~ * May and June 2015 Babies * ~

We ordered a few little toys last night, couldn't resist haha! I've just asked nan and grandads to get him toys that will encourage him to crawl and move around :)

I'm so excited for Christmas ! Xx
I can recommend the crawl ball. Lily's not ready for crawling yet but loves to play with it. It helped and encouraged my son to crawl. We will be getting small bits for Xmas like stacking cups and rattles. My son was 8/9 month old on his first Christmas. He wasn't really interested so not going to spend lots with lily. Might get her practical things like clothes. They much prefer the wrapping paper; ) xxx
I've got our girly a few books, a giraffe toy thing, a baby tablet that says numbers, words animals etc, a peppa pig DVD, some clothes, want to get a few more cheapy stocking filler bits. I have also started on a Christmas Eve box with a new romper suit, a Mr men book that is about meeting Father Christmas and some Christmas finger puppets so far. If anyone has any suggestions as there is only so much you can add for a six month old.
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Crawl ball - good idea!

I also forgot to add the high chair to my list.

Lucy you are far more prepared, I had never heard of an Xmas eve box lol.

Does anyone have a baby who is teething and had really watery nappies? Alex can even fart without staining his nappy lol. Don't think I need the doctor for him as he's totally fine in all other ways. I know a lot of folk say that teething causes watery nappies because of the extra saliva but the medical profession say it's not confirmed which is annoying x
Belfa I think the Xmas eve boxes are quite a new trend. Better when kids get older but seems to be new pair of pjs, a Xmas film, popcorn, hot chocolate sachets, sweets, plate for Santa treats, etc...I'm just going to do it as well as we can.
You could still do the plate for santa lucy, I like that idea, it's like starting a traditional for your family, I might do that this year, my little boy would love it.

Were all ill here! Apart from my son who's the picture of health (thank goodness ) but me, oh and lily have all got a terrible viral infection, fly type thing. Lily is so horse and croaky. It's so sad to see. Ive taken her to the gp yesterday as she's very phelmy and has an awful cough, they said it's not in her chest but to monitor it but she hopes it will go on its own.

Christmas is going to be expensive for me this year. My little boys asked for a tablet which I'd love to get him, I just can't justify it for a 4 year old, he shares mine at the moment. I want to get him some educational toys that are also fun but he learns with it. He's starting to read so something to help him with that, he's not big into toys, (he's got hundreds and doesn't play with them). He uses his imagination alot and we play with him.

I'm going to get lily practical things but some of these things are going to work out expensive. I really want to get her a jumperoo now she's putting weight on her legs and a play nest to help her sit up so she can play whilst I'm busy. She will be 8 months old at Christmas xxx
Forgot to add. Watery nappies are fairly common with teething belfa, my son had them and also got a very sore bum every time a tooth cane through. I rash an article recently about a dentist who says teething doesn't affect babies l, it's usually because their immune systems lower dur to the new tooth coming through and they're actually catching something, in my opinion it's a load of shit lol xxx
We have bought a few bits and pieces but got a walker second hand from a friend which we are going to give him for Xmas. He will only be 7 months but it has a bit that comes off the front with musical bits on it.

We have decided that me and my OH are both going to spend £20 each to get him some stocking fillers but we are not going to show each other what we have bought. We are then going to wrap them so it means it will be a bit like presents to each other as we wont know what we are opening for him. We are only buying token gifts for each other this year.

Got 2 nephews to buy for. One 9 months and one just over 2. Finding that hard as my SIL doesn't really want or need anymore toys. Got some books for the older one and a personalised blanket for the younger one but think we might just get little bits and pieces other than that. Love buying stuff for little ones though. X
Love that idea baby scotcher :) that's what we done Christmas gone :) we bought each other presents for the bump (clothes mainly) but Set a limit too.

I've asked the MiL to get the crawl ball and other learning toys if she wants to :) so don't think we will buy anymore for him. Just clothes and high chair :)

We have his christening end of November too, I really need to pull my finger out and start organising that! It's come round so quickly!

I have a meeting with my boss a week on Monday to talk about going back to work! Where has the time gone :( xx
I know charlie. I have to ring my boss at the end of the month / beg of next month so she can put me back on the system. It's gone far too quickly but I hate to say that I'm excited to get back into it. I love my job and I had alot of time off during my pregnancy so it will be pretty much a year in total bar the 11 days I went back for starting mat leave. I'm going to hate leaving my baby but luckily she's only at the nursery at the bottom of the car park so will be able to pop and see her at lunch time if I need to. I'm going to miss her but I'm looking forward to seeing my friends and be around adults all day! Xxx
How's everyone doing? Very quiet in here lately.

A while back we were talking about highchairs. I would recommend Aldi's Mamia highchair. It is very study, folds easily, has 3 recline positions and 5 heights. X

I do pop on but not much to say lol. In saying that, has anyone weaned their babies yet? I think you were weaning caseysmummy? Alex had the HV today and again we went over not wearing until 6months which I totally want to do. However, he has dropped from 75thpercentile in weight and height to 25th in heigh and under 50th in weight. He seems to have lost interest in his milk but is totally food obsessed so I'm wondering if it's in these circumstances that people decide to wen their babies? I just have 4 weeks to go under the month mark anyway. HV said that some people do wean for these reasons but I got the impression that she couldn't recommend that I wean him.

It's been suggested that I drop his dream feed as he takes loads in his dream feed to see if he will up his intake during that day...I'll see how it goes but surely if it adds a few ounces on to his day bottles it's just the same as taking a full bottle in a dream feed? x
It's been really quiet, I pop on but don't always have much to post either. So busy these days.

Babyscotcher I think my brother has that highchair. They are happy with it.

Belfa I spoke to the HV and she said to me not before 17 weeks but before 26 weeks but up to me when to try, they don't pressure you exactly when to start in my area for some reason. Our girly holds herself upright really well now and if we give her a spoon with nothing on it she knows what to do with it. :) Our girly is still on the 9th percentile, still in her 0-3 month bits too. Hubby's cousin has a baby a month old and he weighs more than she does at 19 weeks old. She is a real wriggler too, she uses her feet as leverage and spins around.

I got told to do more feeds with less ounces to help gain weight, doesn't really make sense does it x
I've started weaning Belfa at 19/20 weeks due to my LG going off her milk, dropping a feed and only taking 2/3's of the bottles she did take. Health visitor was totally in agreement with me. Since starting, her appetite has totally shot up and she's taking more milk than before (back to 25-30oz) plus some simple puréed fruit and veg twice a day. She loves it and is grabbing out to get the food off my plate (which she's not allowed yet) lol. Looking forwards to her reaching 6 months to introduce eggs, wheat & meat/fish etc. Her face is funny when she tries a new veg she doesn't initially like but she will always open up for more haha x
Why do we get different advice and we live in neighbouring council areas, lol? I think I'm convinced enough now to make him some purée next week and see what he thinks. Your girl sounds just like Alex, he's dropped the number of bottles and only takes 5oz and doesn't look for it like he used to whereas the HV said he should take 7oz a feed!x
I'm giving J mashed fruit and veg to try because he's met all the physical signs of weaning (sitting, coordination...) but waiting til 6 months to introduce anything more complicated. He's less interested in formula but still drinking 5-6oz every 4 hours or so.

His two bottom front teeth have broken through recently - very cute!

We bought the M&P pesto chair and love it.
Yes I'm weaning belfa. Only just properly started as lily wasn't ready we do half a bottle then some puree then offer water between meals. The hv told she needs 500mls of milk a day and that included in what she eats so for example she had 4 Oz in her weetabix this morning so it's all included. We had a big question on whether she had a milk allergy about a week ago as she was coming out in rashes after a bottle, the Dr thinks she just has severe reflux so has put on her on stronger medication and it's helped quite a bit tbf, just the constant explosive nappies are a worry but I have to take her back to the gp so assess how she coping next week so will see what they said. My hv told me not to worry as long as she's eating and drinking. She's dropped very slightly off her curve on the 9th percentile but we've finally gone up to 3-6 months clothing which fits well now.
We've got a heck of alot going on at the moment we had the route cause analysis regarding zara through on Wed and to say it's not good is an understatement. I'm quite devestated at the moment as she could have been saved had I been referred to the fetal medicine unit in the first place and then again when I had a scan and the sonographer told me she hadn't grown in 2 weeks. They would have both been delivered then. But they didn't and see passed away less than a week later, it looks as if her placenta was failing and did fail. And that's just the start, I won't go into the rest as it's quite upsetting to read. Xxx
Well today our little monkey was trying to grab food off my mums plate, think we are going to start on a bit of puréed veg and see how it goes. She is also leaving a couple of oz in her 10pm feed. She is defo interested but not going to pressure her, see what she takes. have any of you sent for the Ella's kitchen weaning set? You get a wall chart stickers etc.. My cousin sent me the link if anyone wants it I'll try find it.

That's so awful caseysmummy that Zara could have prob been saved, exactly what happened to my cousins LO if they had just acted sooner. Big hugs xx
Oh gosh Caseysmummy that's awful I'm so sorry :( :hugs:. Take your time to process it all.

Can you send me the link Lucy?

Orion I think that's what we'll do too.

So, if I make him a sweet potato puree for example, do I give it before, during or after a feed? They said after at the weaning fair but surely they're not interested then? I guess your baby tells you when they want more then a couple of spoonfuls and when to move on to a second meal? Gosh this is turning into something more complex than how to make formula up lol! x

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