~ * May and June 2015 Babies * ~

That sounds brilliant belfa. I wish we had a cinema that did that here. I miss going to watch a movie. Little lady is so grouchy at the min. She's engrossed in waybaloo so finally get 5 mins to sit and catch up. We got her lots of toys this weekend. My sister gave her a few and we bought some. She's loving the vtech crawl ball. It was originally my sons but I gave it to my sister for her little one and she gave it us back. She's also give us lots of lamaze toys. And we bought her some rattles and stuff for the pushchair. I just got a newish one from a lady of Facebook. Quinny buzz 3 with accessories for 50 quid. Got to buy a new tyre but it's much better than my silver cross or loola bebe confort. I'm on love with it. Ive wanted one since my son was a baby xxx
Not sure if it's the start of the sleep regression or end of her cold but our girly has only just settled on a feed after going from 10pm to 7am since about 7 weeks old. We are supposed to be doing baby massage today so hopi g she will sleep through a but now. Don't really want to cancel.
Well we are back from our little holiday and it went really well! Although holidaying with a baby is not that relaxing haha!
We were lucky on the flight he slept both ways not a peep out of him. :)

We arrived home yesterday morning and last night Hayden slept 7pm-8am. I think the change in his routine while we were away has helped him drop his 4am feed, couldn't believe it when I woke up and it was 8am this morning! Fingers crossed this is a sign of things to come!

He has also started to roll over onto his side while we were away! Feel like he's changed so much in the last week! :) xx
OMG Charlie I am so jealous. We have a 2.30am feed in this house.

My OH wakes him up (unintentionally) during the week at 6am but at the weekend he sleeps till about 7.30am. He will then go back to sleep till 9.30am when I have to wake him up. Lucky compared to others though.

Glad you had a great time Charlie. Can't wait to go on our first holiday as a family. X
It's been so quiet on here this week. Glad the holiday went well Charlie.

Considering weds was a bad night. Thurs was better then yest she had her men b jab with 16 week ones. Slept from 6.30pm with a dream Feed at 10pm and slept until 7.45am today!!! Couldn't believe it. I'm hoping we can stay like that as the clocks change in a couple of weeks.
What do you all do with your babies when they wake up? Alex sleeps 6.30pm - 6.30am and when he wakes up I offer a bottle which he takes around 3oz and then I sit with him on my bed and we both fall asleep again until 8am...Can't carry on this habit although I appreciate the extra snooze but don't like wandering around my house at 6.30am either!x
Jealous of all the sleep you guys have!! Anyone breastfeeding and managing a good nights sleep?? Sophie is rolling on to her front now so got to start baby proofing the lounge!!
In a week day we have the school run so lily wakes around 6am has a bottle and a nappy change and gets dressed. She then lies on her play mat with lots of toys and plays whilst I get dressed and I get my son ready for school we then go to drop him off and she falls asleep on the way home usually at around 9am then after another bottle and a nappy change we play together with toys or I sit and make her smile etc or sometimes she helps me with the house work in her sling. On weekends she has her bottle and a bum change then we sleep again til 8.30- 9.30am xxx
Well Hayden sleeping in was short lived! He was back to his 4am feed last night haha! I'm still great full he sleeps 7pm-4am though. He went back to sleep until 8:15am too so wasn't too bad xx
Jealous of all the sleep you guys have!! Anyone breastfeeding and managing a good nights sleep?? Sophie is rolling on to her front now so got to start baby proofing the lounge!!

Every 2 hours day or night here. You're bit the inly one not having a lot of sleep. I'd never do any kind of sleep training though, I just trust that he knows his body best and he just likes his dinners little and often xx
I'm bottle feeding but my little man only goes 3 hours for food like clockwork and he won't sleep any longer than 4 hours at a time at night. But now he's rolling over, we're up more often than we used to be. Hoping it'll settle back down again soon.

I don't really mind him not sleeping or going longer between bottles though because so far he's been such a happy and easy baby...you can't have everything!
In a week day we have the school run so lily wakes around 6am has a bottle and a nappy change and gets dressed. She then lies on her play mat with lots of toys and plays whilst I get dressed and I get my son ready for school we then go to drop him off and she falls asleep on the way home usually at around 9am then after another bottle and a nappy change we play together with toys or I sit and make her smile etc or sometimes she helps me with the house work in her sling. On weekends she has her bottle and a bum change then we sleep again til 8.30- 9.30am xxx

I should really just get up and do housework or something so we don't get into a bad habit.

We went to the cinema again today and there quite a few babies in there. Got to say they were all well behaved, I think they're so captivated by the big screen and Alex managed to nap as well. Seems he will nap anywhere but when we're in the house.

He insisted on going to bed at 5.30 and was out of it so I'll see what time he wakes up x
We have a little man with his second cold so was up a lot last night. He just wanted lots of cuddles bless him. I am shattered though so think a day on the sofa with some trashy tele is in order.

Love the idea of going to the cinema with baby. Bet the babies are transfixed on the big screen with flashing lights. Shame more cinemas don't do that kind of thing. X
Karenb breastfeeding still here, and still only going 2.5hrs between feeds day and night. It's tiring, but feed on demand, so if that's how frequently baby wants feeding then so be it :-) xx
I agree with the fact that baby feeds when they need it as my Lo still has a night feed at the minute and it has obviously down him good as he has jumped a centile line which is great as he was small when born.

My worry comes out a little though that I am going back to work in January so by then we need to have a good routine in place and hopefully have him sleeping through the night. X
I've had a look and my local cinema does the baby sessions every other Monday. Only at midday though so I can't go with hubby unless he is off.

Annoying we were ready to go swimming this morning as haven't been for 3 weeks and had a puncture in my car. Hopefully next week.

Caseysmummy. I was at my local garden centre a couple of days ago looking at the tree decks. I was looking at these little pink Xmas tree angels with names on and one stood out to me with Zara on it. Made me think of you. Was so pretty xx
Thank you for thinking of me lucy! I may have to have a look for one of them for her grave :) xxx
What are you guys getting for you little ones for Christmas and are you doing anything special being their first one?

I have bought a personalised stocking and thinking of buying a 1st christmas bauble for the tree. X
I wasn't going to get much but turning 6 months just before Xmas opens her up to so many new toys etc!! May be hard to control myself lol
I'm torn between a walker and a jumperoo but whatever we don't get him I'll say to grandparents to get him. Apart from that I'm not sure what else to get him really as I don't want to go mad on toys? X

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