***** May 2015 Mummies to be *****

Omg Durham that's he cutest thing!!
I miss my little kitty cat too.
And yes I do find myself counting down to meal times purely because then I know that's another section of the day over. Although meals are really bad!

Elliotjudt a few more days, keep plodding on :)

Aren't they?! I was only in for three days and had the same awful dry mashed potato and mixed 'school dinner' veg every single day! And the menu repeats weekly :roll:
Last. Week. At. Work. YAY!!!!! It's dragging so far. I can't wait to leave!!!!

Those cats are cute. I'm not allowed any animals, as my partner says I won't be able to look after them as I'm not capable of looking after myself. Good job we are getting a baby in a few weeks then ;););)
Oh my durham ur cats r beautiful. And im not normally a cat person. Ive been given my deadline today. If i dnt go myself i will be sectioned on 27th May ... at least i know an end date now lol
Durham I remember my school good being a lot better!!

Bigbee yay for last week and well done or getting so far!

Cers hope you don't mind me asking, how come they've given you a section date? I thought you were after natural? Or is it because thy won't induce if you go over because of previous section? Sorry to be nosey I just find it interesting :)
Aww jessie ur grand. I was an emergency c section last time and this time they are refusing me any form of induction so if my body doesnt do its own thing i am getting my section. What date r u getting sectioned missus x
Girls do any of u know a rough estimate of how much ur babies weigh?... atm mine is roughly 7.5 lbs at 37 weeks im freaking out
I'm not sure of weight at the min can check when I go home in the chart but I know if I'm on time and as predicted she'll be 8.9 :s don't want to go much over haha
I've not got a clue but my first was near 9lb so expecting another biggun lol!!
Yeah im expecting a big one too but my little boy was 8.14lbs
Last week they estimated 5.7lbs so I'm thinking this baby will be smaller. Blake was 8lbs 8oz at two weeks overdue x
Aw durham ur lucky lol. If i have this baby naturally i think i can say goodbye to my ladyparts lol
Haha was thinking the same cers!! Fills me with dread about tearing etc!!!
Aww jessie ur grand. I was an emergency c section last time and this time they are refusing me any form of induction so if my body doesnt do its own thing i am getting my section. What date r u getting sectioned missus x

Ahh right ok. You want a VBAC thiugh don't you? I hope you get the birth you want. And if you end up wih the section, electives are supposed to be a completely different operation :)
My section booked for 8th of May.

Also at 36 weeks baby scanned and they estimated 6lb10 so by now I'd have thought I'm about the same as you.

Durham is it Tuesday you've got your scan?
Yeah i was very set on vbac but tbh i think ive come to terms with my traumatising birth experience and as long as this baby is healthy i dnt mind how its born.

Having a section is so much harder but more than worth it to get my baby out healthy.

I was speaking with my consultant today and its either i go myself or on the 27th may im booked for a section and im happy enough with that.

Omg 8th of may im kinda jealous lol ... just need my baby here like now ... oh jessie at 35 weeks baby was approx 6.2lbs lol looks like were having big babies.. xx
Any weights are based purely on mw measurements and the chart thing in notes so think I could be a way out in either direction!
Yeah i was very set on vbac but tbh i think ive come to terms with my traumatising birth experience and as long as this baby is healthy i dnt mind how its born.

Having a section is so much harder but more than worth it to get my baby out healthy.

I was speaking with my consultant today and its either i go myself or on the 27th may im booked for a section and im happy enough with that.

Omg 8th of may im kinda jealous lol ... just need my baby here like now ... oh jessie at 35 weeks baby was approx 6.2lbs lol looks like were having big babies.. xx

You're right and you're post was a good read for me as I'm stupidly upset over never having the natural birth I've always wanted. Logic tells me that it doesn't matter but as a woman I feel it should be my given right to have a natural labour.

And thanks for saying the 8th wasn't too long as it seems like an eternity to me in here but I think I've lost perception of time lol. If I was at home doing my own thing it wouldn't be so bad!
I think our babies sound pretty much the same weight then :)

Elliot I don't think they can judge on measurements at all! They told me at one point I was measuring smal but it was just his position and actually baby's a. Lot bigger than average!
Aww jessie ur grand. I was an emergency c section last time and this time they are refusing me any form of induction so if my body doesnt do its own thing i am getting my section. What date r u getting sectioned missus x

Durham is it Tuesday you've got your scan?

It's Wednesday, so tomorrow might be my last day at home :(

I feel the same too Jessie, I was hoping for a natural birth this time as it all went wrong with Blake. I feel like I've been cheated out of my 'right of passage' as a woman. I've been trying to look to the positives instead:

I won't go overdue
I won't soak my mattress in amniotic fluid
I won't have to endure hours/days of painful contractions
I won't have to try and get to the hospital, sort Blake, get OH home from work in a rush
I won't need stitches or tear down there
I won't be worried during sex that I'm 'loose'
My bladder should stay strong!

As long as baby and me get to the other side safe and sound is all that matters now :)

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