~ * May and June 2015 Babies * ~

I am pretty paranoid at looking at labels as hasn't been worth making my own purees yet. I got banana porridge rather than baby rice. Has the least sugar of the ones on the shelf. Hence knowing that rusks are NOT gluten free. I think that is bad to be honest as so many people would not think to check and just assume they are ok for 4 months as they say so on the label. X
I spoke to my hv on Wednesday about it all as lily is 6 months on Monday. She said to introduce one meal a day at 6 months. Start with breakfast then once she's comfortable with that then add lunch etc. She said by 9 months they need to be eating choppy ford ( I'm guessing this means not completely pureed). My son was ready at around 4 -5 months later. I just gave him pureed fruit and veg. Then at 6 months he started sitting in a high chair and we did baby led and ate things like toast l, cherry tomatoes, apples, cucumbers. We also started giving him things like home made cottage pie, lasagne etc. But my son was a big boy. He could sit up at 5 months and could put things to his mouth for a while. We mainly did the puree for the taste after bottles before 6 months. With lily we have been giving a couple of spoonfuls of fruit and veg puree here and there ( not daily ) for her to try new flavours after her milk she's not as ready for solids as he was at those age. The hv has advised me to continue using pureed stuff for a while and include things like porridge and weetabix where we can add her milk too it. She said as long as babies are getting at least 500mls of milk a day.

Lucy lily is also on the petite side with her being prem ( I think she would have anyways as she was a twin ) she's also on the 9th percentile and gains weight very slowly so I know what you mean hun.
Oh and just for comparison on how things change my mum weaned me 6 weeks old! Xxx
Oh and just for comparison on how things change my mum weaned me 6 weeks old! Xxx


My hubby was in his own room by 2 days old - no monitor. I never had a car seat. Babies used to wear hats and those bear suits indoors. And sleep on their front or side.

Things certainly do change - advice tends to change for the better.

I was told just a few tastes a day. Then when you think they're getting the hang of eating and swallowing etc (after waiting for them to sit unaided and their coordination), you start with breakfast. Porridge mixed with their usual milk. And cooled boiled water should be offered with any food.

It's better to make your own single taste purees/mash rather than buy them.

There's a lot to know before weaning. I'm still reading and baby is coming up to 20 weeks!!
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Is anyone else on here doing blw other than me and button?
I plan to start around 6 months but won't if baby isn't siting up etc. he likes to be propped up now but is no where close to sitting unaided at the minute. Though he is very good at grabbing things and putting them to his mouth.
The way I see it, if a baby has to be tilted back to be fed (ie in a bouncer), it goes against nature and it's relying on gravity to get good in to them that nature is trying to prevent.
As button said though, I know advice is different with certain illnesses and prem babies.

My little boy already weighs a whopping 18lb and loves his milk but in no way does he currently need more. He got from 7lb to 18lb on just boobs so so far so good :)

Btw I know weaning is a touchy subject, my post is in no way judgemental to anyone or any parenting styles, I'm jut joining in with my views :)

Also, my boy is allergic to cows milk protein, I attempted the milk ladder with him 2 days ago (start with lowest milk content foods an work up) but unfortunately he's still very allergic so no dairy in this boys weaning future! I just hope he'll eventually grow out if it.
I'll be doing BLW at earliest 6 months with Luca. My first son was also BLW at 6 months and he was a big boy (91st centile for weight). I'm under the opinion that outside of medical advice and reasons weaning before 6 months isnt really necessary. I understand why people want to start earlier but I'm actually making the most of just breastfeeding days. Weaning is double the work at first and very messy haha.

Like Jessiecat said this is my viewpoint and definitely not judging those who wean before 6 months. We are all just trying to do what we believe is best for our babies :)
You know my hv didn't even ask me if lily could sit up? She can't that's another reason I don't think she ready. He hand eye coordination isn't quite there yet either. I will be doing baby led as soon as when can sit up. But will kind of be doing a mixture of it all. Xxx
I'm doing a mixture. I'm going down the single taste mashing route to start with. But baby can maybe eat naturally softer things like banana with their own hand.

I don't like the weird taste combos kids get given. I won't be doing those.

I figure that in the future some foods will be warm or just better to be fed by spoon (like soup or yogurt), whereas others baby will eat with their hands, like snacking on fruit. They need to learn both, so I'm going to mix it up from the start.
Hi all,

Hope babies and mummies are all well.

This is just what I'll be doing, so not judging anyone or saying what's right or wrong.
Ania is exclusively breastfed and has been from day one. She's 19 weeks today. I wont be weaning until 6 months (or later depending on sitting etc). I cook everything from scratch for us anyway and will be doing the same for Ania, no ready made purees etc (again not having a go at anyone who does). I intend to do a bit of both like Orion has said, so I plan to introduce single purée vegetables first, then fruit, but will also offer things like soft avocado that Ania can hold herself. I want to continue to breast feed until she's at least 1, so to start with it will just be a taste of vegetables then fruit and then when she's onto breakfast porridge, but just made with normal porridge oats so no sugar added etc.

I had heard rusks are one of the worst for sugar. I'm shocked baby rice is too, especially as most people start on that. Will definitely look into the porridge option. I'll also look at whatever else I could possibly add her milk to. I'm defo keen on doing single puréed vegetables etc, I do a lot from scratch on slimming world, only recently done a butternut squash soup so she could have that minus the stock, so can do a separate portion without salt etc and blend it. I'm also keen on blw once she reaches 6 months, I won't be introducing anything proper solid before then but hoping she will be in the high chair comfortably by Christmas so our LG can sit at the table with us. I'm not going to rush her but was more interested in what everyone else does being our first. I'm not keen on using ready made purée although we are going away next year and not sure how she will cope with the Greek food, might have to buy some for backup. she will be 10 months when we go so hoping she will be on most things by then.
I'm looking forward to being able to make from scratch this time as we're in our own home with a good kitchen. My sisters given me some annabell karmel recipe books and some of the recipes look good will be trying some of the stiff for my fussy eater son as he may eat it if lily is. Xxx
For those who have mentioned the pesto pear high chair, I have it and it's great! Sophie sits in it while I wash up as it can recline quite a lot for little ones. Also it's not too bulky and folds away easily. Definitely recommend it. I'm
In two minds about weaning age! I can no longer eat when Sophie is breastfeeding as she just comes off and stares at my food... But also in no rush with her... Will just take each day as it comes and hopefully we'll know when the time is right x
Coletteypie how was the weaning talk? Mine is next week. You might be interested in giving Cinebabies a go at the Silverburn Odeon. I went this week and it was good, I have really missed the cinema!

Glad the pesto pear gets the thumbs up!

I think parents are becoming more aware of nutrition. When I speak to other mums everyone seems really informed on sugar and salt contents of big brands. I learned from the child smile worker that 7g of sugar is a teaspoon - petit filous have 3.5 teaspoons per pot! x
Well I'm up with a poorly baby. Think she has caught daddy's cold. She is freaking out laying flat as coughs then nearly makes herself sick. If anyone has any pointers. It's her first cold. Think it is going to be a long night.

We decided to build the highchair( pesto pear) and give thumbs up. I like the recline feature too.
Oh dear lucy that's a shame. Alex had one recently. I recommend saline spray over drops (will find it in boots) and baby neurofen seemed to clear the cough symptoms and help him sleep a bit better than calpol. I couldn't get the nasal aspirator to work that well. We also put a spoonful of Vicks in some hot water and put it next to his crib x
Lucyboo hope you all got some sleep , babies with colds are really hard, I spent nights sat in a steamy bathroom whilst my first baby slept in my arms!
Have a look at the pharmacy today there's loads you can get, saline drops for nose are good and some vapou rub, put a little on your chest when you feed baby it might help to clear it (not too close to baby's face though!) x
Thanks ladies, she is feeling a bit sorry for herself I think. Sat her in her bouncer when I had my shower to try and get the steam going. Hubby going to shops later to get some bits so her can hopefully get saline and vapo rub. We are having a peppa pigathon and lots of cuddles. She is only comfy sitting upright.
Belfa - the weaning chat was okay. Was nothing mentioned on BLW which was a bit disappointing. Would have liked to know more about that - my biggest fear on that being choking etc. I just find it interesting to hear that the Scottish health board is making recommendations that are contradicted by others. Pretty weird. Let me know what they say at yours. Maybe East Renfrewshire are just a bit out there versus everyone else!

Haha a few Mums i know talked about going to silverburn to do that! But I'm a bit worried my Wee one would scream through the whole thing and I would waste £9! Or is it reduced price?
Yeah it's still the standard ticket price but I really enjoyed it as Alex was quite captivated by it all so I was able to concentrate on the film more than when I'm at home if that makes sense? He got a bit grouchy when he needed a nap but he's fighting them atm but we could just get up and walk him around the screen and he dropped off. There was one other couple in there and they didn't have a baby but I guess that was their choice whether they chose that screening x

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