***** May 2015 Mummies to be *****

Hello english rose! We're pretty set on our name (Luke) but haven't decided on the Middle name yet
Kra sounds like a stressful time, hope you're feeling ok and thing go well x

English rose - we settled on Maggie really early I n and can't imagine anything else now although we have toyed around with other ideas. Middle name we are still think Elliot, if we have one at all, as we always like this as a girls name (as can probably tell) but thought might be a step too far for family to get there heads around.
Oh gosh kra0 hope all stays well!

Tasha bless you its okay to get a moan out I do it enough haha I feel exactly the same!

Durham has been having some contractions so thats excited me(i saw on fb hope you don't mind me saying durham!!)
I'm ok, nothing to report! I've been contracting all afternoon, but with no regularity. I'm home now and got in the bath to see if it changed at all, but it's still so irregular. Baby is going a bit mad in there too which isn't helping! I'm going to try and get some sleep, I'm sure nothing is going to happen tonight :)
Kra0, hope all remains well for you and baby. You must be quite worried :(

Tasha, that was the shortest rant ever. Does it feel better you've let it out!?? ;)

We've got our names, but I'm not sure. We've only got first names for girl and boy, no middle names or contingencies.... I'm so worried that the name won't suit the baby, and then it will be panic!!! :(:(:(
So I'm still contracting but nothing worth reporting really! I think my body is just getting ready. Have put a post up about reduced movement as I've noticed in the last 5 days or so that movements have gradually reduced, just wondering if it's normal (maybe because he's moved head down and 'settled' rather than constantly turning?)
Mw appointment later today.
Monkeynut I've just replied to your other post, eveything I've read says that babies movements may change towards the end but they shouldn't reduce. If anything I think I feel baby more now than i did before but she's been in the same position since 20 weeks.
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Monkeynut, they put my reduced movements last week down to baby changing position, I'd see what the MW says later?

My contractions have finally stopped, they lasted about 8 hours and several different positions! My poor mum had to watch and didn't want me to go home last night. She caused quite a stir on Facebook and we had OHs mum and sister in a tiz :roll: I think I was then only one quite relaxed and unconvinced!
Morning all. I don't know what contractions feel like. But my bump has been getting tight and uncomfy on and off. Bit of backache. Some cramps. I think that's all pre-labour so could last a long time before anything proper happens.
Hey ladies!

I do not feel well today, vision is bad can barely see and my hands and other body parts are all bad as in my brain wont right correctly!! All dizzy/feel faint and like i have bad pin and go pin and needle?! Such with room mw or if it just migraine?
It's probably worth a call to the MW Button, your blood pressure may have dropped? Hope it improves for you soon x
Anyone else surprisingly restless yet?!! Doesn't help that people keep "just ringing for a chat"!! I WILL TELL YOU WHEN ANYTHING HAPPENS!!! believe me I will be the first to shout it from the rooftops as I'm fed up today and haven't even hit due date yet! I've cleaned everything in sight, baked, cooked, walked the legs off the dog and now am bored. There is nothing I want to be doing and I don't want to be doing nothing!! Sorry girls- rant done I think...
I was thinking the same Willow, and I'm two weeks behind you. I'm READY now, I've had enough of being pregnant, fully prepared to go into labour!
Oh my god if one more person asks if I've had the baby yet or how I am I think I will scream!
I'm happier with baby's movements now and reassured after seeing mw.

My mil is driving me mad, she has booked two weeks off work and keeps banging on about me not having baby until next week when she is off- kinda hoping to go overdue now so that she can't visit for hours every day!!!
Well i am feeling better, been checked over etc as my speech, vision etc all.went!! They even asked about strokes!!

Settles on it being a bad migraine as now i just had a banging headache. Awful awful scary day :(

Little one isnt moving great down which is now stressing me out but wondering if because ive had paracetamol?
Button, I've been taking paracetemol and it's not had any effect on baby. If you're worried go back!

My inlaws are off on holiday for two weeks, they're back two days before my due date. I am hoping baby comes while they're away lol.
Hmm i dont know what to do, i havent eaten well today so will have something, something cold and see if she gets going :(

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