~ * May and June 2015 Babies * ~

Been looking at what to get baby for his 1st birthday. I've only got a small budget so I've had to be quite restrained. But I've got a big ideas list for family to peruse. So exciting.
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Tesco have a great toy sale at the mo orion. I got one of those beat bop robots for £13.50 yesterday in store.
I'm looking at things like wooden xylophone they're only around 10 pound. Ive gotten her a pair of crawling shoes too as she's very close to walking now. I also got some bath toys. Were not spending too much as she won't really know and we've got lots of toys and clothes, so tried to be practical. She's got a lot of my sons baby toys so we're struggling for ideas that's not rebuying what we've got xxx
Toys r us have 3 for 2 on vtech toys at the minute. We got some toot toot stuff today and a mega blocks truck.

We got a beatbo for him as his main present and just a couple of little bits to go with it. Paying for a party for him so that is costing quite a bit. X
Hi ladies not been on for a while so just catching up. It has gone so fast. My little one is 10 months. Can't believe he will be 1 soon! He is a little smasher. Pulling himself up to his feet on everything at the moment. Been back to work full time for the pat month. I miss him but it's nice to have adult interaction! X


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I've bought an animal rocker and a baby xylophone. He'll get presents from family. And he'll probably prefer the paper and boxes �� I'm getting a special cake made too. Don't want to go overboard. He won't really understand.
That's what I've thought too orion. My son was very overwhelmed on his first birthday so we're going to have a quiet one. Were going to blow up some balloons and have bubbles which will be a special treat as lily loves them and just a few presents but more practical things as we've only got a small house which is already over run with toys.

How's everyone found easter? Lily wasn't too keen unlike my son she's not a big chocolate fan. Only like the occasional milky bar button but has loved hot cross buns xxx
Happy Easter everyone!

We had a lovely family weekend! Hayden loves chocolate, but we didn't give him too much. He was just as happy with a banana haha!

We dressed him as the Easter bunny to take Easter eggs to his 3 cousins haha!

Our lazy boy still isn't crawling but he's extremely close to!

We had a tough week, he was vomiting and high fever for 3 days then one night he had convulsions from his temp :( I rung 111 for advice and they sent an ambulance out for him and they took him in. They thought he might have had the start of scarlet fever but it didn't get any worse. They said his throat was red raw and blood vessels were bulging on his tonsils :( poor little man! They cope so much better than we do, so brave. He's much better now, but has started coughing today! Praying it doesn't go worse.

We had an amazing Easter. Played at a new park, met the easter bunny, Easter gifts and eggs, big lunch with family...

Chocolate is a hit, but only a little at a time. Hot cross buns are a definite hit!
Aww charlie he looks so cute. Poor little man, my son had a convulsion the day after his 1st birthday due to norovirus was so scary and I was on my own so ran to the neighbours as I just thought he'd stopped breathing as his lips went blue still gives me shudders to think about. It's awful when they're really poorly, my son has suffered with tonsillitis regularly since 9 months old and still won't take them out and he's 5 now. Apparently they won't unless it affects his school work in my area but I've found he copes much better now with it as I suppose he's used to it. I hope he's better soon.

Sounds like fun orion! Glad you had a great Easter. Ive got to admit I love hot cross buns too.

Lily's birthday is a week on Wednesday! Just got one more thing to get then we're sorted. I'm getting excited for her now. But can't believe my little 3lb 10z baby is going to be 1. We've come so far in a year.
My cheeky little bunny
Not sure anyone ever checks back here but how is everyone's little ones doing?

My Lo is walking and into everything at the moment. No longer a baby though... definately a little boy now. X
Hello I still check in from time to time. Were doing okay. Lily's walking and starting to say a few words so far we have doggy, Bella, casey, mummy daddy and quack quack. Lily's got a cows milk protein allergy which we suspected for a long time. My mum looks after lily whilst I work now which makes everyone happier as lily trusts my mum. I passed my driving test last month which is also making life easier with 2 kids. Loving lily being a toddler now. She's become much more loving and will give me proper cuddles and kisses.
I've always been a bit of lurker but still pop on to see how people are doing. We are all doing well baby girl is walking and chatting away. She's such a lovely little thing and full of live for everyone.
I am loving the toddler stage so far though it already has its challenges. Whoever called them the terrible twos was lying. X
Hi guys!! Great to hear everyone's LO's are coming on well.

Alex is the same, well he walks holding your hand and can do a few steps in his own before loosing confidence but he's enjoying it!

He loves nursery which is great. Work is awful for me still, I like being back and seeing people but I still feel like I'm not treated the same.

Anyone thinking of having another baby? I didn't enjoy being an only child myself so have always said I'd have two but at the same time I can understand why people only have one as it's easy to become totally obsessed with one! X


Hi everyone! Seems I got the laziest baby of the bunch haha! Hes been standing a while now without holding on but won't take that first step! Since yesterday he's wanted to hold one of my hands and walk everywhere though so I think he will be off soon!

We have had constant teething, we have tooth number 14 just cut! He's coping so well with it though. He had 12 before he was 1!

Hayden's saying a few words now, dada, mama, ta, that, want that, awwww (at every animal, bird, plant, blanket, cuddly toy, even when he hugs me) and doggy. He's so loving, he's always giving me kisses without me asking, in fact he kisses most people, tongue out and everything haha! Charmer!
I've sent a couple of pics too, one of him helping me with the washing haha! And one from our holiday, we've been back 2 weeks now. It was lovely!

I'm loving this age, he makes me laugh so much!

Lovely pics Charlie!! Sophie has been walking a while now, constantly chasing her round the house, hard work but fun! Her favourite thing is to get all of the cushions off the sofa, jump on them and go ahhhhh. She's become so fussy eating though, won't eat much variety at all!
Ah Hayden's so cute, I love his inflatable pool (fire engine?).

I think it's normal for them to become fussy Karen!x


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