***** May 2015 Mummies to be *****

That would rile me up.
Can you ask the mother if she has any issues with what you are doing? I can only assume that the child must have heard this information somewhere.

But it really is not on if mother has a problem she should speak with you directly.
The HV has been, lovely lady, very down to earth and practical. She's advised me that Blake is likely to regress when the baby arrives :roll: I'll see her again when baby is about ten days old.

Not sure what else to do today now, can't really go out of I risk upsetting my foot :eh: the house is clean and washing done. Maybe I'll crochet?

Mayflower, I think in your position I would just ignore the four year old, you're only there until Friday now, so just concentrate on that? This time next week you can relax :hugs:
Hello ladies!

Well I had a fab weekend!! My wondeful friends surprised me with a baby shower, was so so lovely nothing over the top and fancy just a nice fun time with my closest :) played lots of funny games which was hilarious, especially the baby poop(chocolate) in a nappy challenge hehe! Was totally unexpected as we havent spoken about it at all :)

Everyone else doing okay?

Mayflower wow that would piss me off but as Durham says I'd just get to friday and be done with that for a while! The cheek though!

Caseysmummy lovely to hear from you and that lily is doing so well, i hope you feel better soon my love xx
Mayflower. I'd be raging! Is cleaning in your job description? If it is then speak to the mother. If not, then still speak to her and ask what sort of work/service does she expect!!!!! Arrrrggg. Some people.

Three weeks left at work. Yay. Time is flying by and I cannot wait to finish now. So much stuff is happening here, I'm struggling to manage!!!!
Finding it hard to keep up with the thread but I hope everyone is doing ok.

Lovely to hear from you caseysmummy, glad you are healing and that lily is doing well. I hope you get all the help and support you need going forward.

I'm unsure of what to do girls, as you know I'm booked in for induction on Friday. Already dreading it but I've also been in a lot of pain the past couple of days. I've had mild spd throughout my pregnancy but it seems to have really turned up a notch over the weekend. I'm not sure if it could be because baby is getting into position or something?
I'm struggling to walk even just a few steps and I'm in agony at night. Right now I can't see me being able to open my legs enough to give birth- I know that probably sounds daft but it's really worrying me!
When I was booked in for my induction I was given the choice of a section, although they weren't keen. I said I'd give the induction a go but if no progress after the first 30 hours I would want a section which they were happy with but now I'm wondering if it's still the right choice.
Baby is big which is why they want to induce and I'm terrified he'll get stuck if I try to deliver, especially with this pain. I'm also worried it might damage my pelvis- I'm assuming worst case scenario my pelvis could fracture or something!
I guess I'm just nervous about the whole thing but it's not being made better by these extra worries :/
Ah jen I have no advice really other than make sure you are doing what is right for you and don't be pressured into anything you aren't convinced about.
Also struggling to keep up but hope everyone's keeping well after the weekend and those of you nearly finished work are looking forward to the end!!
37 weeks today (EEK!) so over the first birthing centre hurdle! Keen to go there which I now can if everything goes to plan so feel like its a little step further to where we want to be :)
Bless you Jen, I'm not sure what to say. I had an epidural with my induction which made it much easier and if you're worried about spd pain it would take it away? Just remember they have your best interests in mind and will keep you and baby safe x
Caseysmummy good to hear from you, thanks for keeping us updated.
You've been through such a huge shock and yet you still seem to have you're head screwed well on to your shoulders, you should be proud of yourself for speaking up to the doctor about needing extra support. Its not an easy thing to ask for. Keep looking after yourself, love to all of you and I hope the breastfeeding gets easier soon so Lily can join the family at home xx

Jen - You've gone to worst case scenerio in your head, a pelvic fracture is so rare during labour. Make them aware before you are induced that you're SPD has stepped up a gear and they are fully trained to deal with that. There are so many different positions that you can birth in to keep you comfortable. Also ask your partner to measure your comfort zone of how far you can open your legs, it sounds silly but midwives will work to this, a physio will often do it but obviously we havn't got time for that now. Simply lie on the bed with your knees up and open them as much as you can, stop when it gets too painful and ask your partner to measuer the distance between your knees. Include the measurement in your birth plan if you have one, or just tell your midwife.
I know you're nervous and its normal to be but there are so many lovely induction stories, it can still be very natural and a lovely experience. Stay away from the horror stories you will get them with any kind of birth because people are generally quicker to speak up about the negative.
You will be ok, really you will. Take some time to try and get yourself in a more positive place about birth, it's not an experience you will have more than just a few times in your life so try and embrace it where possible. Your body was made to do this, Doctors are giving you a helping hand to get going but your body will do the rest xx
What a lovely day ��

Went to see a friend and her new born this morning, she also gave me loads of boxes of clothes.
Had my MW appointment this afto and all well, GTT results are fine.

Have spent the afternoon unpacking and washing baby clothes, now off to walk the dogs and then off to do horses then to a meeting this evening. Going to be tired tomoz but very much worth it.
Thanks for you reassurance girls. I feel a little better now. I guess I just need to go with the flow. I just want my baby here safe and sound without any trauma x
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I'm feeling a bit worried today, baby keeps moving position back into transverse and I (stupidly) googled it... It's not filling me with confidence for my home birth :(
Monkey - how many weeks are you? Mine is still not in any set position - he is swimming about everywhere it feels. When I had my last midwife app at 28weeks she said there's plenty of room and not to worry. But never said when they would expect a baby to go head down. I think with the 2nd it doesn't really matter until you're in labour maybe?

Jen - I've never suffered with the pain of SPD but if you need an early epidural then ask for one.

I've been swimming every Monday and just hope it's helping.

So enjoying all this lovely weather.

Cannot believe we have some 37 weekers in here! So on the count down for our babies arriving :)
I'm 35 weeks on Friday. The thing that worries me most is the potential for cord prolapse if he is transverse... And the potential of being admitted to hospital beforehand (it seems this is protocol a lot) I hate hospitals and also worry because my eldest is disabled and don't know what I would do with him in that period :/
I'm probably worrying over nothing (which actually isn't like me) I had an awful nights sleep with waking up and a few unrelated nightmares! Also have had the worst headache since yesterday afternoon.
(Sorry I'm whinging so much!!)
Monkey- I'm assuming you birthed your other naturally? I would say definitely talk to your midwife but with it not being your first and you carried fine before there's not a medical reason as to why baby isn't in "correct" position. (Shaped womb etc)
Monkeynut mine has moved as well she is oblique/breech so also worrying about homebirth etc. Praying she turns!!

Have a look at the spinning babies website x
I wish I knew more about baby positions and nice looked online and just get confused!

Think I've been lucky up to now and everyone mw has checked she's been head down but I don't know the chances of her moving now (33+5) paranoid in the evenings that I'm sat in a way that could ruin it ha!

Day off today, health visitor this afternoon and was hoping my day off may have matched up with a few deliveries I'm waiting for but don't think it's going to work out like that now

Hope everyone's doing well this morning x
Morning girlies

I haven't got over my last cold and I swear I'm coming down with another this morning?! I can't wait to buy some cold and flu tablets with caffine once this baby arrives!
Monkey, when my baba was breech my MW said that they give you until 36 weeks before discussing options, as they expect the baby to be in the "permanent" position by then (due to space I suppose).... I'd speak to your mw to get correct information though.

Elliott, I'm the same. I've read somewhere that baby's back is now heavier than front, so sitting/laying positions really matter (as baby will turn towards the side you are leaning due to gravity). I haven't been on my back for months haha

I notice alot of you have or are having HV round? Is this something that you have organised yourselves? I only ask as my MW has not mentioned anything to me

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