***** May 2015 Mummies to be *****

I'm devastated for caseymummy :( really wasn't expecting to read this!! Jessie tell her we are all here and thinking of her xx
I'm heartbroken for her, never expected to read this :( please let her know we are all thinking of her Jessie x
Just seen the news :-( devastated for caseysmummy. It must be so heartbreaking. I really hope little Lilly is doing ok! X
I have sent all of our love and told her we are all thinking about her. I've not been able to think of anything else today, it's just such a shock.
I second what collettypie says and hope you May mummies are doing ok at this sad time xxx
Thanks for sending our love on Jessie, it's just so sad, I'm sure its been the one thing on all of our minds all day :-( xx
Oh God :( not been on for ages as dealing with house move etc.

Can't believe what's happened with caseysmummy :cry: so so sad. Lily will always have a guardian angel looking out for her xx
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Morning, hope everyone's doing ok, especially after yesterdays sad news which came as a shock.

All quiet here, work is same old same old, 13 days left. Hand still hurting at night so will mention again at MW appointment on Friday.

Morning Elliot, I bet you're excited now being on final countdown!

Ladies it spoke a little more to Caseysmummy last night, she has read our messages and has said she will update when back at home. She's being well looked after by the hospital and Lily is "a feisty one" keeping her busy :)

I hope everyone else doing ok xx
Not long now elliot- bet you can't wait! Ah Jessie I'm so pleased she's being well looked after. Its lovely that lily is keeping her busy. Hope everyone is OK this morning x
Hi ladies. Just wanted to update you all and say thank you for your kind words and messages. Has really helped me reading through them. I am being discharged today as physically im recovering well but they are giving me a room on neonatal to stay on so I don't have to be too far away from lily and I live around half hour away from the hospital. Lily is doing really well and in the past 24 hours they have tripled the amount of food she's given per feed and she's also breast feeding 3 times daily as im having trouble expressing until my milk comes in properly. She's under a blue lamp as she's got high bilirubin levels so it limits the amount I can have her out a little bit as she needs to be under it. Me emotionally im doing well currently but obviously I have my moments usually when alone or just me and my oh where I break down. But I feel blessed to have lily as she's keeping me strong and helping me through the pain of loosing zara. And im also greatful to the hospital for what they have done for me already. Again thank you for your kind support and words, it's really helped me. I have trued to attach a picture of lily but it wont go past 70% so I'll try another time ill be back on when I can to keep you all updated on Lilys progress. Xxx
Ah, caseysmummy. Glad to hear that you and lily are doing well so far. Of course emotionally it must be so difficult, and I can't even imagine how you are feeling! The hospital is the best place for you both right now as sounds like support you are being provided is invaluable!

Massive hugs to you all x
Glad you and lily are doing well, can't be easy but, as you always seem to, you're staying strong and doing amazing. Look forward to seeing a picture of lily when you get the chance and it works. x
Caseysmummy, glad you and Lily are being well looked after. I can't imagine what you're going through, but I really hope you and Lily are home soon.
Morning ladies

Glad to hear you and Lily are doing well Caseysmummy, I can't imagine what you're going through right now, but I'm glad you have the support of the hospital. I hope Lily continues to thrive so you can bring her home soon x

I've just had my 34 week MW appointment. BP fine, urine fine, baby is head down and I'm measuring 35 weeks. So all good. Back in two weeks which seems so soon after a 6 week gap this time.

It's a lovely day here, me and Blake have been to the park, and he's now playing in the garden while I have a sit down :)
I was supposed to have the midwife this afternoon but she cancelled it because I am seeing the consultant on Friday, she said there was no point me seeing both. The consultant will be a waste of time though because they don't really know what to do with me!
Ahh spoke to soon about work being same old as have to go help on a new enquiry tomorrow had a feeling this might happen when I saw the incident in the news this morning. I want stress free days.
What incident, Elliott?

I'm bloody fed up with work to be honest! My boss was a knob today, she kept asking me questions (in a blame-ish manner) at the team meeting , and then was bloody grilling me about my work two hours later. She was a bit harsh to be honest. Then was super nice the next minute asking me when I'm leaving and if I'm looking forward to it. Mheh.

I'm having lunch with a few friends on Saturday, and specifically said NO GIFTS. then had a message from one of them saying she has bought us a present. Not happy!!! It's sweet, but makes me feel uncomfortable that people are buying stuff.

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