***** May 2015 Mummies to be *****

Oh no :( i hate pregnancy moods!!

I have a baby trying to dig/punch her way out tonight it seems
I was just lookin through the front page earlier, we haven't heard from larly in a while either have we?
I speak with Larly. She's good, hasn't really got much time for PF but is on facebook. She's having her LB next week xx
I thought the same yesterday! Glad shes doing okay :)

Did someone mention mouth ulcers before? Gosh i have like 5 of them with 2 being on the tip of my tongue, ouch!!
It was me with the mouth ulcers Button, I bought some Corsodyl mouthwash to help. It stings like hell to start with and it's taken a week to get better, but I'm almost back to normal now.

I woke this morning, went for a wee, got back in bed and had four contractions within 30 minutes :eh: my cat was all over me again, rubbing herself along the back of my neck or sitting next to my head holding my hand with her paw bless her. I got up and they've stopped again :roll: just having some mild 'period pains' now. I just wish it would get going now!
Feel like yesterday was first day I had discomfort going on really and could feel pressure down low but still nothing more than that and no bh still I wouldn't say.

Durham I hope things kick in got you soon, rather than just trading contractions that stop, must be a bit frustrating and unsettling even with cat comfort :)

But jealous of Kate m today, she's all finished job done lovely baby and I've still got it all to come!! Eek! As have many of us i know. Feel I should pop into June mums group and introduce malt self just in case though ha
Might pick some up it tastes awful though lol

Ive been having odd pains on and off mainly at night and then wake with nothing. Last night we tried a bit of sex but i was so swollen there it hurt like hell like whacking my cervix?! Ouch!! Did get cramps and whatnot though. Sorry for the tmi this early lol
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Lol Button! I'm not in the mood at all this time, I was begging for it last pregnancy and he wouldn't!
The next May baby is gearing up to come out, BeckyB is in for induction this morning x
Awwww girls who even has time for sex?... my toddler has me run ragged. Lol im trying to remain as relaxed as possible too because people say these are the best conditions for thinga to begin.

Durham what do ur contractiona feel like?
They start as a strong period pain, low down in my pelvis, and it builds up from there. My whole bump goes tight and it almost feels like heartburn at the top of bump with a stinging sensation there. I feel a definite peak in the pressure/pain, then it eases down from there.

I almost loose control over my breathing too, it gets faster to the peak and slows down on the way down quite involuntarily.

That's what I would consider to be a 'proper' contraction x
Seee mines arent as intense as urs durham but thats what ive been experiencing on n off all night i get pain in my pelvis and then period type pain in my back and lower abdomen. Howevrr they dont completely go up my bump.

Ita crazy to say i just dont remember that happening in my last pregnancy either i laboured alot in my back though xx
I seriously doubt baby will be here by my due date. I had no contractions or anything yesterday. Everything seems to have just stopped :wall2:

I'm also sick of everyone asking if I'm miserable yet. No, I'm not. I'm just impatient to meet baby.
Aww Elliott you would be welcome with the June mums anytime :-)! But fingers crossed you meet your baby before then!

Very exciting for you May mums. A lot of movement happening it seems!
Haha re sex, it was pretty sore felt bad for OH bless him!

I HATE the asking and "ohhh still pregnant" etc arggghhh go away haha!!

I get pains and a lot of pressure in my bum aread as well as the lightening pains, feels like shes really pushing her head!!
Durham that's how my contractions started. My labour was a lot quicker than last time going from when they started and carried on mine were irregular from 2am-5am then every 10 minutes from there and by 7 they were 3 in every 10 mins and by half past they were thick and fast and I was almost ready to push but they rushed me to theatre for emergency c section by that point. They only give me some gas and air when they were taking me to theatre as I'd accidentally gone to Mau rather than delivery as it was only my second visit to that hospital and I'd gone via ambulance the first time so hadn't a clue where I was going. But overall it only lasted 6 hours.

Ladies how long did your bleeding last after birth last time? I had a uterine infection last time so bled for longer than I should have. I'll be 4 weeks pp tomorrow.

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