***** May 2015 Mummies to be *****

Hope everyone's coping ok- your babies will be GORGEOUS however they manage to get here when the time comes :)
One week until due date...!! How did that happen?!!!
Aww Durham I'm really looking forward to things now! Haha

As above, how ever it happens the end result is what matters :)
Aww jessie tbh thats exactly the way i had been uno and exactly what id said after my c section i felt like a failure and i was always down about it and little did i know it was a very big factor in my post natal depression with my little one.

But this time i dunno im just feeling a little bit more relaxed and at peace with the idea that if my baby is healthy what way it comes doesnt matter. And that not all woman can have natural births. Thank god for c sections because it means that at least our little ones who where never meant to birth naturally where born and thats all that matters. ..

Myt sound a bit silly but to me its comforting to think about it like that xx
Been for my 36 week midwife appointment today. She said baby is low.3/5 engaged. She said with it being my first it's unlikely that it will get any lower until I go into labour. She booked me in for my 38 week appointment but said she might not see me again as baby could have arrived before that. I am getting very impatient now so I hope she is right. X
So my bump has just gone square with little one having a massive movement!!! Oh nooo please dont have flipped round again baby!!
Durhamchance congratulations on 37 weeks today :-) I love that your cats packed themselves in your hospital bag :-) Your positive list did make me smile, although has made me worried that my 'bits' will never be the same again!!

Mayflower congratulations on 37 weeks today :-)

Tasha well done to your other half

Jessiecat I really feeling for you being in hospital for so long. Hope you're doing ok and having lots of visitors.

Buttonbear hope you feel more comfortable soon. Hope baby hasn't flipped around again.

Elliott hope your last week at work goes quickly for you and then you can relax a bit.

Bigbee that made me laugh that your OH says you can't look after a pet and you are having a baby :-)

cers sorry if this is a silly question, but how do you know roughly what your baby weighs at the moment? Does it say somewhere on the growth chart and I'm just not looking at it properly?

Willowburn 1 week to go....that's come around quickly!

Wishing84 so you may be the next to give birth then :-)

Baby is doing such big kicks tonight it looks like my belly has been taken over by an alien!! xx
Jessie, I'd also like to remind you that 8th is next Friday!!!! That's next week.

Durham, that's an awesome way to see positive in somewhat negative situation. Well done! It's great that you have such an amazing attitude :)

Blueeyes, I'm with you on the kicking... Baby has been moving all day, which is awesome, of course, but it's getting a little jabby!
I hope I've not frightened anyone with the possible negatives of a natural birth though, not my intention xxx
I know what you mean Bigbee it gets a bit uncomfortable sometimes now when baby moves, but still find it so amazing :-) xx
Blueeyes on ur growth chart if u look at the right hand side it should count up in grams. Then go d ur last measuremeny an go alomg the graph see how many grams it is and then covert to lbs x
Thanks Cers will have a look in the mo (just need to check dinner in the oven)......

Ok so according to my chart last measurement is 7.05lbs! That was on 20th April. Does that mean I am going to have a whopper by my due date??!! xx
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I had a natural birth with being cut and I can assure you ladies I snapped back smaller if anything LOL sorry for the TMI there. Don't worry x
That's good to know Buttonbear :-) I'm really worried about tearing or being cut, but I am sure I'm not the only one who worries about that! Even more so now I've looked at weight on growth chart! xx
Mayflower my birth ball is 65cm (I'm 5'7)

Cers last week at 36 weeks baby was estimated at 6lb 5oz... Apparently they gain 1/2lb a week on average.

Hope everyone else is well.

I had the home birth mw visit this morning, it went fine so that's another box ticked. Had a consultant appointment this afternoon and baby is still head down (whoop!) so don't have to see her again unless baby moves again.

This evening I'm having very strong period like pains mixed with foof daggers, they are taking my breath away a bit!
I think my ball is 65 as well.

Monkey, good news on the home birth ;)

Baby is really active today (and I'm not complaining!)!!!! The jabs are getting stronger and stronger.....
Blueeyes im still worried about tearing anf being cut and ive had it already its natural i guess.

Mayflower im not sure whay mine is its just a gym ball MIL bought from.a sports shop for me. Im 5ft 8/9 and its fine when fully blown up though. Your bum is meant to be lower than knees not like when doing fitness and the same or higher.

I feel really yucky sick with some cramps going on tonight, not pleasent!!
Just Tri Hopping!

Wishing you all the best in your future labours! so exciting!

I was cut with Oliver to allow more room for ventouse....although the recovery was a little sore and awkward...sex is exactly like it was before! No issues whatsoever!


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