Durhamchance congratulations on 37 weeks today

I love that your cats packed themselves in your hospital bag

Your positive list did make me smile, although has made me worried that my 'bits' will never be the same again!!
Mayflower congratulations on 37 weeks today
Tasha well done to your other half
Jessiecat I really feeling for you being in hospital for so long. Hope you're doing ok and having lots of visitors.
Buttonbear hope you feel more comfortable soon. Hope baby hasn't flipped around again.
Elliott hope your last week at work goes quickly for you and then you can relax a bit.
Bigbee that made me laugh that your OH says you can't look after a pet and you are having a baby
cers sorry if this is a silly question, but how do you know roughly what your baby weighs at the moment? Does it say somewhere on the growth chart and I'm just not looking at it properly?
Willowburn 1 week to go....that's come around quickly!
Wishing84 so you may be the next to give birth then
Baby is doing such big kicks tonight it looks like my belly has been taken over by an alien!! xx