***** May 2015 Mummies to be *****

Ladies would you take an older sibling out of school early or even keep them off school the day baby was born? I really want my son to be first to meet baby

Totally yes, been thinking this myself Jessie
I'm a teacher and had a little girl in my class who had a baby brother born just before Christmas. She was kept off school to meets the new arrival and when she came back in - brought photos to show the class and myself. Needless to say she was as proud as punch. A new brother or sister is a life changing moment and well worth missing school for!
I think I would Jessie, it is a big moment for them, and for the family so you should do what you want to to do!!

Has anyone had any nosebleeds? This week all I seem to do is sleep, or want to sleep, and had two nosebleeds. I have never suffered from nosebleeds so not a normal occurrence is this normal?
Think nosebleeds can be pretty normal due to increased blood volume/flow etc. have you been generally a bit congested? I know at night I have been blowing my nose lots more so maybe your nose is delicate and so you keep getting the nosebleeds?? I think only a problem if last a long time or very heavy. Mention to midwife or call if your concerned maybe.
Hey ladies just looking some reassurance really. I'm 37+2 today. I've been measuring 1-2 weeks behind for a while and was measuring 35 last week at 36+2 but today I was coming in at 31-32 weeks. 3 different midwives measured and all got the same. They seem to think the baby has dropped right down and the head is fully engaged but obviously it is worrying so I'm booked in with a consultant first thing in the morning to check growth etc. they gave me a quick scan today which showed the head was definitely down and on a quick look all seemed ok with fluid but they are specialists in measuring growth and the rest which is why I have the appointment tmo. Has anyone else had this where they're measuring 5-6 weeks behind? The midwife did her best to reassure me it was the head being far down but obviously I'll still worry x

Hey just a quick update from me! Had a growth scan with the consultant yesterday (37+3). While on scans baby had been measuring on average 4-5 days ahead for dates, yesterday he was coming in at 37+0 so a few days behind but she wasn't worried about this and was happy there was enough fluid and the placenta looks healthy. She said it was likely positioning causing the smaller fundal measurement so as a result I'm now to be monitored weekly and given a sweep at 39 weeks if the midwife is happy to do so, which she should be as it's my second baby. Thanks for all the well wishes I was a nervous wreck but much happier now. Hope you're all doing very well, need to read through and catch up xx
Good news kra0 glad it will save yu from worry and the weekly monitoring will keep you reassured x
With everything that everyone is going through I an finding it more and more bizarre that the last routine scan you have is at 20weeks, and that is only if you request it!

Otherwise it is only the HB that is monitored and your physical appearance!
I hope everyone is starting to feel better soon ��
Turning over in bed is so hard!

Baby has been causing me jip today. Dreadful pains this morning (I think he was engaging) stomach was hard all day and I had some proper pains that took my breath away a little.
Now I have it in my head that I might actually go early (no actual reason for thinking this apart from the pains) but there was no pattern and it's all eased off ( just hope it isn't like this for the next 5 weeks)

Jessie-I would keep Ollie off. He is to be the first to meet baby too (haven't actually told anyone this yet but I will do)

I was at the London marathon exhibition today (oh is running it) and as we passed the deep heat stall she told me to come over and asked whether I have back pain (well yes!) and gave me some deep freeze patches...they are wonderful. I've told OH we're to get some for when I'm in labour, totally recommend!
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Hope everyone is doing ok. I'm not doing so good today. Felt off it yesterday with a dodgy tum. Went to bed and had horrendous cramping like I've never had before that kept waking me up until 2am. Today I've been active and busy but from 7pm I have been horrendously dizzy. I hope this baby is going to make an appearance soon. It's starting to feel like it's trying to escape from my bum whilst banging its head on my cervix. The joys
Hi May Mummies, I hope you are all enjoying the final part of your pregnancies and that it isn't being too difficult for you. Looks as though my baby has until Thursday to evacuate before I have to join you all here! It's starting to get a bit lonely in the April Mummies thread as there's only a couple of us left! Tomorrow I'll be getting an induction date from the MW which will likely be 4th-6th May depending on when my hospital like to induce. Can't believe I'm having ANOTHER overdue baby. I really did think this baby would be on time or slightly early and only sarcastically joked about being a May Mummy! :lol: Fingers crossed it gets out sooner!
Morning Rooster, sorry that baby is hanging around. I think I'd be in the same boat if my section wasn't booked. I never went into labour with my first either. It's horrible when you go overdue, everyday feels like a lifetime :hugs:

Morning to everyone else x it sounds like we're all starting to reach the fed up stage. Never comfortable, can't do anything, nothing offers any relief!

I'm pretty sure my little horror is still transverse, so I'm sorting my clothes and bags ready for a minimum 2 week stay in hospital. I was trying to work out yesterday when I'll realistically be home, and I'm aiming for by the 16th. It's my girl cats birthday on 17th and I'd like to be there for her! :rofl:
Yes hun, it's booked for 14th may, but she said that will be the latest. With us being 39 weeks from the 11th, if they have a cancelation from then it could be a couple of days earlier. It's strange knowing I could be having it in just over two weeks. If I was going naturally it could still be five weeks yet like it was with Blake :shock:
It is x I had convinced myself I was going early last time as I was having loads of BH and my midwife told me Blake was engaged and it could be any time from 37 weeks :roll:
Hi everyone. I hope you're all doing well. We've had a busy few days. Came home on Thursday evening, Artie is a little star and perfect in every way. So far he is so content, hoping it stays that way!

I'm recovering well from my section, surprised at how well I feel actually, although hubby keeps reminding me to not be fooled and end up doing too much!

I bet you are all getting so excited as your dates draw closer. I still can't believe my little one is already here. Best feeling ever, I don't even mind the 3am wake up! Ha :-)

Heres a pic of my chunk having cuddles with his very proud cousin xx
I'm glad your home and settled jen. I also was surprised how well I felt after my section. I'm 3 weeks on tomorrow and you can hardly see my scar which my midwife is quite impressed with.

Got a busy day today. Lots of people coming to meet lily and got to tidy up. I'm so tired though so hoping to squeeze in a nap later on if I can. Hope everyone is well xxx
Make sure you get some rest caseysmummy! Don't do too much. I hope lily enjoys lots of cuddles today :-) xx
Lovely pic Jen! So cute.

Casey good to hear you're heeling we'll be sure to make sure some of these visitors run round and make you cups of tea and hope some bring cakes (that's what I always secretly hope for from a guest hehe but I do alway return the favour obviously)
Aww glad youre home and settled Jen and caseysmummy :)

OMG i am so restless/uncomfortable/irritable/just feeling shocking :( i cried last night because nothing made e comfy or settled. Even now im just getting on my own nerves lol!! Can't believe i feel like this with weeks to go already :( rant over urg

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