***** May 2015 Mummies to be *****

Yeah, no sexy time here either :)

Hospital bag question!!!!!!

Do you girls keep yours in the car? We went out yesterday and my partner asked me whether we should be bringing the bags with us just in case? I said no, as he can always pop home to get them... at the same time though, if we needed to go to the hospital that quickly that would mean I'd be in a super fast labour????

Anyway, what's everyone doing about that?
Was just going to keep my bag near the door haha but can see it may be helpful in the car. I've been think the same but just about my maternity notes
Yeah I've not been far from home but maybe keep them in the car from now on. For maternity assistant coming to visit in Tuesday so going to quiz her about lots of little things like this hehe
Bigbee I left my notes and bags in my husbands car as I figured if I had to get there quickly at any point, he wouldn't be far behind, obviously if he was with me we'd go in his car anyway x
I keep my bags in the babys nursery just. Aka our spare room lol. I dont have a car and like Mayflower have to put things into the bag so not completely ready lol.

As for the bleeding caseysmummy i was sectioned last time but mines lasted 6 weeks :(...
My bag is in the cupboard i still need to put clothes and various bits i use daily into it. I try to carry my notes but i forget... alot lol!

Re bleeding I was 6 weeks full on after birth, not looking forward to that again. Also my periods started soon after and i was exclusively breastfeeding, so unfair
My bags are in the car at the moment, but that's because I spent the day at my mums on Friday and her house is only 15 mins from the hospital whereas we are an hour away.

I'm seriously uncomfortable this morning, pains through my back and pelvis. I'm on my ball and having fanny daggers :oooo: I wish I could say this is the start, but I seam to go through this a lot towards the end :/
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Durham im with u this morning im soooo uncomfortable. Wen i stand it feels like the baby is going to fall out. And the cramps ans fanny daggers r annoying as hell
It's not much fun is it Cers? My OH wanted to go out today and I've had to say no, far too uncomfortable to go anywhere :(
My oh is in bed up watching that stupid fight last night and hasnt slept. So im run off my feet with my toddler as well... literally keep bursting into tears with the discomfort and pressure xx
Cers I'm sad for you that your OH isn't helping more and is being so selfish :(
At this stage in pregnancy you Gould be being waiting on hand and foot xx

Ladies do you know any tricks to help baby engage?
I have bounced on my ball for 10 hours a day for the last 2 days and been careful not to slouch or anything in a last ditch attempt to turn this baby. They've classed him as unstable lie because he just spins and spins and is never the same way for an hour but since I've been doing all this he has stayed head down but "free". Although the second I laid down in bed last night he went back to transverse (my stomach muscles must be terrible!) . So whilst I can keep the head down they think my pelvis is too small for baby's head to engage but no one knows that for a fact, is there any more I can be doing to lock the head in place? I don't care what it takes. I hurt so much all over and husband think I'm mad, SPD is crippling and everything aches but I so so want to try and push this baby out myself, if I don't at least give it a bloody good go il never know if it is possible for baby to engage but I'm not going to just sit back and accept what doctors are saying until I'm sure.
They've said they will consider induction I I can get bay to engage, I have 5 days left before the section so spur me on ladies!
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Sorry jessiecat - no tips for baby engaging. They can come in and out of the pelvis once engaged anyway I think.

As for hospital bags, mine are in the baby's room 95% packed. I'm not going out anywhere that's more than 20 minutes from home so not putting them in the car until I actually go to hospital.

Hubby is going out today - trying to tempt fate I think! :)
I can't offer any tricks Jessie, I'm lucky that baby seems to be staying head down for now, but Blake was always head down, so it's not my shape/ pelvis that caused the problem. I think bouncing helped mine to turn though x
Omg, I'm having words with this one, I swear it's redecorating or moving furniture in there today! :mad:
Thanks ladies. I think I'm pretty much down with the bags, I might just leave them where they are. Not really planning to go too far while on maternity. And if something happens when I'm out, my partner works 3 mins from home so can pop in on the way.

Button, is this bleeding like period bleeding or heavier???

Also, I think a bit of my mucus plug has just come out........ Does this mean much? As I've heard it can regenerate itself??????
Sorry, seems like I've missed a few posts!

Cers, I would be raging! Tell him to get his ass out of bed and help you! I am throwing the i-am-heavily-pregnant card around all the time at the moment.

Jessie, the only tip from me would be the ball. You are already Doing that. :)
Jessie, also, I know this is easy to say, but please don't put so much pressure on yourself! You'll get your baby one way or the other. Worrying about it won't do you any favours, and baby will end up in the most preferable position.
Ino jessie cuda killed him but to be fair he hasnt been out with his mates in months and hes up n all now and on daddy duty haha ...

No tips on getting the head to engage unfortunately :( x

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