily also did another taster at nursery this time alone. She did soo well they said. She's back next week for a couple of hours then she officially starts the 1st of Dec xxxx
That's great that Lily is taking so well to nursery, must be so reassuring.

Babyscotcher is it your mum with the Gruffalo obsession? If so where did she get the PJ's?

I have another weaning question, is it normal for a baby to gag on a food they don't like and the throw it all up? Alex wasn't liking apple and it was a different texture and he gagged a little then threw it all up! Whereas yesterday he had banana (his favourite) and demolished it!x
The gagging reflex is quite far forward at this age to prevent choking I believe? It may have been the texture as you say and he gagged which made him heave more and more which in turn led him to throw what he had eaten back up. Try again in a week or so as it might just take him a few attempts to adjust to the taste and texture, maybe a bit tangy. They say you have to try a baby with something like 13 times before you can say they don't like it for definite, that was the case when my son was little anyways. It may have changed now. Xxxx

Gagging usually means they're not ready for such a thick or lumpy texture.
Add a bit more liquid to smooth it out and try again.

If they don't like something they'll usually just pull a face and look at you for guidance.
You apparently have to try things 10 times or so before they form a proper opinion about it.
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Yes Belfa it is my mum. They have lots of gruffalo bits in Sainsbury's and also quite a few on the Debenhams website.

I love character stuff too and saw some 'guess how much I love you' stuff today that I really want to buy. Might get them for him for Xmas as he has enough toys and books now.

We tried avocado today and that didn't go down well. Will try again but my OH said it tasted like play doh. He ate all of the apple and banana puree with porridge in though. He couldn't deal with the texture of porridge to start with but now likes it so is worth waiting a week or 2 and trying again with textures Belfa.

Had an awful nights sleep last night as he kept rolling over and getting himself stuck on the side of the cot. Also still has a cough that wakes him up. I was one tired mummy today but still haven't managed to get an early night. X
Thanks all! He had carrot today and ate half his tub so I think it's defiantly the texture of Apple. My MIL was trying to get me to give him porridge for breakfast but there's no way he'd manage that! Do you offer breakfast once they start to finish all of their lunch etc?

Thanks, I'll see if I can find some Gruffalo bits online x
That's good. I'm glad he got on better. Lily quite likes watery weetabix for breakfast.

How much are your lo eating. I'm not sure if lily's eating too much? When she has a jar she will eat the lot or cry when you stop feeding it too her? She also finishes homemade. She's the same with milk too. Won't stop til the bottles empty. She's not gaining any excess weight so is it okay? Xxx
That's good. I'm glad he got on better. Lily quite likes watery weetabix for breakfast.

How much are your lo eating. I'm not sure if lily's eating too much? When she has a jar she will eat the lot or cry when you stop feeding it too her? She also finishes homemade. She's the same with milk too. Won't stop til the bottles empty. She's not gaining any excess weight so is it okay? Xxx

I'd go with it Casey. She'll soon tell you when she doesn't want it. I think the worry often is that babies take to much solids and not enough milk but you've said she's still taking all her milk.
I wouldn't worry Caseysmummy. They soon tell you when they have had enough. Or if they don't it will come up the way it went down. If you are worried it is a psychological things and she wants it to be finished then try doing her a smaller portion so it still look to her like it is finished.

Anyone else in love with this stage of development? It's like they learn something new every day. Makes me worry about the fact I have to go back to work soon. Feels like I am going to miss out on loads. X
This stage is just amazing, in the last couple of weeks Marcie has learned to sit up unaided ( lasts ages now) full blown chuckles, eaten her purees, today we had pea and mint, she wolfed that down, just shame about the teething pain. We are going away for a few days next week, staying in a cottage in Devon, can't wait. The list is as long as my arm though. I'm not keen on going back to work because of how quick the last 5 months have gone, I dont want to miss any big milestones for her but I will see how it goes anyway x

Btw do any of you shop in sainsburys, nectar are doing their double up points thing where you can exchange vouchers for double the value in points, got couple of iggle piggle toys for £10 in points and £40 of baby clothes for £20 in points, x
Didn't know Sainsbury's did that too Lucy. I boosted some of my tesco voucher recently and bought some Christmas presents for my Lo and my nephews.

I go back on 7th Jan for my new 4 day week. Squeezing 35 hrs into those 4 days though so will be long days. Might only get to see my little man for an hour before he goes to bed but will be worth it to have 3 days off with him instead of 2. Gonna miss him so much.

What are those of you going back to work doing about childcare? We have found a lovely child minder who is doing 3 days and my mum is doing the other one. X

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