***** May 2015 Mummies to be *****

Mayflower hope your thrush clears up soon, I have never suffered with it, but hear it can be really uncomfortable. Not long now until maternity leave starts

Durham hope you are feeling better soon, and your ear infection clears up soon. Sounds very painful.

Tashwink Pedicure sounds like a good idea, I usually have nail polish on my toes but can't even reach them to do them myself now, so may book myself a pedicure too :-)

Buttonbear I feel a lot of pressure down there and if I squat down to pick something up it really feels very tender down there.

Elliot you are very naughty giving us links to more websites to spend money on ;-) Glad to hear things are going well for you.

Jenb it's flying isn't it. May will be here before we know it (if we manage to hold on that long!!)

Monkeynut I got a birthing ball too, really hoping it will be of help.

Jessiecat hope you're ok and not in too much pain with your SPD.

I had my results back today from yesterdays GTT and all clear, no gestational diabetes. Still waiting for the results for the final part of preeclampsia tests, but praying they come back clear too. Midwife said again today that sometimes protein and/or glucose can show in your urine, but there's not anything actually wrong and in further tests its cleared. So hopefully that will be the case.

Hope everyone's ok xx
Blueeyes I had +1 protein in my urine on friday at hospital but had no other symptoms she said the same can just be discharge throwing off the result etc and wasn't concerned.
Evening hope everyone is starting to feel better!

Bit of an odd question, but where my bump meets oversized boobs when sat down or sometimes laying I get an overwhelming burning sensation, I assume just where I am getting too hot or at least the skin is? Does anyone else get this?
I find that i have really struggled with the heat the last two days when normally I love the weather when its like this. Seems to just make e tired and irritable atm.
Flosi is it just on the right hand side? It is normal, I can't remember the reason for it now. Nasty though isn't it, try getting on all fours it may ease it.

Hope baby moves for you monkeynut, keep us updated x
Way too much to catch up on but I hope everyone is feeling ok and babies are doing well.
Had my 36 week midwife appt today (although I don't turn it until tomorrow) all is fabby with me and baby. Baby is head down and free still and measuring a week behind. They weighed me today and I've only put on 6lbs which I'm pleased with as I was overweight beforehand so when baby arrives I will probably weigh less than I did before I got pregnant.
Not many complaints, some spd now and I'm finding it difficult to sleep at night in between trying to get comfy, toilet trips and my little girl now having the chicken pox I'm a bit exhausted x
Morning ladies, hope everybody got some sleep last night. My ear isn't as painful this morning, but I'm battling with a stinking cold. Blake has just been very sweet and came over to me for a chat. I told him mummy is still very poorly, so he gave me a hug! Aww :hugs:
Morning, hope people are doing well today and feeling better, Durham glad to hear your ear's not as painful.

I've had a rubbish nights sleep but i'm not sure why, just never really settled. Think i'mn maybe just over thinking everything which isn't helping. But nearly the weekend at least.

Got some mini toiletries for hospital bag yesterday so think i'm pretty much there with things to pack now, just need to put it all together. Oh and figure out what to take to wear home?!!? I'm a bit stumpped on that one as i live in jeans but i think that'll be the last thing i'll be wanting to put on! But i want to feel like "me" if that makes sense when i leave hospital.
Yes jessiecat on right hand side. I thought it was clothes rubbing and heat to start with just not so sure now.

And then typically forgot to ask the MW at my appointment
Typically baby has moved head down now (see mw later today) I'm obviously pleased but at the same time I'm sure they don't believe that he is moving so much!

Had a really bad nights sleep, lots of cramps and very uncomfortable. Also lost some of my plug this morning.
Elliot - just leave in pjs Or joggers? I'll be wearing a maxi dress.

I have chiropractor today - yay! My hips haven't been half as bad but think I will have maybe just 1 more before I am due (supposed to help align everything)

Should make sure I have more of my hospital bag ready. I'm pretty sure I've packed most things - need more cartons of juice :)

Omg monkey-you're losing plug already! This is all getting real :)
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Elliot do you not wear leggings? I'm taking maternity ones so they come really high in my stomach an won't rub my scar. Then just baggy t shirt and jumper. Il probably end up putting pjs on the second I get home anyway lol.

Yay 36 weeks today! X
I have found some really nice pj bottoms. They are black sit just below bump and don't look like pjs .
I was wearing them to work for a bit, as they were so comfy. Have a look in la senza
Oohh moneky that's exciting, hope you're feeling ok and position stays good (i'm sure they won't think you're making it up)

I've not worn leggins since i was...13 years old maybe :S don't get me wrong i think they can look good but just can't imagine me in them, but have thought they might be my best option. I was thinking a nice comfy jogging bottom type thing might do the trick, it would just be to get me home mostly, although be good if i can try and be a bit presentable for any visitors haha
Yes jessiecat on right hand side. I thought it was clothes rubbing and heat to start with just not so sure now.

And then typically forgot to ask the MW at my appointment

No it's not your clothes it's something to do with all your organs being so smushed up against your ribs. It is really painful I get it a lot, normal though so don't worry.

Good news monkeynut but I know thats frustrating for you with getting miswives to understand. Let's just hope they stay put and then it won't matter..

I'm on my last shopping trip today, my mum hired wheelchair again to take me out for the day before going in to hospital, I'm quite excited. Just a shame I have no money left this month to buy anything haha
That sounds like it will be a nice day Jessie. Have you anything left to get or is it just window shopping?
Morning ladies!

Durham glad your ear isnt so bad and how cute is Blake!

Jessie sounds a lovely day with mum, i need to do another town shopping trip but it fills me with dread all the walking and just feeling crap puts me off :(

I had TERRIBLE BH pains last night if thats what it was bump was rock solid and had to breathe through them! Barely slept
Is it strange to not get BH? or is it possible i'm getting them and not realising it? Or maybe i'll just get them later on. Oh i didn't say, 34 weeks today!

(have a nice time at the shops jessie)
Ok, was starting to feel left out haha! Sounds like they can get a bit nasty though :s
I didn't get them until 37 weeks last time Elliott, and then I was convinced it was labour every time!

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