***** May 2015 Mummies to be *****

It's rubbish isn't it Button? I went to bed early last night because I was so sick of being uncomfortable!

Strange thing happened earlier- I started getting some really strong Brixton hicks, I was sat on the bed trying to breathe through it and trying to keep quiet as if my OH saw me he would have rung an ambulance (he's very ott, and even worse since last week) and my cat was going crazy:shock: during the contraction she was meowing and rubbing herself against my back. In between she would lie down and put her paw on my hand! I swear she was trying to help me through it. She must have been a midwife or doula in a past life!
Beyond rubbish!! I've been having some severe cramps too, plus lots of painful pelvis pain and little miss pushing down!! Bless your kitty that is beyond cute animals just know don't they?!
Not the only one button. Finding it increasingly difficult to rest and get on my own nerves frequently atm.
She really does know. The way she was acting made me wonder if it really was it :shock: I half expected her to check my cervix :rofl:
Durham thats crazy... i think its amazing what animals can sense. Button im exactly the same i keep screaming in frustration at not being able to feel normal. My stomach is rock hard at all times i cud cry
Lol Durham that made me laugh! I do think pets know though my bird was weird with me for a week before I went into labour! Xxx
My belly is the same rock hard and feels so low as i can sit with my legs clpsed at all now(how classy) and bump is on my legs which isnt comfortable. Moan moan moan thats me today lol!!
Hi all,

Sorry I've been so rubbish at keeping up with everyone and everything the last week or so. Hope everyone's doing ok.

Jen and Caseysmummy so glad to hear you are both healing well.lovely picture Jen.

Durham that's strange with your cat, although I'm sure animals can sense a lot of things and she was trying to comfort you.

Button and Flosi, yep feeling the same, can't get comfy to sleep as back and pelvis hurt after about an hour in bed. Definitely can't sit ladylike anymore, feel tired nearly all the time, and constantly flicking between being totally excited and totally terrified!!

I keep trying to cross my legs but then realise it's a massive struggle and I can't do it haha I do think it's quite funny though.

Those suffering with back pain, try the deep freeze patches, they sell them in boots. I had one on my back a couple of days ago and it was so nice. It was given to me at the marathon exhibition, the lady pulled me over said they're completely safe to use while pregnant (OH was upset because he was the one running the marathon but she was talking to me and giving me free stuff!) haha :)

Cats most certainly have a 6th sense for sure...about a month ago this random cat came into our house and hasn't really left. She has been showing signs of knowing what's going on. Maybe we release some sort of chemical or something.

I've been getting pains too, but nothing in a pattern so I've not been paying attention to it. Just hoping really that it's doing some good.

Was at the marathon yesterday all day supporting the hubby and my mum said that by the time we came back my belly had dropped massively. She thought she was getting a call in the night to say I was I labour but nope.

Also he definitely turned back to back last night, my belly went really soft and flat(ish). He back to normal position today though thankfully.
Morning ladies

37 weeks today- Full Term! I sure baby is still transverse though as I've got no pressure on my bladder at all. I'm managing to go all night without a wee again. Only two days left until my next scan.

Good news on your bump dropping Tasha, baby might be getting into position now :dance:
Tasha, well done to your husband!!!!

Mayflower, I'll be getting mine from Mothercare this week. When I bought my maternity bras, the girl in Mothercare told me to come back about 4 weeks before due date for nursing bras.
Massive well done to OH tasha! I watched in floods of tears yesterday, I'm missing running so much!

Congrats to those getting to milestones :)x
Congrats on everyone reaching milestones
Durham hope baby turns in next few days for you.
I'm a week in to my 3 weeks stay now, not been so bad but I'm working hard on keepin my spirits up, it would be quite easy to get quite down not seeing my boy very much and being stuck in here with nothing to do so I'm working hard to stop that happening.
I just want the next 2 weeks to fly by so I can have my baby!! Also it's crazy quiet in here right now, my wards been empty except for me and even all the post natal rooms next door have one person in each, I also heard midwife say there's currently jut one person on labour ward!! Perfect time for me to have a baby lol. I obviously don't want my waters to go as that the huge danger but as I'm full term if baby wants to give my hormones a gentle nudge in to early labour is be very grateful! Also may be the only opportunity il get to experience any kind of labour so I'd be a very happy bunny even though I know they'd stop it and do c section.
Oh Jessie, it's so hard emotionally and boring too! I found I was just counting down to meal times during the day :shock: I hope you're getting plenty of visitors to keep your spirits up.

I've been repacking my bag today, but including books, magazines, my wool and crochet hook and apparently my cats.... :roll:

Do they seriously think I won't notice them in there?! Truth is I would smuggle them in if I thought I'd get away with it :good:
Haha your cats are so funny!!

Feeling slightly better today thankfully still uncomfortable but hey that's until she is here now lol

Wonder who will give birth next!!
I was wondering who would be next too!! exciting stuff!

I love the sound of your cats durham, I'd love to have a cat but OH is allergic booo! We have a house rabbit who is lovely but not quite the same, although he did have a strange nuzzle at my bump the other day which was quite cute, think it was just because it was in his way mostly though haha.

Last week at work is going to drag i think! I seem to get more paranoid about movement and things as well when i'm here, i guess because i can't focus on it as much as i perhaps would have home.
Omg Durham that's he cutest thing!!
I miss my little kitty cat too.
And yes I do find myself counting down to meal times purely because then I know that's another section of the day over. Although meals are really bad!

Elliotjudt a few more days, keep plodding on :)

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