***** May 2015 Mummies to be *****

I hope baby picks up a little to reassure you button.

Congrats Elliot, don't be slacking on the replies now that you've said that then! Some of us have nothing better to do than stalk the forum right now lol.

Embarrassing question: anyone else suffering terribly with constipation t the minute? I'm only managing to go about once a week and then it gives me terrible piles so it's a vicious circle. If I was at home if go over kill on fruit and bran and stuff but havnt really got means of doing thy in hospital do I've jus asked for them to give me something for it.
I'm jut nervous that with section in one weeks time the last thing I want after having my stomach it open is constipation!

Yes me! Though I'm not as bad as I'm going every few days but it's hard work!

Mw hasn't called me back, not sure what I'm meant to do now? Do I just hope baby doesn't come/go straight to hospital if I start labour?! It's horrible not knowing :/
Well baby is head down at least, picked up mild contractions which was a bit exciting lol! She is moving around, not as much as an octopus but much better ive to go back if concerened etc.

I have the have ANOTHER glucose test next week :( WTH as i had 4++++ sugar in my urine this morning, what the heck?! JOY

Yay Elliot no more work for a year!! :D

Jessie, YES i suffer too, not pleasent i tell ya
Maybe it's just a late pregnancy thing then?

Monkeynut that's annoying that she's not phoned. If you get contractions go straight to hospital. It's unlikely but if your waters do break call an ambulance. If the cord wa to prolapse (and can still happen with breech but not as likely) time is crucial, just explain on phone that you're at risk of cord prolapse. Whilst waiting for them get your bum in air and shoulders on floor so gravity not working against you x

Button, how strange about the sugar? Is baby measuring bigger?
No she is spot on with measurements, even she looked baffled, I had just had fizzy fanta to try to get her moving but even so shouldnt be high! Eeeep!

OKAY, who were the ladies who have had their babies, Ive lost track with being unwell sorry!!

I know sephorah but Im sure there was 2 others?
I've lost track too at the min button but agree I think there's one or two others

I'm trying to relax again after being told by the girl on the checkout that I look huge, that I'm surely having a boy and am I scared about getting the baby out??!!!
Finished work today. Ready for our little one now. Does anyone elsefeel like this? X
Hi ladies hope you dont mind me posting but looks like I am a may mummy now, 4 days overdue so far :-( booked in for induction 11th may if nothing happens before xxx
Aww hi Rebecca! Hope things happen sooner for you but 11th is my birthday!! So it's a great day :) hope you're feeling ok x
Hi rebecca and welcome. Oh god the 11th r they leaving u 14 days over? X
Hi ladies hope everyone is well we are getting used to being at home still not sure how to upload a pic as can only use my phone
yep full 14 days :( hopefully that means maximum time for her to arrive on her own :-) i was induced last baby and was a nightmare ending in a section so reaaallly praying i can do it myself this time but I appear to have stubborn babies :p im feeling ok though i guess, just frustrated!! xxx
Hello Rebecca. Hope you're not too impatient, also hope baby comes before then for you. Makes you feel any better I'm certain I won't be having a May baby.

These I know have had their babies -

I find I cant poo if I'm in hospital. Maybe they do something to you! Ask for more fruit or at least something to help move your bowels.
I've been drinking lots of orange juice-tell your OH to bring some up for you. Xx
Rebecca realy thats what happened to me as well uno was induced and then sectioned. Im only allowed to try to term plus 10 on my own then another section x
Sorry to moan some more...

Mw didn't call back, I left two messages for her with the Drs surgery- I'm guessing she didn't get them as I know she would call if she did (she was the one who told me to call there for her and said she would call straight back).
Baby has been flipping loads this afternoon and is most definitely now laid sideways (for the time being anyway). I don't know what to do? Do I phone the hospital and explain? Or wait until Tuesday and try and get hold of my mw again?

Also, my bp has been creeping up but is not in the 'danger zone' I've not had any other symptoms but today I noticed my feet are quite puffy and I also had 'stars' twice when I stood up- it's never happened before. My urine was clear yesterday and I feel ok.
When they say look out for swelling- how much swelling do they mean? As I know some is normal during pregnancy...
I'm not too sure how much swelling is enough to worry. I guess it would have to be a lot. I swelled up quite a lot last pregnancy and I didn't worry.
Keep trying to get in touch with someone as it will give you peace of mind and *know* what to do.

Kate's in Labour...anyone gonna share the day??

Cers-you're allowed to birth how you wish. Don't think that because what has been recommended by them is a dead cert. because it is your labour and you can chose. Ive been told that they would want me to be induced by 41weeks and no long labour then to go section. But I will chose an induction at 40+10 and only have a section if our health is in jeopardy not because of a long labour.
Tasha you beat me I was just coming online to post that Kate's in labour, wil any of is pop lol.

Monkey I think with everything going on it really would be with a trip for maternity assessment ward xx
Jessie - I've been so looking forward to this labour for her (I think it's because I'm pregnant too) I wasn't excited about the princes birth haha
Haha me too an I'm not a royal or celeb person at all but I knew she'd pop close to me!
Do you think it's possible she'll have a 6 day labour? Then I'm in! Haha
Morning ladies. Sorry to hear some of us are not having the best time right now!
I tried to coach up with all the posts but I've missed dozens! ;(

Finished work now. Was there until 8pm last night, I guess I subconsciously didn't want to leave. I've been in work since I was 15 so the thought of unemployment is a bit terrifying :(

Anyone having period-like cramps? I've hadj these on and off for the last few days. Nothing major... I think that must be the baby wriggling themselves into the position :)

Sephorah, congratulations!
Morning ladies, I didn't get to come on at all yesterday as I was out with my mum, we went to the new Kitty cafe that's opened in Nottingham and it was lovely. I'm still getting pains on and off, we were having lunch in Debenhams when I had two almighty contractions, but they just stopped again :roll:

Well done for passing your driving test Cers
Congratulations on your little girl Seph
Hope you get some answers soon Monkeynut x

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