~ * May and June 2015 Babies * ~

I get what you mean about long days as the shortest day I will do is prob 10-12 hours and could some days be 15 hours. Some days my little girl might not be up before I go to work and in bed when I get home :( but I'm lucky my mum is fab with her and retired this year, she will hopefully do 2 days (4 a month) my in laws will help too but hopefully they will only have to do a couple of days a month as I will have to work 2 weekends where hubby should be off on those x
Will try the smaller portions and see how she goes.

I'm back 1st of Dec :( lily's going to nursery. The one my son went to, they know us well and what we've been through and they are so kind and caring, I wouldn't send her anywhere else, it's also at the bottom of the car park of the hospital I work at. My jobs only 28 hours so I only do 4 day weeks anyway and every other weekend. My hours in the week are 8.30 - 2.45pm so I can still pick my son up from school and my weekends are 7.30- 12.30pm. I got the job when my son was 2 and my boss is very family first so we made it flexible around him. I was only going to do evenings when I went back as I was expecting twins and it's only 2 hours a night but changed my mind with everything that happened. I honestly loved my job before I went on mat leave I'm hoping I feel the same going back as I've said before its the hospital I had all my antenatal care and the hospital who failed us by not giving us the correct care for twins. So it's going to be very hard I think bit I'm willing to try as I loved it so much before and I've made lots of friends and my dept is a very supportive team.

We had a childminder for my son when I worked at asda living and he loved it babyscotcher. It was really good for one on one with him. He came on so much during his time with her and it was much cheaper than nursery I think only 3 pound an hour where as I pay 4.20 an hour now and that's with a discount.

I'm also loving this stage. I'm so sure lily will be crawling soon. She just gets so frustrated with herself. I find them much happier at this age and fun to interact with. Lily's recently started to snuggle her head into my shoulder when she wants a cuddle. My son seemed to grow up very quickly. He took his 1st steps at 8 months old! So he wasn't a baby for long :( xxxx
I hope you enjoy your job again when you go back Caseysmummy but can appreciate that it will be hard for you to be working so close to where everything happened.

I love my job though am really not looking forward to having to stay away overnight which I have to do once or twice a month. The childminder seems great though and has some other slightly older children for him to play with who are around the 18 month- 3years age. He loves watching older children so hopefully he will learn from them. Hoping she gets him into a more structured routine with naps and such as she is known for being great with that. I am worried that he still won't be sleeping through by the time I go back to work. That won't be fun. X

its been a while since I have posted. Life got kind of hectic for a couple of months and only now am I adjusting to it all.

Trying to catch up on how you and your babies are all doing, so lovely to see grown up pictures of LOs.

Isnt it crazy that this time last year we had all had or were soon having our scans and announcing the arrival of our little ones. X
Isnt it crazy that this time last year we had all had or were soon having our scans and announcing the arrival of our little ones. X

Can't believe lo is almost 6 months!! Isn't it crazy how time flies!!
Yes it's going far too quick, no idea how my girly is 6 months in less than 2 weeks.
Same here. Can't believe it. This is a lovely ago tho - she's just so much fun now.

How is everyone's weaning going? Finding it fun but a bit stressful. Letting her feed herself now she's 6 months and I'm not sure I'll get over the fear of her choking! She seems to spit out bits that are too big for her - so she's doing a good job all by herself!

Pismo - great to hear from you :)! Been wondering how you are! Xx
I was thinking of trying actual solid food this weekend as she's six months on Thursday... Nervous though!! She loves the purees though
I've ordered a couple of anabel karmel books, hopefully get some good ideas. I'm looking forward to trying proper foods in couple of weeks, and giving my girly a mushed Christmas dinner, this weaning seems to take so long, especially while she can just have purée. X
We are moving onto slightly lumiere purees and he love trying to feed himself. Find it hard finding good finger foods tho. Any suggestions? Currently we like rusks, rice cakes, bread and Cucumber.

We are on 3 meals a day most days unless he decides to sleep through his lunchtime. He is slowly starting to go longer at night and also not wanting so much of his milk.

Anyone else who formula feeds still having to wind their baby? I have read that from 4 months they should be able to get their own wind up but he still struggles sometimes and it makes him sick when he does burp. X
Hello ladies. Had a very busy week. Was meant to start back at work Tuesday but lily's come down with bronchitis and has been on inhalers and steriods were just weaning of the inhalers now so should be due to start back Monday now!

Lily is formula fed and I don't have to wind her after every bottle but do after a couple.

We were on 3 meals a day but she had a tummy bug last week and solids were making it a lot worse so stopped them until she was over it (tbh I struggled to get milk down her most days too ) and then with her being ill this week too were just started to add them in again. She was weighed a day before her tummy bug started last week and weighed on Wed in a and e and she's lost 6 Oz in a week due to having been poorly twice on that time the poor girl.

Some good ideas for fingers foods I've used are, porridge sticks, buttery toast, cooked broccoli, cooked carrot sticks, Apple stick with outthe skin, banana, chips (oven cooked ), pasta

Hope Lily feels better soon Caseysmummy. Must be horrible seeing her that poorly.

We had bread and Cucumber and loved it at dinner time today. Was far more interesting than his puree. Trying to make sure that he has finger foods for at least 1 of his meals each day. He usually has yoghurt for breakfast, fruit for lunch and veg for dinner.

Anyone recommend a particular pasta shape that is easier for them? Also how soft do you cook your fruit or veg? X
Aww hope lily better soon. Our LO had first night in her own room last night. Went pretty well. She woke at 6.30.

I'm looking forward to be able to giving proper foods soon. Think it'll be easier once we can offer finger foods, only just over a week to go. The anabel karmel books I ordered turned up yesterday. Some of the meals look lush. Especially the fish fingers, haha. I'd eat them x
LO had a roast dinner tonight. Carrots, broccoli, roast potatoes, parsnips and Yorkshire Pud as finger food. He loved it though he gaged now and again and it came back up so he had a yoghurt afterwards as was still hungry. I was so proud of him. X
Hi guys! Hope you and babies are all well!

I have a query - at six months I was told by HV to start using a cup for Logan's milk and to get him off the bottles. This means sterilising would be a thing of the past right?? What have you all done?

Nah if you are serving milk in the cup then you still need to sterilise. If only water then you don't need to - just hot soapy water like for your own things. But milk can get trapped in the bottles/teats and bacteria can grow so that's why you always need to sterilise. Bit of a pain but can understand why.
Thanks ladies. First day back tomorrow! Feeling very nervous but I've got everything ready by the front door for morning. Clothes all set out ready for us all. Breakfast bowls set out on the side. Don't think I've ever been this organised for work.

Lily is much better but still very clingy. She had me up til 5am this morning so ready to drop now! Solids are still making her sick but hoping once she's completely better we can start again if not I'll be taking her the gp to discuss what's happening and see what they suggest. She's been so hungry today and had bigger bottles more often but think she is catching up.

I would say fuslli? Would be best to start with. This is the shape lily eats. I made it really soft and break it up for her a little. I'm so anxious about choking though xxx
For pasta Anabel Karmel has a recipe where she uses conchigilette or baby pasta as she calls it. I have searched high and low and can't find the stuff so I'd also say smash up some frusli or something when dry and then cook it x

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