~ * May and June 2015 Babies * ~

They look beautiful ladies.

We had a Christmas at home this year just us as a family due to our crap year. We thought it was what's best for us and although it got a little stressful at times it was a good day and we think that's what we will do everything year now.

Sorry your having a rough time charlie. I haven't got one myself but suffering with ptsd along with depression I know it can be very hard to get through. Alot of what I suffer with is anxiety over lily although the anxiety is slowly seeping throughout everything else too now. I hope you start to feel better soon hun.

Belfa Christmas can be quite stressful at times and can throw everything out of order! I felt like you on my sons first Christmas as we were visiting family on Christmas day and Boxing day which gets very stressful with a baby and you feel like you can't enjoy the day itself which is why we did it differently this year. I can say it gets easier as they get older and more enjoyable as they get older!

We went to see the new star wars last night, it was brilliant and lovely to have some much needed time with my oh! Although I had to convince myself throughout the film lily would be fine when we got back. It was a good night. I struggle to trust anyone with her that they will look after and check on her like I do, crazy I know. She was fine though so will keep pushing myself to trust others with her xxx
Great pic Charlie, good to see you back posting.

I think getting out to things like the cinema is a good idea to build you up caseysmummy x
Glad all the LO'S seemed to have a lovely Christmas. Our little lady was truly spoilt . Loves all her toys and the wrapping paper.

Charlie hope you are doing ok and getting the help you need. My sil suffered with it and a couple of work colleagues. Knowing you have it it the best start as you can do something about it xx
Ahhh our babies will be one this year!!!

Happy New Year everyone :) xx
Don't say that Belfa... it feels like they are growing too quick already. X
Ooh belfa I know! It seems like this last couple of weeks lily's seeming so much older! She's still so tiny ( still in 3-6 ) but she's learnt to bounce in her jumperoo and even tries to bounce on my knee and plays a little bit with me now. If I'm lying on the floor so will use me to try and pull her self up and climb over me. She doesn't seem like a baby anymore either xxx
Just wanted to say hi. Baby only 9 months but I'm already looking at 1st birthday cakes
You aren't the only one Orion, and my Lg is 8 months, haha, I'm thinking an 'in the night garden cake' and been trying to choose a trike for her present.
I've no idea what to get as a present. They change every day, it's hard to imagine what he'll be capable of in another couple of months
We are having a Gruffalo cake for LO's birthday. Have had to hire a small hall as my house isn't big enough to have more than a handful of people round and we both have big families and lots of friends with children.

I am going to get my lo a Beat Bo as he loves anything with noises and loves a Winnie the Pooh toy we have that dances. Other than that going to get clothes, book and a couple of little bits. We already got a toot toot garage that we bought second hand from a friend which is in the loft to get down too. Not quite sure where I am going to find the space for it all though hoping that his Jumperoo will have gone into the loft by then.

How is everyone and their little ones?
I haven't looked at cakes yet but may be waybuloo or in the night garden. Ive booked the week off work as I think I'll find it too hard to go in. Were currently in the process of legal proceedings with my hospital (where i work) due to my negligence of care during my pregnancy (thankfully won't affect my job) . I think it will be a quiet one and if people want to visit us they can as we're doing my son a birthday party at the beginning of March, we may do a party next year though. For presents though I've been thinking of an activity cube, a xylophone/ drum ( I must be mad) and getting her a pair of shoes. She's crawling pretty well now and just starting to stand up and let go so going to get her measured at the end of March and if she's still not walking we will get crawling shoes, she just needs something to protect her toes when pulling herself up really. We did get her feet measured a couple of weeks ago and she's not even in a shoe size yet as they start at 2 so hoping they've grown a little when they get measured again. Were doing okay atm we've just got over a bad chest infection and now we've all got this awful viral cold again so will be keeping an eye on her incase it comes back. But shes 10 months nearly 11 months old and I can't believe where the time has gone. She's a cheeky little girl, follows me everywhere and atm if I don't pick her up she screams at me. She is very social with other children and beams of she sees another baby! Her reflux is finally gone but we still have a bit of eczema but I've found the best thing is bathing her daily in oilatum bath. She's a proper mummy's girl and if I'm in the room she will cry for me even if being held by someone else, I'm pretty sure she's going through separation anxiety.
Sorry it's so long I got carried away!!


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She is gorgeous Caseysmummy. I am sure her birthday will be bittersweet for you but hope you get through it ok.

Definately mad with the xylophone drum but then again I seem to buy quite few noisy toys too as he loves them so much. Some of his fave toys at the minute though is a drinks bottle with rice in it, a silver glittery gift bag and a balloon. Not sure why we bother with real toys, lol.
We've decided to have zaras day on the 5th as that's the day she passed and celebrate lily's birthday on the 6th so that she can have her birthday be happy as it would have been :). She loves to bang on things so they would make her most happiest I think. Yes lily likes to play with bottles and cardboard and junk mail lol xxx
And Keys.... I cant carry him out to the car with the keys in my hand without him trying to twist round to get the darn things.
I can't believe how much Lily's grown!!

Im so glad you guys have also been thinking about their 1st birthdays as I have too. Keep saying to DH that we need to get he garden tidy and house painted before his party haha.

I think we're getting Alex a cosy coupe car and will ask grandparents to get him a plastic mini swing and slide I think as he loves the park.

What a cutie!! He looks very happy. Is anyone else having trouble with their lo and milk. Lily refuses bottles at nursery and for my mum but when she gets home or I'm with her she guzzles it no problem. She wouldn't drink anything for my mum today but as soon as we got home around 5 has had 3 bottles to make up for it. She eats food okay , it's just milk
Aww lily is gorgeous. Aww and so is Alex.

Our little lady is going through another huge spurt I think. Today alone she learned to bum shuffle, then pulled herself up on her knees. And pulled herself up from laying down. They change so quick now.

Has anyone bought the next car seat yet? We had ours delivered today. Ended up getting the Cybex pallas. It's £50 off in mothercare at the mo. It's lovely but looks huge for our LO. It's getting so hard using the infant seat now as pulls herself forward when I try putting her in and I have to force her back to strap her in. Going to drag out at least another few more weeks in it if I can.

I was looking at originally getting pearl but went for this as only £30 more and it's got the extra impact protection x
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I like the look of the Cybex one Lucy but haven't bought one yet as I'm a bit co fused by them all? There's a Cybex one that's like £350 and one that's around £150 but I can't see what the difference is and honey literally avoided is in Mothecare, I suspect they aren't trained enough j. Our store?

Caseysmummy I really struggle to get Alex to take his milk, usually his morning bottle is fine but the afternoon bottle is a nightmare!x

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