***** May 2015 Mummies to be *****

Morning :)
Hope people's weekends are starting well, bigbee I'm finding the idea of not working a bit odd, especially as there's no distraction of a baby to keep me busy at the minute. But have got lots planned next week to keep busy.

Durham - a cat cafe was meant to be opening in Newcastle not sure if it has or not might look it up now you've reminded me!
Morning :) How are we all?

Exciting to sew if anyone will share the new royal birthday!!
Bigbee- I was literally coming on here to talk about period-y cramps! I'm cramping what feels like continuously. I can't get comfortable. I've taken my trousers off and can't sit so must just be new position baby is trying out! But I'm uncomfortable. Like I would probably take some paracetamol if it was period pains
Getting a bit frustrated ladies. Keep having cramps, and mild contractions. It can get very uncomfortable, not painful. But then they'll dissapear for hours and hours. This has been going on for days now. Just want this to start and keep going.

Trying to stay positive, but very ready to meet baby.
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I can really sympathise Orion, it's so frustrating x

Congratulations to Kate & Wills, baby girl born at 8:34 this morning 8lbs 3oz. Can we add her to the front page Button? She's a May mummy after all! :good:
What names have you chosen ladies??

I'm in hope that mine will be that quick! Haha (i can wish right?)

The cramps have gone and I'm now able to wear my trousers again :) woop
Amazingly yes, even though I've had another 4 scans recently, we still don't know the sex. We're both leaning more towards a girl, but I don't trust my instincts at all, I thought Blake was a girl :blush:

Sorry Tasha, I won't reveal names until the baby is born ;)

Mayflower, I caught a bus yesterday with my mum and it took a different route to what we were expecting and we had to walk a short distance home, I couldn't do more than shuffle after 10 mins, I had stitch and cramps, it was agony!
Aww royal baby girl, lovely news. I e always hoped they wouldn't name steal haha I don't think they'd go with Maggie but always thought Margaret could crop up :s which people may shorten themselves. I think Alice or Elizabeth they'll go with.

I'm super paranoid they got it wrong and we will have a girl, two scans one just before and one just after 20 weeks had a clear view and said girl so hoping they were right!
Alice is the name we've chosen and I will have a pregnancy related meltdown if that's what they go with
Alice was top on my list before I was pregnant.

Aw I like knowing the names people like/have chosen! :) we've chosen Luke. Which I actually like for Ollie but OH didn't (he liked Lucas or Luca) so threw it back out there and he liked it. Just can't agree on middle name (but I think I'll get my way) he wants Luke Arthur I want Luke Christopher :)
Aww my hubby is Luke Alexander. Alexander is the name we've sort of chosen for a boy, although James is in the running too. I don't know whether I'll want to use Alice if the royals have it. Like you tasha my little girl was going to be Alice Isabelle until hubby decided he could 'live with it' so we went with Scarlett instead. It's a name I've always loved and wanted xxx
Got a really odd tihjy feeling in middle of bump, just to the right of belly button, think it may just be her pushing in a strange position as bump had gone an odd shape. Was sat up on sofa and thought I'd trying laying k. My side but that really didn't feel good so had some ball time. Still feeling a bit tender though :s hoping it fades and was just odd position
Sounds like it could have been an awkward position Elliot!

Yea nat-I wouldn't want to name her Alice if the Royals do because then it would be a really popular name and that's not what anyone really wants.

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