Caseysmummy hope you're ok. Thinking of you.
Mayflower i seem to be having bizarre dreams lately, I expected to have birth/water breaking etc dreams but just seem to be having really weird ones!
Durhamchance hope your cough has eased now and you get a better nights sleep tonight. 34 weeks!! We're all getting so close to D dat now aren't we.
Jessiecat you sound in so much pain, I don't know hw you are managing to do anything. Take it easy. I haven't got any milk yet, and wasn't worried as at our NCT class they said 'it's normal to leak in tri three at any time, but also totally normal for milk not to come in until you actually give birth'.
Bigbee are you on the final count down with work now, like me? I hope we get chance to relax in the nice weather before our little ones arrive
Buttonbear I know how you feel I am struggling to sleep as can't get comfy with back and hips, it will all be worth it
Willowburn wow 36 weeks today, really not long for you now
Elliott my boobs have got MASSIVE already, please don't tell me they are going to get even bigger!!
Tashawink Do they check baby for tongue tied before you leave the hospital?
Flosi that's lovely, really cute. I'm almost finished on a cross stitch i've been doing for babies room
I've been really lazy today and had a relaxing day. Back to work tomorrow and only 14 working days left until maternity leave!! xx