***** May 2015 Mummies to be *****

So sorry you've been admitted but it's the best place!
Won't they try and turn transverse babies?

I had midwife today (34 weeks) I haven't had one since 28 weeks so it felt like such a long time. All checks are fine and baby is head down but not engaged. Was hard to feel where he's lying because he's such a ball and midwife said to expect another 9-10lb baby. I thought this one might be lighter but I guess time will only tell.

I hope the babies start behaving a bit better.

I second anyone think they have any reduced movement to get checked out! There's no point worrying when it can be checked so easily.

So looking forward to all the labour threads starting! It's May at the end of next week. Which is crazy!
How many babies have been born? Can the first page be updated?

Also regarding birth plan, as long as you have spoke with your birthing partner that's all that matters. Midwives won't read your actual plan. Maybe if it's in bullet points.
But seriously just discuss with your partner and they can relay it to midwife during.
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Sorry for the delay in updating you girls.

Arthur Charles Baker was born at 13.34 weighing a whopping 9lb14oz!

He's perfect and we couldn't be more in love!

I'll try to upload a pic soon xx
Congratulations lovely. What a chunky monkey, can't wait to see him xxx
Well done Jen! He's a big boy! So glad he's finally here for you x

Well I've had a rubbish night, there's no way I can do this for the next three weeks? There's babies screaming, lights going on and off, I'm now sharing a ward with two other ladies, one is being induced and one is in pre-term labor poor thing. They were both put on traces last night. I'd not long managed to go to sleep and the midwife woke me to take my obs :roll:

If I'm staying in I'll be demanding a private room!
Congrats Jen!

What a bunch of naughty may babies we have! My little monkey has moved to transverse again... He has stayed there 36 hours now so is making me nervous! Scan appointment on Friday when I will be 36 weeks exactly.
I'm really worried if they decide to admit me as childcare for the next 3 weeks is just not possible, I have a two year old and an 8 year old but my 8 year old is severely disabled- there is literally no one to look after them, and hubby has a job where he just cannot take the time off that would be needed.
Morning everyone.
Congrats Jen what a beauty!!

Monkeynut I was wondering how you were getting on, I really hope baby stabilises head down - or even breech would be better!
Durham you should ask for your own room, his hospital prioritises long stays in to own rooms. Unfortunately they're all full here at moment but I'm next in line for one. Do you think they'll give you a rough idea of section dye today?

How's everyone else doing?
Congrats jen. He's beautiful! I agree with these being naughty babies. I'm going to stay overnight in neonatal tonight to room in with lily ready for discharge Thursday evening! I can't wait to bring her home. Although I'm terrified as she's so small. It scares me to bottle feed her and all sorts I'm hoping once I look after her myself that will fade though. I'm so excited to not have to go back to the hospital as although I've been well cared for it holds bad memories and I find myself feeling quite down as soon as we pull up even though I'm desperate to see lily. It does mean once lily's home I have the funeral to sort out. We registered zara on Monday. It just makes it more real again. Xxx
So happy lily gets to come home caseysmummy!! Can you tell me the girls birthdate and weight can't find it on here for some reason so I can update the first page? Xx
Wow great news Caseysmummy, how exciting taking Lily home, will be so much easier on the rest of your family being in one place as well.
I'm sorry you then have to face a funeral I'm sure Zara will be sending you the strength to get through it xxx
Durham are you getting enough to eat?
This morning I was on the trace for an hour so missed buffet breakfast. I managed to get 1 wheetabix and half a slice of toast :( I'm hungry all the time. Every meal seems to be a tiny portion but I feel like I'm just being greet asking for more.
Thy have a bowl of 'fresh' fruit on the side but it all looks way too past it to eat!
Good news! Baby has moved head down! :dance: the doctor is sending me for a scan, and if all is ok I will be discharged :yay: fingers crossed please x

Hope you're ok Monkeynut, these May baby's really are putting us through it.

Aww Casey, it will be great to have Lily home, much better for you x
Durham are you getting enough to eat?
This morning I was on the trace for an hour so missed buffet breakfast. I managed to get 1 wheetabix and half a slice of toast :( I'm hungry all the time. Every meal seems to be a tiny portion but I feel like I'm just being greet asking for more.
Thy have a bowl of 'fresh' fruit on the side but it all looks way too past it to eat!

I managed to get breakfast before they put me on a trace luckily, but I know what you mean. I was hungry yesterday, but I did bring some snacks in with me luckily. There is also a cafe just downstairs so I can go and get something if I need it x

Sorry you're hungry, can your OH bring you some nibbles in?
Aww really pleased for you Durham. Great news.

Yea hubby has brought me loads of snacks in but nothing I feel like eating early in the morning. I'm filling myself up on tea an hot choc lol. There's a cafe downstairs but can't get there myself on crutches. Maybe il for in and nibble on some hula hoops or cookies, just not very breakfasty lol.
Durham, great news! Fidgety baby.

Caseysmummy, fab!!! Glad the home time has finally come :)

Jen, congratulations!!! What a chunky! I love chunky babies (not hoping for a 10 pounder myself though!) super cute :)

Oh monkey! You're joining the transverse club I see :( hopefully the baby will move!

It's all go go go for us all at the moment!!!!! Not long now ladies :):):):)
They were born on the 6th April lily weighed 3lb 10oz and zara weighed 3lb 6oz. I'm here now giving her lots of cuddles. Poor girl has the hiccups at bless her. She's really annoyed xxx

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