***** May 2015 Mummies to be *****

Hope everyone is keeping well... button i hate migrains. Durham any more pains.

Im getting pains on n off all the time but deffo just BH. Oh and update i passed my driving test today wooohoooo
I'm having pains right now :( OH is on edge! I'm sure it will stop when I go to bed, but I'm bouncing on my ball for now. Thus is exactly what happened when I was pregnant with Blake. Every night I would contract and start to wonder if the was it. It went on for 5 weeks :shock:

Hope you're feeling better soon Button, migrains are awful xxx
Migraine has eased but im still not grearly happy with her movement i mean she is moving on occasion and when prodded etc so just sitting on ball hoping she has a dance!!

Also have some pretty bay lower back pain/crampy pains?!

Durham 5 weeks of that sounds awful!! :(
Cers HUGE congrats on passing your driving test!!! You should be very proud!!

Hope everyone who's at full term and feeling niggles keeps progressing!

I've been in pain last 3 nights with regular BH and pain, they keep putting me on monitor and it's picking everything up that I'm feeling but they would let me progress like this as long as it wanted, as long as I didn't start dilating they're not concerned. I was checked last night and cervix completely closed, it's as it my boy knows it's time to get ready but has no idea it's not possible for me to get baby out lol.
Hi ladies,

Its nice to see everyone is ALMOST there :)

I was blessed with a baby girl last Tuesday, was induced and the baby came straight away really am glad didn't have any complications this time. Named her Hafsah :)

Still recovering from aches and pains down below and hoping all gets well soon

best of luck to all of you and hope everyone is blessed with beautiful bundles of love and tenderness.

Wow congratulations sephorah!! Glad the induction went ok and hope you make a full recovery very soon! Enjoy you new little lady!
Congratulations on passing your driving test cers

Hope you're feeling better now button and baby is moving more

Congratulations on the birth of your little girl sephorah :-)

Jessie hope you're ok

I've felt rubbish today, light headed and so much pressure down there. Back hurts and keep having a numb feeling in my right leg - do you think baby/uterus is pressing on a nerve or should I be worried?

Thanks everyone over the moon. Awk Sephorah tjats amazing im so jealous lol glad u n baby r well
Congrats cers for passing your test!
congrats sephora on your little girl!

Was nice to have a little moan...I don't do it a lot :)

Hope those that are getting pains that they become stronger! :)

I have bad back ache and Ive got a sore throat! :( boo!

Cannot believe it is may tomorrow! That's the month our babies are all due...so looking forward to who willl be popping next
Haha mayflower. I knew it was but I hadn't been asleep yet so it didn't count :)

My monkey has woke up at 6 this morning...I usually get a little lie in until 6:45 ����think he's preparing me for the sleepless nights haha
Woohoo happy May everyone, we'll be having babies left right and centre now!
A week today for me!!
Congrats seph!

Just over 36 wks now and it's last day at work time! I'm excited bit feeling very emotional! Don't want to cry in a room of mostly men haha!
Woohoo happy due date month lol.

Mayflower it myt b my security settings will try have a look at it too see missus.

Jessie how r u copin at the hospital x
I'm doing ok thanks Cers, to say I've nearly done 2 weeks now and only a week left it's gone ok. I'm in my own room finally as well so spen all day watching crappy TV lol.

Are you going out driving today :D

I wonder if any of us will have baby on same day as Kate Middleton? Exciting!
Yes mayflower...that sounds perfectly good breakfast to me.

So I weighed myself this morning out of curiosity and I've gained 2 stone (28lbs) only 4 weeks (ish) to due date and a possible 6weeks til baby is here. I'm happy that it's only 2 stone (although that is the recommended higher limit) it's a lot less than what I gained with my first. :) but I do hope I don't gain much more.

I have dentist today at 10:30 so feel like I'm just waiting about. I can tidy the kitchen but I really don't want to (it's the chore I hate the most) so I'm looking forward to OH doing it when baby comes :) even if it is for only 2 weeks :) FREEDOM!

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