~ * May and June 2015 Babies * ~

My hv recommended half a feed then give them some food then the rest that works well for us and you introduce one meal at a time and when they're used to that introduce the next one and so on til they are having 3 meals a day. Xxx

Just a photo update of lily. Her eyes make me melt.

Gorgeous Caseysmummy.

Please tell me that some of you don't have Lo's that sleep though. Mind still wakes twice per night for food. Might start trying to slowly reduce the amount of milk I offer him when he wakes up two try and wean him off one of the wake ups at a time. Could really do with him sleeping through before I go back to work in January. X
Babyscotcher my lg doesn't sleep through, she still wakes once a night but she's b/f. My son started sleeping through at 7 months I'm hoping she follows suit. I'm not back at work till May but went in to discuss my options this week and made me realise how much I don't want to go back!
I've been thinking about weaning Mabel. I tried giving her some banana earlier but she wasn't at all interested so don't think she ready although she is showing all the signs. She so different to my son!
Also anyone else's little ones teething. Mabel has got a tooth about to pop through and bless her it's really spurting her.
I have a LO that doesn't sleep through. My OH stays up till midnight to do a feed, then LO wakes at 4 for a quick feed but usually goes straight back to sleep. Then I get up with him usually around 7am just because he wakes up that time in the morning even though he's not hungry straight away.

And he's got another tooth popping through so no break from teething here.
My Lo has got into a routine (changed by about an HR because of the clocks) of waking at 11.30 and 4.30 for a feed at the minute but only takes about 5oz. Thinking I might pick the 4.30 feed and try to slowly reduce the amount I offer him so that hopefully he will not associate it with food and therfore be able to self soothe. Who know if it will work though. X
Wow none of us have posted in here for ages.

Been christmas shopping today and got some nice bits for my little man. I am really looking forward to christmas this year.

Bless him had a nasty cough and had to put him to sleep last night in his swing as he kept coughing and waking himself up laying down and getting upset. He was very wheezy but it has got better over the course of the day. Been to the Dr's who said there is nothing on his chest so hopefully it clears up itself. Definately sounded chesty though.

How is everyone else and their little rascals? X
Hi! We went through the same with Hayden 2 weeks ago, he started with a cough, they said his chest was clear, next day had to take him the hospital and his Chest wasn't clear and he had bronchiolitis. He literally was awake 5 days straight, it was horrible!
Hope your little one doesn't get any worse!

We have done a bit of Christmas shopping for him but not going mad as I know family will go crazy.

We were supposed to be christening him in just under 3 weeks but had to cancel due to some family not being able to make it. :( gutted!

He's growing so fast now and learning new things all the time, his latest trick is raspberries with his lips haha! I hear him in the night doing it :) very cute! He was squealing through the night with joy so I'm glad he's found something quieter to do now!

Has anyone else with a jumperoo found that their little ones just wanna stand alllll the time now, he won't just sit on my knee he wants to be up on his feet all the time!

We have been looking at high chairs last few days, any one bought one yet? Any recommendations?

Here's my little monkey now... Well not so little, he's huge!
Yes Lucian just wants to stand all the time too. Can stand with us just holding his hands too which is great.

Lucian's latest trick is that he can turn himself 90 degrees and get himself up to the top of his cot. Silly thing is there isn't enough room for him that way so he has to stick his legs out through the bars. And he wears a sleeping bag so God knows how he does it. Always seems very chuffed with himself when I go in to get him up though.

I have bought the Aldi Mamia highchair and it is brilliant. Very sturdy and seems to be comfy too. Folds up well and easy to clean. X
We're doing okay! I have a poorly 4 year old with tonsillitis atm bit other than that okay. Met with work last week and discussed returning. They have been so good and altered my start and finish times so instead of half 7 til 1.45 I will do 8.30- 2.45 so it gives me enough time to get the kids to nursery and before school club and time to get to work and changed myself. They've also discussed me not working near the maternity dept which is good too so I'm not quite so anxious about going back. I'm going to see how I get on anyways. Take one day at a time. Dreading leaving lily anyhow!
Lily is doing well. Were on two meals a day weaning wise almost now. It's hit and miss with if she wants it sometimes but we're getting there slowly. Lily's has also just learnt to blow raspberries and we don't think she's far-off crawling. She trying so hard anyways bless her. We don't have a jumperoo but she always wants to be on her feet now too. She's so smiley at the moment which is lovely as soon as she sees me she breaks out into a big grin. We also went to visit nursery last week. I think she's really going to enjoy it! She was mesmerised by all the other babies and just wanted to play. We've got 2-3 more visits before she starts but I don't forsee any problems with her but I think she's young enough just to accept it where as my son was 2 and half when he started nursery so he had separation anxiety and screamed for weeks every time I dropped him off.

Here a recent pic of lily


Aww gorgeous pictures.

On that note this is my little man. My mum seems to have a thing for the gruffalo and bought him 3 outfits from Sainsbury's with it on-


Oh I love the gruffalo! I read it nearly every night just because i like it, wish it was out when I was a kid!

Babies are all coming along so well! I can't believe how many skills they learn each week now.

We had to move Alex's christening for family too so it's now this Sunday and I had a nightmare last night that I turned up to the church with no clothes on lol!!

Alex is also obsessed with trying to stand, chats away very loudly in public and is enjoying his food!



Love all the pics!!!! Here's my lo xx


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It will all of a sudden come back karen. Lily's lost loads especially with her cradle cap and it's all of a sudden grown and darkened! My little boy had blonde hair but I think lily's going to stay dark for a while.

I think she has your eyes karen! Can't believe how much they're growing now!

Talking of hair is anyone else still loosing loads of your own hair. I am. I can't remember it lasting this long last time! Xxx

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