***** May 2015 Mummies to be *****

Good luck May mummies :-)!!!

I will be especially keeping an eye on those of you due on the 4th! As i am due the 4th June - so want to see statistically how my odds are looking ;-)!
Officially full term today and woke up to a transverse baby. Go me! I felt like crying- I could see the shape of him laying sideways :/
He seems to have moved vertical now but I have no idea if he is now breech again or head down. Will phone mw shortly as she said if I felt any big movements I'm to phone ASAP.

Oh and to top it off I have lost my keys- last seen in the hands of a two year old! Have turned the house upside down and can't find them anywhere. I got locked out this morning when I took my eldest out to his transport and picked up what I thought was the spare door key... Had to climb on the bins to unlock the back gate! Today is not a good day so far!
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No driving today i needy get a car sorted over the weekend so will b kept busy lol.

Awk jessie thats crazy i cnt believe how soon ur section is. When u can ur baby i will b so so jealous lol.

I've been using the evening primrose oil n praying its doing something lol but wnt know cos i wnt get a sweep until 18th May booooooo lol. Awww monkey nut do u have docs/ midwife today?
Went in again last night with reduced movements and as a result of everything the past week and the movements they've decided to induce me on Sunday! Excited/nervous xx
Oh no monkeynut sorry to hear baby has turned again. Sound a molecular having a rubbish morning.

Mayflower sound a like a perfectly ok breakfast to me ha ha

Jessie the last week will go quicker I'm sure :-) I think you are very positive, I would be tearing my hair out.

Cers enjoy car hunting.

Kra0 good luck with induction

38 weeks today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't believe it :-) xx
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Oh monkey-I hope baby is head down for you!

I feel so far behind everyone, I'll be 36 weeks sunday...not that I want baby to come yet but I'm ready for this month to fly by a bit faster :) haha

Ah kra0! So exciting! Hope everything goes well with your induction! Xx
37 week today and off to the hospital, woo not! Little one is still being a quiet monkey(although has just picked up after hiccups) so got to go in and be checked out. By myself as everyone is working :(
Congrats Blueeyes! 38weeks is a good milestone isn't it :)

I hope baby is head down and stays there now monkeynut.

Hope all is ok button, sure it will be but always better to get checked!
Has anyone else had a grumbling stomach?
I thought it was because I was hungry, however I have eaten breakfast and then some and stomach is still grumbling and gurgling

Does this mean anything ?
Flosi my tummy is very rumbly recently, even after I've eaten but I'm always hungry right now!

Mayflower I think there are 2 April mummies still waiting and definately start the thread :)
Not at all mayflower i will need to sit tonight and add in all the new babies!!

At hospital now it is absolutely BOILING omg!!
Thanks all.
Hope everything is ok button.

I've phoned the Drs and waiting for my mw to call me back, baby has just had hiccups and I could feel them above my belly button. Feel so stressed and keep feeling my tummy to try and work out where he is laying now.
Found my keys in a shoe at the back of the shoe cupboard- I'm sure it made perfect sense to a toddler!
Keep up update monkeynut!
How's it going button? Baby having a wiggle now?
Shes had a little move but nothing massive, they seem happy but im not yet :( Also picking mild contractions on monitor!!
Right I'm finally off work for a year!!! Lovely flowers, card and vouchers from work, ooh I could get some baby treats but almost feel bad if I spend pre baby arrival.

Promise I will do better at keeping track of how people are doing and what's going on :s sometimes if I do t comments or purely because it's all new and I don't understand :s
I hope baby picks up a little to reassure you button.

Congrats Elliot, don't be slacking on the replies now that you've said that then! Some of us have nothing better to do than stalk the forum right now lol.

Embarrassing question: anyone else suffering terribly with constipation t the minute? I'm only managing to go about once a week and then it gives me terrible piles so it's a vicious circle. If I was at home if go over kill on fruit and bran and stuff but havnt really got means of doing thy in hospital do I've jus asked for them to give me something for it.
I'm jut nervous that with section in one weeks time the last thing I want after having my stomach it open is constipation!

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