October Babies

My appetite seems to be coming back a little. Eat half a tub of flake ice cream last niht wihtout thinking.... yummy....

Have been feeling hungry for the first time in the pregnancy which is weird as I hadforgotten what that feels like.... :-)

Also which may be TMI got my sexy drive back at last. OH is very happy with this as it has been ages.... although was an emotional wreck after giggling and crying at the same time. Think it may have relieved some of the stress that had been building up for 10 weeks without me knowing... :-)
You could def be an oct mummy ilove! I could end up a nov mummy!
I agree you could definetly be an October Mummy, im on the border too so i could end up being a November Mummy x x

Hi I will be an October mummy (just!) I am due 1st Oct, next milestone is 20 week scan on May 20th :-) New to the site so just working it all out

Username Kellhod
im due 6th october and have my 20wk scan other the 20th may :)

I'm due 16th October and my 20 week scan is 26th October :) Can't wait! xXx

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