~ * May and June 2015 Babies * ~

We decided on it Belfa as it's like a meet in the middle as it's not rear facing. This is the link to it 2 of my friends have it too ours was £210. http://www.mothercare.com/Cybex-Pal...=&returnSrule=null&start=&returnScrollPos=298

Looks like it might be less in couple of other places but mothercare is easy to get to if I had any probs. We ordered it online too as it looks pretty easy to fit with isofix attached to the seat x
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The more expensive cybex one is the one I'm getting too Belfa. Is Keeps baby rear facing up till they are 4 if you like. And it swivels - so u can face baby to you when putting in car and then rotate either rear or front facing.

There's legislation coming in next year I think that will force babies to be rear facing till they are 15 months. So if you want another baby might make sense to get a car seat that complies with the new rules. Tho the purely rear facing ones are prob cheaper!

Cute photos of the babies. They are all looking so grown up! X
I thought the new legislation came into affect Dec 2015. From what I read if you baby was under 9 months in Dec 2015 they have to stay rear facing til 15 months. I could be wrong so will go and check. I plan on rear facing lily as long as possible. She still fits well in the infant carrier currently. She hasn't reached weight or height limit so going to keep her in it until she outgrows it. It's getting pretty heavy to carry now but I still haven't a clue what car seat I will be getting after yet plus I can't afford it at the min. Ones I have looked at were joie stages and a britax one. With my son I didn't have a clue so bought one from asda in the baby event and it was recalled 2 years later for having the side impact protection and failing the which test so I'm making sure I do my research this time xxx
I think the new legislation runs along side the old one, they can't scrap the old law until there are enough I size seats in circulation so won't be 100% until 2018 the website says. Tbh our little lady is still teeny and could prob last in her seat for ages, if we had another I can't see them being much bigger as we are both shorties lol, problem is she's so strong and forces herself sitting up. I literally have to force her to lay back to sit her in her infant seat every time.
We had to go with a forward facing maxi cosi one. My car has short seat belts so the rear facing ones didn't fit unless we wanted to spend 3-4 hundred which unfortunately I just don't have. He started to scream when he went in his infant car seat as it was too narrow for him. He loves his forward facing as he is higher and can see out the window.

They definately need more choice on the rear facing as at the minute they are not fitting all types of car. We also went for our seat as my mum has him once a week and she has bucket seats. None of the rear facers had small enough bases for her car.

I was really disappointed as wanted to stay rear facing as long as possible but the option was taken out of my hands. :-(
On the pressies things we are getting some outside stuff too. Thinking of getting a little slide and a pop up tunnel for the garden for the summer. X
That's interesting to know. I might struggle also then as my mums car has really short belts I struggle to get the infant one in. It just about fits with no give in it. My hubby's car may be okay and I'm not sure about mine as it's currently off the road as I haven't passed my test yet so never tried it. I also didn't realise about the old law not being scrapped. Will have to do some more research, I've looked a little bit but because we're not close yet as she's still tiny tbh I think she will last in her current one until 15 months anyway. She's not to bothered about sitting in it yet. The problem I've found when researching is that you can't get a definate answer of it fits your car or how to know if your car supports isofix xxx
We were told that the mothercare combination seat had been tested and fitted my mums model of car but when it was delivered to store it was not safe once fitted. Worth getting mothercare or somewhere to check that it fits properly in the car.

We have iso fix in our car however our infant car seat base didn't fit properly so we had to strap it in. Never realised it was all so complicated. X
Haha my baby hit 9kg at the end of Jan, just shy of 8 months :lol:! Her dad is super tall and I'm kinda tall for a girl so I guess it makes sense. She's currently still being squeezed in her infant carrier but am going to mothercare tomorrow to buy the next one as she isn't particularly comfy anymore lol! FYI mothercare are having a promotional event tomorrow - they told me in store last week to come back tomorrow (Friday) as I would get a good saving on the car seat! X
I had to switch to forward facing just after Christmas as my baby was kicking the seat. He's now 9 months old but wearing 12-18m clothes. To be honest though, he has been more relaxed now he can see me. Not that he was ever stressed, but it's nice seeing him chill in the car with plenty of leg room now.
Ahh loving the pictures!!

We have been talking first birthday too! We are taking him the aquarium as he's obsessed with our fish tank, just going with family and his 3 cousins :) then a meal afterwards. My OH wants to get him a little car to sit in, we've also looked at the trikes too as it will be summer but may get one before now the weather is brightening up!

Hayden is nearly 9 months now, he can't crawl but he can go backwards on his tummy! He's so lazy haha!

He's learning more and more every day it's scary how quick they learn!! He's been saying dada for a while now and last week he started waving and saying bye bye. He waves at everyone now, even the tv! He's saying mama but only when he's upset or wants something!

Here he is my little chunky monkey :)
Gorgeous pics Charlie. My lo who was 5lb when born is 9 months and a complete chunky monkey now. Was obviously being inside me that stopped him from growing.

Aww how cute are they! Love the chilling out in the chair pic charlie and the little boots!
Happy mothers day ladies! Mine was spent hosting my sons 5th birthday party but was really good fun :) uploadfromtaptalk1457299368895.jpg
Hope you all had a lovely day :) here is my little heartbreaker looking smart! We had a lovely day, OH booked us a room in a beautiful hotel too! I managed to get this great shot of Hayden at the window!

Won't be long until we are all celebrating first birthdays!!

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