***** May 2015 Mummies to be *****

Button - back to back I have heard your belly will have a flat section on bump. 2 nights ago mine definitely went back to back as I had one lump down by hip and another but ribs and it was soft and flabby everywhere else. Looked like some hills haha

Just been catching up. Can't believe its May this week!
1-this year is moving really fast (it'll soon be xmas)
2-it's the month we're all due!

So looking forward to all labour threads!
:wave: hi everyone, long time since I posted. I've been reading and keeping up with everyone's news though when I can.

Hubby has had some problems at work, his job is seriously under threat we think, which has completely taken the shine off my third trimester. When I should be focussed on baby, we've had money worries etc going on. Bit sad really.

But wanted to let you all know that everything baby wise has been going good. I'm 39+1 today. Baby was head down and 3/5 engaged at my last appointment. I'm having some cramps and bump has dropped, but no other signs that baby will be making an appearance soon. I was hoping for a late April baby, but I doubt that's going to happen with 2 days to go!

So I'm at that stage where I'm just sat waiting for them now. Really hoping they come without the need for an induction. And really can't wait to meet them. It's funny, I'm not even worried about the birth/pain etc, I just want them here now so I can hold them. I'm not even uncomfortable - bit of foot swelling by the end of the day but other than that I've been really lucky with this pregnancy.
Good to hear from you Orion, we'd noticed you'd gone quiet glad very thing with baby ok.

Sorry to hear about your husbands job, that's the last thing you need right now! Things happen for a reason and hopefully that will become clear sooner rather than later.

Maybe you'll be next to have baby then? Sounds like you're definately heading in that direction!
Morning ladies, baby is head down! It's not engaged but second babies often don't until labour starts. I have another scan booked for two weeks time, if I've not gone into labour! If baby has flipped again I'll have my section on 14th.

Tasha- yes it was me who noticed Guilia has had her twins. Fruity has had her baby too x
Great news Durham I'm really pleased for you.
I'm all of a sudden flying solo in the transverse club lol I think it's time the club was cancelled but I don't think my baby agrees.
Fab news durham hopefully stays that way naughty baby!

I'm always worrying she is flipping etc as she makes such big movements. Will find out next week when have my homebirth visit!!

Good to hear from you orion :)
Good to hear Durham :) fingers crossed all remains the same for you

I'm still trying to figure out what she's up to in there I'd love a scan to try and see as midwife never seems to make it clear. Next app I will try and get more out of them but that's not until the end of next week
Thanks buttonbear and Jessiecat.

The silver lining is that hubby has been signed off with stress for a while - whilst he, his union and work negotiate how to move forward with him feeling like they're trying to find nonsense reasons to cut his job. So he's home to help me through these last few weeks, and will have more time with baby when they arrive.

Congrats to everyone who've had their babies. It's exciting that we've got everyone else getting close now.

I hope all this bouncing on my birth ball, walking the dog, raspberry leaf tea and spicy food is doing something other than keeping me busy :lol: but I know deep down they'll come when they're ready...
Just got back from the midwife. All is fine, baby is measuring bigger than it was, is 3/5s engaged and laid back to back. Appt in another 2 weeks and they'll give me a sweep if I want xxx
After a few days of feeling awful and uncomfortable my rocking/nursing chair has arrived today! I have put it all together and am sat in baby's room just rocking away. It is the most comfortable I have been in ages
Welcome back Orion.

Ladies, baby was 4/5 engaged at the last appointment. If baby is engaged, can they still move out of this position?
Aww flosi that's lovely to hear, I still just sit in our nursery too it's comfy and just like being in there!

I'm jealous to hear people are 3/5 or 4/5 engaged, it sounds like a good point to be at! I was 4/5 palpable which I think is 1/5 engaged. A start I guess and have to remind myself I'm a few weeks behind a lot of you still. Excited for 36 wks tomorrow!
Well, Elliott...this is quite confusing.... The midwife said baby was 4/5, but when she showed me (with her hands) what that looks like, it seemed like it should have been 1/5!!! What I mean by that is she basically said baby's head is just at the top of the pelvis? How confusing.
They can go in and out of being engaged im sure theres a point they can't but that's more fully and in labour. I know that I wont engage probably being my second and theres more room in the pelvis etc. I wouldn't worry about being engaged and such as long as they are head down they will come out fine and not really any quicker.

I can feel LO going in and out of my pelvis it's bloody painful now lol!!
That's why I wondered, button.

I feel like baby moves up and down... I think. Purely because of feeling by my pelvis and variation in movement at the top by my ribs.
Kra0, how was the appointment?

Durham, Jessie...that makes me feel a little nervous!!

Appointment turned out not so good, fundal measurement still at 32 even though yesterday I was 38+1. Rushed to be assessed asap, ctg took a long time to get an accurate reading as there was a worry that the baseline of baby's heart rate wasn't great but that was ok in the end. Then I was scanned and the baby was showing measuring 2 weeks behind! Then I was kept waiting for a registrar who rescanned me and was happy that the previous scan wasn't accurate and the second scan showed great measurements as well as plenty of fluid and good flow from cord which was a relief! But she did say babys head is seriously low which could be why I'm measuring behind in terms of bump. I have been having a change in movements too though so they've changed my 40+1 appointment to next week when I'll be 39+1 and there's talk about inducing me if movements are reduced again. I've been having some very niggling sharp pains today I hope they keep coming and get stronger x
Ooo kra0 I hope your LO makes an appearance soon-keep us updated on pains.

Button I can feel LO popping in and out too...I know they have to engage at some point but would like it to be when I'm in labour haha

I need a little moan I don't do it often so let me just let it out...
*im tired and yet I can't sleep, I feel sick and hungry, I ache all over and I just feel huge!*
Ok done. :) I don't want baby to come now but I wish the OH would just pull some weight around the house.
Hi ladies! Just wondering how all the May Mummies are getting on with name choices?? I'm 38 weeks today and still stumped!!!!

P.S. my hand is killing me........ruddy carpal tunnel.....want to chop my arm off!!!! Aaaaarrrgghh!!!!

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