***** May 2015 Mummies to be *****

Hope you get on ok durham. I get one foot that by the end of the day swells more now, obviously nothing like as server as you've describe but seems things can be one sided a bit (my right hand hurts more than my left too).

I think that someone I squishing my bladder today!!
Thank goodness I feel back to normal today! Thank you for all your help yesterday girls, was getting quite worried.
I hope I can get results by Monday lunchtime as have midwife appointment in afternoon and would like to discuss any problems there may be.

Hope everyone is ok ��
Hello Ladies!

Just caught up.

Babies keeping us in our toes!! Cannot believe we're on our final stretch now.

Durham sounds sore. I can't i,shine being on my feet that long anymore.

Flosi I think you only hear if there's a problem.

Mayflower sorry your app got cancelled it's so annoying not seeing anyone. The last time I saw anyone was my 28 week app and won't see midwife until 34weeks (but it's because it's my 2nd they just leave you alone)
Ok so I've bought dates, EPO and raspberry leaf tea. Is anyone else doing this stuff? I've started taking them all and will increase closer the time. I don't think it helped last time (considering I ended up in emergency section) but I really want to at least try and prepare my body and encourage. From 38 weeks I will do it all properly (take stronger amounts)
ahh right ok. Probably no point with a firmly wedged transverse baby then. Never mind.
I'm planning on getting some EPO too.

My foot isn't as painful this morning, but I've not been using it. There's no way it will permit me to stand on it for more than a couple of minutes :roll:

I've got the health visitor coming tomorrow too, has anyone else got an appointment? Apparently it's a new thing they do now to introduce themselves before baby comes.
I had the hv come see me earlier in the week. She came to talk about safe sleeping, feeding etc but actually didn't really say much as she said guidelines hadn't changed since I'd had ds.
I've got a hv coming to visit on Tuesday afternoon, from what I can tell it is just a general chat
Oh and the epo, dates raspberry leaf tea ive not decided about, not really read up enough and also heard talk of the ummm...massaging/stretching(?) type prep as well??? Wasn't sure how common it was for woman to do thee things really
Morning ladies!

Welllast night i didnt sleep AT ALL, woke at 1am with the worst heartburn pain I have ever had, thought i was having a heartattack, it just would go I was pacing round like a mad woman!! Then to top it off started getting some really painful BH which kept me even more awake! :(

I'm going to use EPO, RLT and also coconut oil for perinial massage lol!!
Hello ladies. I've been keeping up and reading but only just got chance to post. Im doing okay. Healing well. Tummy is slowly going down and getting easier to get around again now and not on so many pain killers. Im very tired but struggle to sleep so im looking quite rough atm. I've had a few hard days emotionally the past couple of days but struggle to let anything out when people are around. Going to book in with my gp Monday to talk about some councilling as im feeling myself becoming very depressed and uninterested in things and have lost my appetite completely and im worried about post natal depression with everything that's happened. It's been almost a week today and it's starting to hit me more. Im also struggling with my breastfeeding as Lilys still being partly tube fed. Im expressing alot but my boobs just feel full and lumpy and painful. Not sure what to do with it as had no issues last time as myson was always a good feeder. I've just spent 135 on a medula breast pump so I can express when I pop home. On a positive note lily is doing well she's only 16g off her birth weight now as she lost around 100g after she was born which is normal. She's allowed to sleep in our flat now. It will be our first night tonightso I don't think it will be long before she's home. We've just got to wean her fully onto the breast and her weight to increase!

Sorry to hear some of you are suffering. Your not far off the end now ladies. It will all be worth while soon! And button I suffered with awful heartburn as you know and both my girls had lots of hair! Xxx
Lovely to hear from you caseysmummy. Hope you're getting all the help you need and if you feel like you're not coping there are people there to help all the time!

Ooo I'll get OH to do the massage for me! I've already told him he needs to help me trim down there and his face lit up so I'm sure he'll be delighted when I suggest this haha and to get the EPO inserted (he wouldn't do this for me last time haha but I won't be doing that until 38 weeks) :)

I had a letter from my HV inviting me for a group meeting thing. So I'll end up going to one of them. I tried calling them to ask if I can bring my boy along but no one has got back to me. So I will be taking him, although it is 1.5 hours!! What on earth are they going to say to me that I don't know? I think it's going to be a waste of my time.
Casey - lovely to hear from you, glad to hear lily is doing well x

The massage idea does seem to make sense just not sure if I'll be able to do it right and not sure OH would take it seriously?!? as bad as that sounds.
Hi All,

Caseysmummy, so glad to hear Lily is doing well. Hope the doctor can help you with counciling. Thinking of you xx

I haven't got EPO but having started today on the raspberry leaf tea, and brought some 'down below oil' yes that's really what it's called!! and have asked my partner to 'help' me with it. We tried yesterday and although we didn't manage the actual massage as instructed on the leaflet with it, I'm hoping even a little bit of what we did will help! Have any of you who already have children, had success with doing the massage and not needing to be cut or tearing?

Hope everyone has had a good weekend, and has a good week xx
Caseysmummy, glad you are healing well. I hope gp can refer you to a good councillor. Sounds like you need to talk to someone about how you are feeling... Do you talk to your partner about this? I am so pleased that lily is doing well though! What a little trooper! Xx

Re perineal massage.... I need to start doing it. Does anyone know if cocoa butter is ok to use? I bought the "real" stuff in the West Indies at Xmas. It's pure butter, no additives or anything.... My partner and I have only had sex once this pregnancy *shock* so I've probably shrank haha (sorry!)

Also, regarding trims down there.... I don't know what to do! Waxing seems so painful right now :(
(P.s. Hope everyone has had a nice weekend. I've been super busy!

Button. Your heartburn sounds horrendous!!!! Can your gp prescribe something that will ease it off?)

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