~ * May and June 2015 Babies * ~

Have commented on your post belfa. What a horrible thing. Hope you are okay and Wee Alex is being a good boy for his mummy.

On the jumperoo chat - best toy ever. We got it half price on Amazon but I still think was expensive. However it is worth every penny because she totally loves it and it gives me at least half an hour to 40mins to myself!!
sorry to hear that belfa, i hope your okay!

Weve nt got a high chair yet, not sure where to start i want a good one this time. but havent a clue what to look for, by the time we had our own place with my son he was 9 months old, we used a bumbo before then as easy to store, so just got him a mamas and papas plain one from argos, but it was awful to use so definately want a better one, not sure if my sister still uses her for her little girl, might ask her if i can have that one if not as it looked a good one

Ive been told by the health visitor today i need to start weaning properly now, the thing is i still dont think shes ready, shes told me to give her weetabix and things we would eat but im so worried about her choking im scared to start with solids. My son was much bigger and was desperate to wean, he used to try and eat my food off my plate, i knwo all children are different but lilys not like this at all xxx
I've heard the ikea high chair is supposed to be really good. We were given the stokke steps as a gift - is really quite expensive for what is effectively just a chair... For a baby! But does look pretty cool.

I can't wait to start weaning! I don't think my LO is actually all that enamoured with milk - reckon she is dying to get her chops around some solids. She's only 16 weeks tho, so going to wait a few more weeks! Try not to stress casey, their gag reflex is really good and there for a reason. Start out on really puréed foods if you are worried :)
I'm really looking forward to weaning too, I had a visit from a Child Smile worker a couple of weeks ago and have become obsessed with sugar content. There's a seminar next week in the health centre that I've been put down for on weaning which makes it seem so close now.

I have the mamas and papas version of the bumbo so was going to use that until I got a proper chair but I'm not sure what the features are?

Casey id be inclined to let Lily tell you when she was ready too.

I wrote my husband an email which helped I think. He did try to bring his feelings in to it but I didn't let him as he was going in a direction where he was trying to say it's my fault x
I wrote my husband an email which helped I think. He did try to bring his feelings in to it but I didn't let him as he was going in a direction where he was trying to say it's my fault x


I hope you didn't listen to that kinda crap?
I wrote my husband an email which helped I think. He did try to bring his feelings in to it but I didn't let him as he was going in a direction where he was trying to say it's my fault x

People make mistakes hun. It's how they deal with them that's important. If he's being apologetic, open and honest with you then that's a good start. Of course your trust is damaged. But you need to decide if he's behaving right now.

As for blaming you. You may have contributed to him feeling the need for attention or whatever, I don't know the specifics, but theres no excuse for him acting on those feelings. That's all him.
They said try one meal a date to start with. I'll give it ago and see how she reacts you never know she may be ready just not as desperate to eat as my son was. I'm going to start Monday when she's officially 6 months and I've got the essentials as think I need some more pots and spoons. I'm going to use the bumbo for now as she's not quite sitting up yet and the bumbo supports her back well as she's still tiny lol xxx
How many pots and spoons etc do you need? I've started buying things from tk max but I don't really know what I'm buying lol.

I'm liking the look of the mamas and papas pesto pear high chair.

I've kind of fallen back into my usual routine with my husband now. I think the email did hit home and I feel he knows if his new business isn't a success I can't put up with anymore x
i'm glad youve sorted it a bit belfa!

you just need a couple of pots, some with lids for travel or going out and about and a few spoons, beaker/sippy cup for water. plastic plates are good for baby led for them to help them selves and play with it easily xxx
Well baby massage went well, our girly loved it, smiles all round and was babbling to the other babies, lol.. Was very cute.

Don't give up on slimming world belfa, I've just hit 11.5lbs, hoping to get my stone next week, I've bulked up on frozen veg as it's easy to load up on my meals. Glad things seem ok with your husband for now, don't let him pretend he hasn't done anything though, hopefully now everything out in the open you can get back to normal if you can forgive him and he does what you want him to.

I'm excited about weaning too.. Has anyone started it at 4 months? Our LO is showing interest in our dinner time and gets upset when we eat in front of her, tempted to introduce some baby rice fairly soon. I got some good purée pots in asda that can be frozen.
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My HV said not to try food until they're sat up and can do the hand to mouth coordination well no matter how much interest they seem to show in you eating and drinking. The advice is not until after 6 months as babies usually can't do those things until then. And then just little tastes of things, not a meal. She gave me 2 booklets about it.
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My HV said not to try food until they're sat up and can do the hand to mouth coordination well no matter how much interest they seem to show in you eating and drinking. The advice is not until after 6 months as babies usually can't do those things until then. And then just little tastes of things, not a meal. She gave me 2 booklets about it.

Completely agree with this!! Not only are they to be able to put food to their mouth and sit unaided but there are more important things such as choking.

Babies gag reflex slowly moves forward when the body is ready for solids to allow regurgitation and prevent choking. so obviously starting before isn't always the best move.

The importance to wait beyond 6months(there really is no rush milk is enough until at least 1) is because the babies digestive system goes through a HUGE physical change and maturation where it can accept solids, digest them properly, and excrete them correctly including the toxins. Before this time is where things will seep from the intestines into the babies system where the body freaks and may cause a lasting allergen to said products.

It happens some time between 4 months and before 6 months but no Dr know when it exactly happens its different for everyone so obviously its best to wait till after 6 months to be certain.

Don't risk babies fragile immature systems just because weaning is fun(its not that much really)

I know for special medical reasons weaning early is best however.
I'm going to speak to the hv about it anyway when we get her weighed next week, i was more thinking about it as she is gaining weight so slowly. She is on the 9th percentile, She is still so teeny, people keep commenting how small my girly is too at over 15 weeks. Personally I just think she is petite but when complete strangers say she is small it's gettng a bit much. It would have been more for tastes than full blown weaning anyway, she is almost there in sitting up, I think the bumbo is helping so it won't be long. I wasn't thinking of weaning early because it's (fun) it's just exciting doing new things every day and seeing my little girl get stronger and more amazing every day. Just an exciting part of being a first time mum.
I attended a weaning session organised by my local health board 2 weeks ago. We were told the earliest to wean is 17 weeks. And that by 23 weeks you should have at least tried to introduce some form of solids. However they did point out certain foods that you should wait until the 6 month mark before introducing - from an allergy point of view like gluten. Furthermore the health visitor taking the session said the wait until 6 months info is from the WHO, based on the advice to exclusively breastfeed for 6 months - as their advice needs to be something that can be adopted in poorer countries where families cannot afford to introduce solids before this point.

I'm not just going to throw solids at my daughter because I think it will be fun. I'm going to enjoy her starting solids when she's ready, and I imagine it will be fun. My daughter is beginning to show signs she will be ready for weaning, but I wouldn't actually go for it until I was certain and had discussed with our health visitor. I personally know very few mothers who would wait until the 6 month mark before starting. If my baby is hungry when she is 4-5 months then I will be introducing solids. And by solids I mean puréed vegetables/fruit with milk.
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I never said throw food at your child, c'mon now!

I'm giving advice that is proven that i have been taught that is all, they just don't need food, milk is enough there really is no rush, you up their milk if they are showing signs of hunger. Because even if choosing to wean early you must give milk FIRST then food after to try so that theory doesnt work. Milk always comes first. I waited until a few weeks past 6 months and BLW with my son but even then.... "food is for fun before one" its just another learning development they try out.

A lot of HVs are very behind in the times mainly as the NHS just isn't funded enough is training everyone of new things and information coming about. So you cannot just take their word as is... research yourself.
My Lo has a few spoonfuls every few days to get him used to tastes. I was advised by HV (and some internet research) that it can be good for prem babies to wean a little bit early (we started at 18 weeks) as it helps them catch up a little with growth as by the time they start moving (crawling etc.) they are able to take a decent amount of food. However that it was very important that before 6 months they have no meat, gluten, eggs or dairy to avoid allergies and because they cannot digest it until older. He has had baby rice and some pureed fruit and veg. They don't really swallow a lot at the start but he has enjoyed (or not) the flavours. He prefers chewing it off my finger though rather than a hard spoon.

FYI everyone as I was surprised- Farleys rusks which most people would assume (as been around forever) are fine for babies, be aware that they have gluten in them so careful when you give them to baby if you do wean a little bit before 6 months.

On the highchair conversation I like the look of the pesto pear too. Argos have it cheap too. I have just had him sitting on my lap for his first few tastes or in his bouncer. X
Absolutely, milk will form the basis of her diet for the foreseeable future. I imagine the first months of weaning will be a slow introduction to foods and tastes/textures. To help supplement her milk diet. But our advice is also that your baby should be eating 3 meals a day by the time they are 1. Call me naive but I can't believe that too many 11 month olds aren't hungry on just a milk diet. But this is my first baby, so obviously if it works for you and your babies then great.

I do do my own research. But I also have to trust in the medical advice I am given along with decades of experience from family/friends etc. Is hard for any mum to ignore the information given out at a health board organised session run in one of the biggest cities in the UK.
Absolutely, milk will form the basis of her diet for the foreseeable future. I imagine the first months of weaning will be a slow introduction to foods and tastes/textures. To help supplement her milk diet.

That's exactly what I'm expecting when we eventually start. I won't be going straight into 3 meals a day, just hopefully a slow introduction of home made purées, flavours, baby rice etc. my niece who is 7 weeks older than our LG has been on the puréed food now a few weeks, yes she was prem but she has defo caught up, she is a little chunk. I will defo see if there are any weaning workshops in my area.
Not many will be on milk at 1 of course, I mean my son was eating like no ones business by 1, he would eat an apple with skin on by 9 months! I was merely stating the importance of the before 6 months thing really.
Oh and if doing purrees and such baby rice is full of sugar(as are rusks) and not much else really, well thickeners and other rubbish. Try porridge :)

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