***** May 2015 Mummies to be *****

Morning all- missed quite a bit but hope everyone's OK. Just having my RLT- I'm a big fan! I'm trying to stick to the right amount of cups a day in fact!!
Mayflower I love my ball and I'd highly recommend it. Love bobbing about on it or sitting on it leaning forward on something and baby is head down, back forward ready to go! Don't know how much is to do with that of course but it can't hurt to keep doing it! Hope scan goes well monkeynut.
Never had pethadine as its really not for me making baby drowsy, i just had a bit of gas and air with my first. Mainly as i wanted baby alert for breastfeeding :)

Also re ball HIGHLY recommend the ball its all i sit on at night as the sofa is so uncomfy now, as is my bed to be fair lol
I'm loving the ball, as is OH haha. You can get them pretty cheaply and can always keep for next time or pass on to a friend :)

MW app went well, all the usual checks were fine. Measuring 33cm which is 2cm more than last app (I know it's all hit and miss but going the right way in theory) does that sound similar to other people's measurements? Puts me in the middle on the chart in my notes. Still head down no concerns and thinks I'm 4/5 from what I can tell in the notes... Is that relating to them moving into pelvis? Sure I remember at the class them say 1/5 is well in lol but I may have made it up!
Morning everyone! :) it was so nice to wake up in my own bed this morning and I got the biggest smile from my boy when I went in his room :love: baby is still transverse though :roll:

Mayflower, I only got my ball last weekend, it's definately worth getting one. You can use it after birth to help tone up your core too.
I had diamorphine with my first and I loved it, but Blake didn't. They ended up concerned about his oxygen levels and had to take a blood sample while he was still inside me. He was obviously ok, but they wouldn't let me have any more after that.

Your appointment sounds fine Elliott, is it two weeks since you were last measured? That would indicate that 2cm of growth is just right.

Hope your scan goes well Monkeynut, I can't get over there being three of us going through the same "rare" occurance right now! Fingers crossed for you x
Morning all- missed quite a bit but hope everyone's OK. Just having my RLT- I'm a big fan! I'm trying to stick to the right amount of cups a day in fact!!


How many cups are you supposed to have???
Well I don't know if I'm a freak show or the hospital celebrity at the minute, the senior midwife keeps asking to bring student doctors and midwives in to feel a transverse baby at term. They asked first and I said I didn't mind helping anyone so everyone keeps coming in for a feel haha! The students are so gentle! There was a poor student doctor who looked terrified when asked to touch my stomach lol bless.

Elliot thy growth sound good!
Monkeynut looking forward to hearing how you get on and hoping it's good news for you!
I havnt sat on anything other than my gym ball for months so I'm not convinced it helps with positioning but a lot more comfy than the sofa or any other firm surface!
Ha ha Jessie, me too! They got the student midwife and a student nurse to have a feel if my bump. The poor student nurse was terrified shed hurt me, I had to keep reassuring her I was fine :)
Elliot as others have said growth sounds perfect :)

Jessie and durham that's so funny them coming in to feel your belly, i guess its good to learn :)

Urg does anyone know of nausea comes back near the end last few days ive been feeling more and more sick and just not interested in food. Dreadful heartburn isnt helping either!
Yesterday I had a student sonographer! My consultant is training her, so I had an extra long scan while he was teaching her how to hold the probe to determine baby's position. She was already a qualified doctor though, or she better be as she's doing my section :shock:
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Lol Durham, you're kinder than me I don't mind trainees comin to have a feel of baby but not sure id let a newbie perform major surgery on me!!
I like feeling thy I'm helping people :)

I wonder how monkeynut is getting on?
Sorry button I've not been too bad wih sickness unless heartburn takes a good hold and that makes me quite sick but that's it really z
Button my nausea has been awful atm only thing helps is plenty of water. Im feeling really dehydrated all the time and i drink a lot of water lol... must b the good weather not agreeing with me this time....

Any of u girls doing reflexology? X
Woooo, good news! Baby is head down(as I thought he was as I watched him turn this morning!)Awesome picture of his knees right up to his face! He was kicking and punching the probe!
I know he may still move again but I feel one step closer to being able to have a home birth. They estimated his weight to be 6lb 5oz and say they put on .5lb a week on average... Hope I don't go overdue lol! My last one was 6lb 13oz and that's plenty big enough for me!
Brilliant Monkeynut! Finally a May baby behaving itself :)

She's only a newbie to sonography Jessie, she's fully qualified to do my section lol. It's quite nice as I already feel I know her and she'll look after me.

I've not got nausea at the moment Button, but I think I deserve to avoid that one. I do have a Uti though :roll: they told me as I was being discharged and handed me another prescription.
Excellent news monkey :) you must be chuffed, fingers crossed they stay put :)
Its driving me nuts i don't need more of that had it for long enough lol!!

Good news monkey i was the same when i found out she was head down too, homebirth was back on!! Fxd babies behave
Monkeynut FAB news!! Stay put little one!
Just needs yours to head down South now Durham!
I think I'm a no hoper for head down babies so just all keep me company lol
Ooh yay just booked onto an introduction to babywearing and newborns workshop! Looking forward to finding out more and if it's something I can do, I don't want to go total earth mother with it but live the idea of being out and about with baby and be hands free haha!

Cheered me up after what ended up being a strangely uncomfortable walk, strange tight achy feeling at bottom of bump. Faded when I got home and had a bit of a lay down.
Pleased to see everyone's great news today with one thing and another! Bigbee I read you should start one cup a day and build it up by adding one every few days up to 4 a day if you wish but stop if any braxton hicks etc ramp right up or contractions can be too severe- not sure how true it is but I'm sure I read it from a reputable source and when I told midwife she didn't pull me up on it so am going with that!
Ladies would you take an older sibling out of school early or even keep them off school the day baby was born? I really want my son to be first to meet baby

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