Hi all,
Flosi hope you are feeling Ok now.
Mayflower can't you insist you see midwife as she cancelled you?
Buttonbear, baby did the same to me yesterday. I had felt nothing since Wednesday evening, normally she's very active in the evening and when I go to bed, and again first thing in the morning. I phoned hospital about 10 yesterday and they said to go straight down. I spent 2.5 hours hooked up to monitor and still no movement, they had me in different positions, laying, sitting, standing, drinking ice cold water etc and nothing. After 2.5 hours they sent me off on a walk around the hospital, came back, still nothing for about half an hour, then finally movement. They said always call if concerned about movements, as better to be checked and nothing wrong than the other way around. Midwife also said it's a myth about babies moving less towards the end, they move differently as less space, but there should still be movement. Hope your little one has started wriggling now.
35 weeks today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How's everyone's day going? xx