***** May 2015 Mummies to be *****

Jessiecat - sorry no tips on helping baby to stay in position and engage as this is my first, but really hope baby co-operates soon and you get to try to birth naturally.

Caseysmummy - sorry being a first time mum I don't know what to expect personally with bleeding, but been told it can last up to 6 weeks.

Bigbee - As for hospital bags mine is in the car ready, just in case we are out and about when it happens. We have a least a 35 minute drive to the hospital.
My notes are in my handbag (well satchel) with my purse and phone. Just need to grab kindle and glasses by the bed (I wear contact lenses but like my glasses for when I'm tired) Hmm don't really know about what to suggest re mucus plug, could it be the start of baby making an entrance??

Buttonbear - we DTD after not doing it for a couple of weeks on Thursday, ouch it was a bit uncomfortable to start with, but then it was ok.

Cers - sorry to hear your OH isn't helping you with things.

Wish baby would move a bit more today. She's still moving but not as much as normal. Last appointment she was 1/5 engaged, could she have engaged more and that's whats making the movements feel less?
Bigbee the first week at least was like nothing id seen!! The first day I jad to wear 2 pads at once!! Was so so heavy then it just went to normal period for the rest, urg!

Jessie have you see spinning babies website i lived on that when she was transverse and breech!! They do work alot of the methods? But as bigbee says dont stress yourself out too much my love.
Also i feel SO strange today, just not with it and blah can't describe it but uncomfortable and sore too. Come out baby!!
Evening ladies. It's been a while since I been on the board apart from a quick question in the ask a mum forum.

So much has been spoken about since my last visit to this forum so apologies for not personalising my post to anyone. However, I Hope everyone is doing well and babies are well on their way for you all.

I have given birth to a baby boy on 23/04/2015 8lb 5.5oz at 38+3 weeks following induction.

Good luck to you all for your impending births.

Congratulations fruity :-)

This may sound like a silly question, so sorry in advance.....

Every so often I feel a tightening in my lower back, like a Braxton hicks but in my back not my bump. Is that normal? I have the midwife at 9am tomorrow so will ask, but just wondered if any of you are having the same?

I've heard a lot of people have labour pains in their back, no idea what it would feel like I am afraid but I would think it's normal.
Congrats fruity.

Blueeyes I wonder if baby is back to back?My little one is atm and my daughter was during labour and all my contractions were in my back, bum and thighs?xxx
Thanks Mayflower and NatEvz. I wonder if you might be right NatEvz as my bum also hurts and every so often I have a number feeling in my right thigh. Just thought baby must have been pressing on a nerve. Will back to back cause any problems?? xx
Blueeyes, I've heard that about the back to back babies as well. All pain is in the back...

I actually get bum daggers sometimes. I guess it usually happens when I have a BH and I need the loo :)
I'm off to bed ladies, it's been a long day, pains on and off :( I had some really bad ones before tea time that had me in tears, but they stopped as quickly as they started. So frustrating. Poor contraction detection midwife cat was going crazy trying to comfort me :hugs:

Yes blueeyes, it is possible to get pains just in your back and it is an indication that baby could be back to back. I'm sure I've read that getting down on all fours can help to turn a back to back baby as the gravity will pull them around?
Thanks Mayflower and Bigbee. Can she move into the right position even though she's engaged? Will ask the midwife in the morning if she can feel what position she is in now xx
If it helps lovely I laboured at home until I was 9cms with a back to back baby and delivered her within 8 hours with a few puffs of gas and air when I arrived at the hospital. Over a back to back baby and having to go on the drip again I know which id chose. Midwife suggested pelvic tilts and ball bouncing (of the non sexual kind) to help turn baby. They are 3/5s engaged atm xxx
Just wrote a long reply to everyone and it's gone! :( this makes me sad! Let me try and remember what I said...

Congrats fruity!

Hopefully Becky is doing ok!

Caseysmummy-I felt like I bled forever, I think I was 11weeks when I didn't need a pad anymore. But it had gone very light by 8weeks.

I had a back to back labour and think this is why I threw myself to the floor with every contraction.
I don't really know what would help baby engage I guess just gravity! So lots of standing and walking which I can only imagine would be hard with SPD.

I apparently don't sleep anymore, I've been awake 2 hours now and the same happened yesterday!

Been getting period pains all day. No pattern but it just makes me so uncomfortable!

Told OH he needs to be home at 5 everyday this week because it's not fair. He's self employed, works 6 days a week and leaves for work at 7 the latest and wasn't getting home until 6pm the earliest. (Sometimes starts work at 3am depending on the time of month) And said he wants to go golf this week. So I said as long as he's home by 5 all week then yes. That'll give him 2 hours a day with LO. Coz ATM he is not spending enough time with him and it drives me crazy that a weekend parent would see their child more than what he is.

When do you think the earliest I could get a sweep done? I have midwife on Tuesday so will ask then but just wondering anyone been given an early sweep before 40weeks? Midwife has said she would prefer this baby to come before 40weeks as she thinks it's going to be a large one but would that be enough to get an early sweep done?
I'm planning on a VBAC and really want to deliver naturally.
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they started my sweeps at 38 weeks, none have worked but they were done by my consultant as im going for a vbac too and they have been concerned about small growth so its possibls they might agree to start early for you too :-) xxx

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