***** May 2015 Mummies to be *****

No Flosi, I just got a letter. It seems to be something they are slowly rolling out. I remember people having it last time I was pregnant, but it wasn't happening here.

The health visitor told me they are trying to break up the long first visit when baby is here, by coming to see us beforehand to offload information, but I think it's more so they can get an idea of which families are going to need closer observation. She was asking questions about our financial situation, domestic violence and if we'd ever been in contact with social services.
Likewise flosi I just got a letter, might just depend on where you are. I'm quite looking forward to it as the more help I know about the better! Ha. I do think it might be a relaxed early way of them trying to suss any families that may have difficulties too. But I could be wrong.
(I'm hoping the recycling tub full of months and months worth of bottles (mostly beer) gets taken before hv visits haha)
Oh ok. I think my MW does the visits as well, as she went to see a friend just up the road! Maybe she has not said anything as she already knows where I live, and I have seen her on many occasion out of appointment time.
So quiet in here today!!
Ladies I go in to hospital on Monday until baby is born! I've just spammed the forum with questions as my head is on overload!!

Hope you're all doing well and enjoying the weather xx
Oh Jessie, hope you're ok. Hopefully we can keep you entertained while your "inside" lol x
Sorry to keep moaning but God I feel like sh1t today :( I have come down with another cold and I wasn't even over the last one yet. I've been coughing for nearly two weeks now too. I'm bloody exhausted and having lots of BH, pains, foof daggers too. Thoroughly miserable :(

I'd crawl into bed if I didn't have a toddler to look after. And to top it off my poor BF is having her horse PTS tonight and I couldn't do more than cry when I got her text.
Oh dear- seems like a stressful day in the may mummies forum :(
Hope everyone is coping OK x
Thanks all, even though I've done all this before it's still taking a while to get my head round.

Durham your immune system could really do wih a boost couldn't it, I hope you get better soon xx
Today at my scan they weren't happy with baby's growth so got to go back for day assessment on Thursday and scan on Friday and possisble induction over weekend if they have a bed if not defiantly Monday ekkk
It's all a bit real now
Sheets getting real for May mummies right now, we all seem to be getting deadlines sprung upon us!
Hope all goes well NM do they know of any reason why growth is not what they'd expect?
Hi all,

Sorry not to reply to everyone, but just wanted to say hope everyone's ok, we seem to be having a few problems between is at the moment.

I spent most of yesterday on labour ward and this morning in assessment unit, due to my swelling. They found protein and glucose in my urine, so had lots of blood tests last night and again today, and having to do a 24 hour week collection (nice!!) to take in tomorrow for further testing. Should have most of the results back tomorrow, but in a nutshell they are testing for preeclampsia and gestational diabetes.

Had to have the horrible GTT test today because of the results from yesterday and god was I hungry, because i went in yesterday after lunch and had so many tests I literally had a banana and water all evening ont the ward and then it was too late to have anything as had to fast for GTT test, so was very hugnry by the time it was all donw today.

Midwife strongly advised me to take maternity leave from now. I have been signed off this week, so have a bit of time witout having to worry about work.

On a different note my OH has an interview Friday, so keeping everything crossed as he still only has 10 hours a week and with leave fast approaching it is worrying me.

Hope all those feeling unwell feel better soon, and good luck to all of those with appointments/scans and inductions xx
Blueeyes how scary.
When will you get your results? Hopefully the fact that they've let you home means there's not an urgent concern. Hope all tuna out ok let us know how you get on xx
Hope you're ok Blueyes, fingers crossed for your OH x

Me and OH have gone to bed, watching a little tv and Blake starts crying and coughing- we go in to find he's thrown up over just about everything in a 2m radius :roll: so glad I bought him a spare quilt! While scrubbing his carpet/ changing his bed he runs into our room and throws up on our carpet too. Why are we having another one?! :brat:
Thanks Jessiecat and Durham.

Initial first preeclampsia blood tests have come back ok. I'm not sure how quickly the 24 hour urine tests will come back. They have asked me to take it in early tomorrow morning, and I imagine it will be very quick as the others have been over the last 2 days. Today's blood tests results will be ready by 11am tomorrow. Hoping its just a blip and all will be ok.

Oh no Durham your poor little boy, and poor you having that to clean up. Hope he's better soon.

Sounds like everyone has got it rough at the minute :(

I'm sat on the sofa crying with ear pain right now, it started to hurt last night and it's just got worse. I think I might have an ear infection to add to the list now :cry:
I've got a doctors appointment for my cough tomorrow, but I'm going to have to get an emergency appointment this morning now.
Hope you're able to get something from doctors Durham!

I hope everyone is able to get out and enjoy the warmest day of the year. I'll be going for a lovely walk and picnic.

Counting down for my midwife appointment next week (feels like forever since I've seen anyone) also got chiropractor tomorrow and I cannot wait to go and get my back clicked! It's one of the things I miss most while I'm pregnant! I usually click it morning and night, to realign it all and now I can't twist, but Chriopractor does it all for me! It's like a pieced heaven haha

Going for a pedicure next week too! Can not wait! :)

It's crazy that it's mid April already, looking forward to seeing the babies starting to pop along, especially as we have a few "term" ladies already :)

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