***** May 2015 Mummies to be *****

Congrats on 34 weeks BB :dance: I'm sure you'll be fine Flosi, you're in the best place x
Well I have now been moved to a side room on my own as one of the nurses noticed I was looking pale. Have now stared shaking and the crying has got the better of me!!!

Sorry for the moan girls just never remember feeling so bad. I have got the manager of the surgery checking on me so know I will be ok. Quite scary when on your own x
Oh flosi hope you get sorted and feel better soon xx

Mw went well, np still good, measuring spot on the Middle of the chart and still head down! I'm scared that sitting on the sofa slouchy might make her move :s she's been good up to now so hope she's not lulling me into a false sense of security ha
Mayflower can you not insist you see someone, and tell them you have some question that you would really like to discuss?
Cant you ring mw and say they've cancelled you appt and could you see her?

Little lady is still quiet, never had my kickathon last night. Have felt her move on occasion but nothing major like normal :(
Mayflower. Fingers crossed you get an appointment before 22nd! That's ridiculous.

Flosi, hope you're ok.
Hi all,

Flosi hope you are feeling Ok now.

Mayflower can't you insist you see midwife as she cancelled you?

Buttonbear, baby did the same to me yesterday. I had felt nothing since Wednesday evening, normally she's very active in the evening and when I go to bed, and again first thing in the morning. I phoned hospital about 10 yesterday and they said to go straight down. I spent 2.5 hours hooked up to monitor and still no movement, they had me in different positions, laying, sitting, standing, drinking ice cold water etc and nothing. After 2.5 hours they sent me off on a walk around the hospital, came back, still nothing for about half an hour, then finally movement. They said always call if concerned about movements, as better to be checked and nothing wrong than the other way around. Midwife also said it's a myth about babies moving less towards the end, they move differently as less space, but there should still be movement. Hope your little one has started wriggling now.

35 weeks today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How's everyone's day going? xx
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Just about feeling normal, just very tired now!! Baby is still kicking away. So major sugar rush for her!!

But have resigned to being a slob today.
Glad you're felling better Flosi and I hope you can get a sooner appointment Mayflower. Congrats on 35 weeks Blueeyes x

It's such a lovely day here, blake had a haircut and I treated him to new shades and tshirts afterwards. We had lunch in the garden and he's currently having a nap- successful morning!


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Hi ladies just been catching up with all your posts
Jenb week today wow
I should get my induction date on Tuesday as hat gd so know I will have baby early
Finially finished work alls good
Hope every one else is doing ok
So ended up at the hospital on a trace as she just wasn't moving! Even on it she didn't move and the me seemed a bit concerned so had me in different positions and ice cold water etc just like you blueeyes. She finally started moving but have found out it must be as she has turned AGAIN!! She is now oblique/breech! Little monkey!!

Hope everyone is well xx
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Morning, hope everyone's doing ok, sounds like some of us had a tough time yesterday. Flosi hope you're doing ok and button you're little one must be on the same wave length as mine and like to make us worry! Glad all is ok (it's not nice being in trace for so long especially when they have made you drink so you're desperate for loo, or I was anyway!)

In laws aren't visiting this weekend now, they let us know yesterday evening which was just after we'd bought extra food and made beds, oh well, looks like it'll be next weekend now.
Morning Ladies,

I hope Caseysmummy is getting on ok, if you're still reading this we're all still thinking about you xx

Mayflower how annoying about your appointment, did you manage to rebook in the end?
Button sorry to hear little one has flipped round, not what you want in preperation of home birth but still time.
Flosi We had friends do that to us recently, had everything prepared in anticipation of their arrival and they go and cancel last minute. Very annoying!

How's everyone else getting on?
I feel im on a countdown now, I see the consultant a week on Monday and if baby still transverse I will be admitted until section at 38/39 weeks, potentially 3 weeks in hospital!! I am therefore trying to get everything done, I think everything is sorted for baby but I have a week left to get house immaculate and run little errands. It's all quite real to think just a week left at home! I can't see baby turning, my son never did, I think there's a reason he can't turn.
So with my deadline in mind I was hoping my nesting instinct and extra energy might kick in but I have zero strength to do anything today! Not helpful!
Evening ladies, it's been quiet in here today.

I'm off to the out of hours gp in an hour :( I noticed earlier that my right foot was hurting and they both seemed a bit swollen, didn't think too much if it and we've been out for dinner with my mum and her partner. On leaving I realised I was struggling to walk and had pain shooting through my thigh? I've got home and couldn't put any weight on my foot to take my other shoe off, the whole sole has swollen up. 111 have told me I need to see a doctor, it looks like they need to rule out pre-eclampsia or a blood clot?

I think it might be down to standing at work, I did a five hour shift this morning, it's just strange that only one foot has pain?
Hope all is ok Durham, let us know how you get on. When do you finish work?
Looks like I might be finishing work now :( the doctor thinks it's Plantar fasciitis, which is inflammation of the ligament in the sole of the foot. It's probably because I've been on my feet so much. I've got to rest and take regular paracetamol. It's very painful!

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